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Streamer with a question

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1x big mac & co and 2x cheese burgers please


Coming right up that will be 1AGS and a blow job :)


Wait was your reply a pic? What does that face mean? O.O

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So is there any specific way I should look into this more? Because honestly the whole thread seems really back and forth on if the ideas are bad or good.

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I am beginning to think some people may think I'm looking for a free ride. However I can meet all the requirements for a normal application on a normal old school count. I cannot meet them on a Deadman account since I just started my first one. I need to get my posts up to even think about submitting an application and obviously that became a normal member I would still like to stream it since I'm a streamer.

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didnt read

lmfao, best reply. :p

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Wait I just thought of something really trolly..... and evil.... and awesome.... what if I were to start an anti-rot campaign but it's really just to bait people? Muhahaha like I could name the stream down with rot or something loll just spit balling here

an excellent idea if i say so myself .... evil ..

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I am beginning to think some people may think I'm looking for a free ride. However I can meet all the requirements for a normal application on a normal old school count. I cannot meet them on a Deadman account since I just started my first one. I need to get my posts up to even think about submitting an application and obviously that became a normal member I would still like to stream it since I'm a streamer.

Trying to treat rs like a business. Just play the game and stop acting like hislordship

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Meh, this was painful to read.

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Meh, this was painful to read.

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We don't promote. We are Reign of Terror

gl on intro

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