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You will make it young one with time. Don't listen to these nerds, they're just JOSHING.

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No nigger allowed rule

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yo its me

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the bull never rests

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Wow, you've shown a lot of courage coming here and posting this topic. I like what I'm seeing here and, as a result, I've decided to utilize my executive powers in order to move you forward in the application process. Below you will find your conditional offer of acceptance.






Hello, I would like to inform you that your FA app has been accepted. You are now officially on your way to becoming an officially recognized future applicant.


Here's what you have to do next:


Send me a private message on the forums, I will then give you your official Reign of Terror authorization code.


When you have the code, message 'erik' on forums AND on IRC with the code. When messaging 'erik', persistence is key. He is a very busy bull, you have have to send him 2-3 messages on forums each day and at least 10-20 IRC messages a day until he responds. A quick tip that worked with me: when messaging him on IRC, ALWAYS include his IRC name in the message so it sends him an alert. For example: "erik here is my authorization code provided by D2", "erik please respond", etc.


After erik verifies your application code, you will then have to move on to our background check & processing department. Erik should refer you to 'supercoke' (you can call him alex), private messaging him on forums is your best bet as he is not on IRC very often. If you can not get ahold of supercoke, please message Mike on forums, also known as b289 or brian289..you can also find him on IRC.


After your background check is complete, report back to me where I will present you with the official reign of terror aptitude test. The aptitude test, very similar to an IQ test, is made up of several hundred questions in english, science, history, and mathematics (the average applicant is able to complete this test within 6-7 hours). Once you have completed the test, please message the results back to me, I will then forward the results to secretary "Marty 7 Hit Ko U" for processing.


Once Marty returns your results to me and, assuming you've passed the test, you will be officially granted Reign of Terror Future Applicant status!



P.S. Normally, I would close this topic upon accepting you, but I'll leave this one open so other members can continue to view the topic and congratulate you on your acceptance. Best of luck in the next steps of the application process.

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Congratulations on your acceptance! I am looking forward to your PM.

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