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Got a few questions before I apply.

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Howdy everyone. Just have a few questions before I consider applying. To give a little backstory, I am 122 combat in osrs and only have 70 prayer and I would have to do a lot of item buying to get the gear reqs. However I have pretty much stopped playing osrs and came back to play Deadman mode and am loving it. Was almost 2 weeks late to DMM but I have already almost maxed my range out so I can see myself enjoying it for a while especially after I get 94 mage and decent melee stats. However that brings me to my questions. If someone spends most of their time on DMM mode is that going to be a big issue? I did read that you cannot join for DMM only and you needed the required things on OSRS which is fine but if someone prefers DMM will they be ok in mostly playing that after applying/joining? Also I know being active is an important part of being a part of the clan. However I have a full time job and other various responsibilities but I do spend most of my free time gaming. Would this be conflicted with the activity standards you guys have set in place? Any information is appreciated.

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You need all of our OSRS requirements and you need to attend all of our mandatory OSRS events. Outside of mandatory OSRS events you're allowed to do whatever you want.

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How does it work if work or something conflicts with mandatory event schedules?

Edited by Smittty

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You will have to have a doctor's note.

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You need all of our OSRS requirements and you need to attend all of our mandatory OSRS events. Outside of mandatory OSRS events you're allowed to do whatever you want.

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You will have to have a doctor's note.

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You will have to have a doctor's note.



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You need all of our OSRS requirements and you need to attend all of our mandatory OSRS events. Outside of mandatory OSRS events you're allowed to do whatever you want.



You will have to have a doctor's note.

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How does it work if work or something conflicts with mandatory event schedules?

as long as you make the ones you can, we dont ask people to quit their jobs and education for rot


but if ur not active enough to make any then it's probably not worth applying

Edited by cookson

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You need all of our OSRS requirements and you need to attend all of our mandatory OSRS events. Outside of mandatory OSRS events you're allowed to do whatever you want.



You will have to have a doctor's note.


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As long as you plan on training to 124 (Member requirements) and can attend events around 5pm EST and later then you should be good. I believe your questions are answered so I'm going to lock this topic. Feel free to pm me if you got more questions.

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