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Has never been in a main clan , wants to join RoT...


Try DF or DI

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Guest Evan

Has never been in a main clan , wants to join RoT...


Try DF or DI

rot 2k15 summer awards best recruiter


keep it up m8

Edited by Evan

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Has never been in a main clan , wants to join RoT...


Try DF or DI

Never heard of DF but I've been clanning for a while. It won't take me long to learn the ropes I promise you that.

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Guest Evan


Has never been in a main clan , wants to join RoT...


Try DF or DI

Never heard of DF but I've been clanning for a while. It won't take me long to learn the ropes I promise you that.


tell us more about yourself: past clans, interests, aspirations, ect

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Has never been in a main clan , wants to join RoT...


Try DF or DI

Never heard of DF but I've been clanning for a while. It won't take me long to learn the ropes I promise you that.



As Evan stated i'd be curious to see what clans you've been apart of. Also welcome.

Edited by RobQ

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Has never been in a main clan , wants to join RoT...


Try DF or DI

Never heard of DF but I've been clanning for a while. It won't take me long to learn the ropes I promise you that.


tell us more about yourself: past clans, interests, aspirations, ect



Well my name is also Evan. I just graduated from Rutgers NB in the USA. I've only ever pure clanned. I was a high rank/caller for the longest time in a clan called Intense Redemption. I was known in the pure community as a kid who sang songs about Runescape when he was bored lmfao. Here is this piece of crap:

Another at a 100v100 fullout in 2011 at around 3:12 in the vid. Here is my youtube channel of a bunch of vids/wars I filmed a long time ago https://www.youtube.com/user/xDeluzional/videos. IR had a history of closing so I was also in TLP and FOE for a very short amount of time. So Like I said I currently graduated starting playing scape again on my main that I am currently training. I've been itching to clan again and don't have a desire for being a pure. I feel like teenagers and the younger crowd is meant for them. I learn pretty quickly, I am hoping to find a home here in the future. Recently downloaded colloquy which is a MAC irc client and I'll be idling in #rot as well as lurking your forums.

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hello shoot me a pm anytime on rs if you have a question, my rsn is HEAVYWEIIGHT

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Hey man, i remember IR, Pretty sure my buddy Jay (R E Dbarred) his old rsn was a rank in there.

If you really want to be here it will take time, you'll need to get to know people in this clan. Gl training.

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Hey man, i remember IR, Pretty sure my buddy Jay (R E Dbarred) his old rsn was a rank in there.

If you really want to be here it will take time, you'll need to get to know people in this clan. Gl training.

RedBarred was a good friend haha sick

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Hey dude pm me "del_muro" on IRC if you have any questions about RoT

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Hey bud, get on irc and get to know people.

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pm me on irc (ste``) for free arcane

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Duck Sitting

sing me gs whip or scimmy

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Hey dude pm me "del_muro" on IRC if you have any questions about RoT

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