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hey guys ... so i was in edgeville and i see alots of u guys all the time. one member heavyweiight just sits there and flames me all the time. tells me im low lvl and i cant join rot? why he does that? he is always flaming people tleling them they arnt good enough and to join Lions clan because they belong there.


i plan on training and joining soon.


btw i am lvl 115 with 99 farm and fletch (H)

Edited by Supermega11

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Edited by Andyyy

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i believe in you young lad

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7 2 1

Why he does that?

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hey nice herblore level can u lend me ur assistance so i can make overload poitions?//??

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I'll put my bank on this being the Bull

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whats rsn for heblore i can help u

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pm lo12d jess to join rot btw lol

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