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Guest B0rntowildy
Posted 09 March 2014 - 11:40 PM
  • photo-thumb-9911.png?_r=1434347011
  • Advanced Member
  • Group: Council
  • Posts: 2,174
  • Topics: 36
  • Joined: 09 Jun 2013

Worthless as fuck member, glory hunter as fuck, spastic as fuck. Whlist in di I heard you sucked enough dick to get them to give you council rank, thats not really saying much considering they'll do anything to keep their clan alive. All you did that made you stand out was probably talk and blast every fight which isn't saying much. Later on I heard you took inactive because you wanted to play world of warcraft with that chrissy bitch lmfao and then you have the audacity to say you didn't like how the clan was being run and made your own. Glory hunter as fuck. The majority of your member base being eos and ph had left 2 weeks after you made it due to shit leadership and who had leader? You and d156 lmfao. On top of this i know you're two faced as fuck and only befriend people as long as they have something to offer you. Id say I would never give you a chance in a million years but I want to see how long you'll last here seeing as how you were bullied out of di and dynasty (the clan you made). Besides you probably will end up quitting after Buzzb's intro gets declined. I don't really talk shit on intros/app's because I'm accepting of most people but my god I don't want to see you suck the life out of rot like you did to di and dynasty. Ye and If this does get processed I hope you're not counting on me as a ref lmfao.




e: Doesn't look like someone traded you sets or anything in your pic btw.


anyways post probably wont be taken literally and you'll probably be able to suck enough of 289's dick to get in so grats on intro

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kurwa jebem te mater jutter kurwi cyka blyat idi nahui

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gonna lock this topic for a sec while I clean up the spam

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