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Life of the #1 OSRS player

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Notable questions:

Q: How do you manage to maintain playing 18 hours a day? Does this not impact you hugely irl?

A: I play around 17 hours on average right now. If I sleep for 6 hours, that still leaves plenty of time to do other things.


Q: What current situation in your life allows you to play RuneScape for as much time as you do?

A: I do school online now, which my parents helps me with. I do not have any other interests than Runescape. My parents handle all of that (buying groceries cooking/cleaning ect), but I help them with other things sometime


Q: If you don't mind answering what's your diet like / do you get any exercise?

I would assume for mental health as well as physical you'd have an ok diet and got atleast some exercise is that somewhat true?
A: I eat bread 3 times and Lasagne once every day and I have done that for almost 4 years now.
I do exercise as well, 60 pushups and situps daily and which I have done for 3 years now. I missed 2 days in February of 2014, when Jagex did a Double XP Weekend on RS3.
Q: On average, how many times do you go outside your house in a month?
A: I go outside for around 5 minutes every week.
Pretty disturbing.

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5 mins every week more than avg. rot member lol

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I eat bread 3 times and Lasagne once every day

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Guest B0rntowildy

ahhh fuck if i was a bitch id be all up on that such a brave runescape warrior ahhh

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Dylan Nails

fucking loser's whole life is runescape, and not even the good version of rs.. Lol


e: nvm thought he was EOC

Edited by Dylan Nails

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needs a carb spike day


mfw his mom cooks 3 trays of lasagna for the kid to devour every week lmfao

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5 mins every week more than avg. rot member lol

Hey man how's it goin?

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How is he not dead yet on that diet

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Other games that I have been playing lately is Guitar Hero III for maybe an hour every week, with my sisters. That is only possible if I get a very AFK Slayer task though, like Dark Beasts.

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