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divine forces: more innerclan drama

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this retards are just giving us more feast

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sickening df

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Oww my p2p fight lol


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I respect your story but I believe you're missing a lot of points.


To start off I didn't say "no" because I didn't want you to leave DF, in fact I said it so that you wouldn't be one more of the forgotten HG's squad and actually stick as a member being helpful to us. Also, I pm'd Omni because he's one of the officials I trust the most and you were talking a lot of things that I couldn't do anything about. Not because i'm a snitch, because I love drama or anything; I jutst went to an official to get a little problem solved with a member. Fuck me right?


After you came back you were plain awkward to be around with. I fucking enjoyed siting at spider spot with you and other 3 goons for 5 hours talking about random shit but you weren't the Jim that first joined DF. You tried to give me an explanation to this which I understood but it felt like an excuse and then you left.


I mean... how dumb do you have to be to think a random team would outlast the oldest clan standing on Runescape. People were pissed with a reason, perhaps some took it too far but you wanted the best of both worlds when it clearly couldn't happen.


As I said I respect you doing this topic and I hope you solve any problems you've had in here and hopefully see you around more. You were never left aside, you kind of did that to yourself because of how things went.


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Owww my ZGS



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They've never liked P2P since the dawn of DF... Guess these new leaders didn't get that memo.

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