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Reddit Topics/Comments about Reign of Terror

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Please see the irony of your clan spamming complaints about xlogging, boxing, and general use of unpunished "exploits" to deny you kills; while you spew uncreative verbal abuse, mule, and account share (and allegedly ddos.)

Please understand the fact that while you downvote and rag on every request for balancing and quality of life changes to the mode that favors you heavily, this only means pathetic server numbers; and the sooner than necessary waste of all your no life'd hours. Next month when you are complaining about no one on DMM servers, or the wildy being dead in general, please refer to your defense of 20 second freezes, broken pj'ing mechanics, and generally anything that favors numbers or grinding over skill.

Please understand the concept of an MMO (first letter stands for massively in case your weren't aware) needing to be balanced for a large general body of players rather than just the select few hardcore players. Just as fast as the hype of an exciting DMM tournament brought in tons of new viewers and interest for seasonals, it all died in a matter of week as people suffered from how unbalanced and riddled with exploits it is.

Anyways, enjoy hopping 50 worlds and wandering aimlessly for hours on end to find a 20k bank key everytime you want to play for a span of two months. Maybe you can use all that down time to keep smothering balance requests and making satire posts.

Edit: The upvote/downvote rollercoaster is really discouraging to see. Clearly there are two hugely different opinions on the matter. I'm a little amused by the difference between the comments that disagree and agree though (feels like twitch chat vs. an actual discussion forum.) Thank you to those with thought out responses!



Old topic:



Edited by Harry

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The greatest most accurate comment made to date.



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The greatest most accurate comment made to date.





I for one welcome our new-found respect from the Reddit community.


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The greatest most accurate comment made to date.



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The greatest most accurate comment made to date.




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"Actually they use a script that autotypes whatever is entered in their IRC channel. So one guy essentially controls fifty of them and talks stupid shit while their opponents actually make an effort to outspam them."

-> darealbeastrsn:
"i thought that aswell, seeing the chat in the video being synchronised so perfectly."

LOL. So clueless. One would think for a clan that has "so much power" (your words Reddit) that you'd treat us with a little more respect.

Edited by JcJack

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4 hours ago


"Not so true killed. A rot member yesterday outside ardounge he tried running like a little bitch. Alone they are week together no one can stop them"

Edited by O A

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