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RoT members & their Pokemon

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so basically a few of us were trying to think of pokemon equivalents to RoT members, currently need some help..


b289 = Cloyster

erik = Slowbro

Matt = Rapidash


Brett = Nidoran

Derek = Drowzee

Jared = Doduo


Peev = Snorlax


Gkef = Kadabra

Marty = Exeggutor

Supercoke = Ghastly


Ales = Muk

Ethann = Kanghaskan

Gino = Sudowoodo

GunShits = Electrode

Stewy = Psyduck

Themonster16 = Krabby


Cookson = Hitmonlee

Duv = Growlithe

----Dani = Officer Jenny

Fusime = Weezing

Jbomb = Onyx

Livii = Togepi


B0rn = Wobbuffet

Claudia = Jigglypuff

Darkwiza = Magikarp

Edot = Meowth

Melma = Diglett

O A = Voltorb

Phaeo = Metapod

Pheonix = Golbat


Jake = Ekans


Sfp4 = Mr. Meme


Open to more suggestions!

Edited by Jake

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Hey it me







OA is actually veninantis

Edited by Pheonix1099

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Danne's bellsprout

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Exploding ball lmfao

Edited by O A

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u better not use those new generation shit

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Edited by Abiding

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I'll just be a Digimon over here... :kermit:

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Exhaust = 36.png

that's the animation your sister makes when I'm railing her

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