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Kill lavas for mage+ pray xp. Take 300 casts per trip [kills 3-4]

complete karamja 1 diaries, sell 5 items per world at general store for $$$

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holy fuck nerds

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Kill lavas for mage+ pray xp. Take 300 casts per trip [kills 3-4]

complete karamja 1 diaries, sell 5 items per world at general store for $$$


Is this better than selling at specialty stores? E.g. bows in Catherby or Varrock

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Kill lavas for mage+ pray xp. Take 300 casts per trip [kills 3-4]

complete karamja 1 diaries, sell 5 items per world at general store for $$$


Is this better than selling at specialty stores? E.g. bows in Catherby or Varrock



I'm not certain about this, but I think it doesn't matter whether you sell items in large quantity to the Karamja store, other general stores, or specialty shops because the lower bound of price paid is the same (25% of low alch) in each case.


Personally, I just alch most items (for example, rune armor from clues or crafted battlestaves) while doing agil because the Karamja store usually has full or near full stock and because I normally convert items to GP in large enough a quantity it would be a ton of hopping. I remember seeing B0aty use the Karamja store on his stream for at least some items, though: maybe it's best to use it for bigger items like d meds from Zulrah and d skirts/legs from irons, while alching makes sense for the smaller rune items and for staves.

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Kill lavas for mage+ pray xp. Take 300 casts per trip [kills 3-4]

complete karamja 1 diaries, sell 5 items per world at general store for $$$


Is this better than selling at specialty stores? E.g. bows in Catherby or Varrock



refer to next post

Edited by Totoro

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Kill lavas for mage+ pray xp. Take 300 casts per trip [kills 3-4]

complete karamja 1 diaries, sell 5 items per world at general store for $$$


Is this better than selling at specialty stores? E.g. bows in Catherby or Varrock



I'm not certain about this, but I think it doesn't matter whether you sell items in large quantity to the Karamja store, other general stores, or specialty shops because the lower bound of price paid is the same (25% of low alch) in each case.


Personally, I just alch most items (for example, rune armor from clues or crafted battlestaves) while doing agil because the Karamja store usually has full or near full stock and because I normally convert items to GP in large enough a quantity it would be a ton of hopping. I remember seeing B0aty use the Karamja store on his stream for at least some items, though: maybe it's best to use it for bigger items like d meds from Zulrah and d skirts/legs from irons, while alching makes sense for the smaller rune items and for staves.



the prices of items 5 per world is more than the alch price


ill test it will update soon





100 yew bows normal shop: 64000

100 yew bows high alch: 76800 [not including cost of nature runes 220 gp average = 54800 profit but 6500 magic xp]

100 yew bows karamja 1 gloves: 89600


and the gloves reduce the cost price of items by 16.6% so if you bought karambwans or w.e after the quest then it'll make a difference


and yeah i agree with small quantity more valuable items i made my first 500k with 36 onyx bolts

tips and rune bolts both attained from lavas

Edited by Totoro

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another tip

do the B.A tutorial so you can use the teleport


If you need to go to yan/ardy/ camelot early on use the fishing tawler teleport [closer than castlewars tp]


and do plague city lol

Edited by Totoro

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cba to spend so much time on a ironman

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del_muro is my ironwomen

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Gnome amulet [Tree Gnome Village quest]

offers the second best melee defenses, with the best belonging to the Amulet of fury.

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hello i would like add



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=] Greeting fellow rot iron men


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