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Pure clans

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pures are bots


disagree? feel free to /query ste``

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im in one right now on my 60 att pure. 99 str/mage,90 range. honestly, its a good time. im in olympus. i have a feeling the main scene is much better though, so i hope to intro soon with my main. Our leaders are great, but the pure community overall just seems to be immature/not as good as the main community. Also, i hate the fact that apparently 30-35 def can be considered pure now?

That, and the fact that some clans think its a good idea to constantly bring mains/crash fights in 1 item dds. haha.

I do love how fast-paced all pure fights whether solo or clanning are though.

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pures are bots


disagree? feel free to /query ste``

i feel a lot of mains who make pures bot; people in the pure community who take pure clanning seriously certainly do not. I started up rs again like 5 mos ago after years of not touching it, trained my acc legitimately in nmz; really easy, afkable. 99 str/mage/90 range. Made a pure so i could get right into pking/have pk worthy stats.

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easiest thing i ever did


edit: im not really a pure, i walk around on a level 100 that has 89 defence whilst wearing dhide and mith armour to make myself look the part




this; this is the biggest problem with pure clanning lol.

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most of them are inexperienced kids who don't know what they're doing


not to mention almost all of the clans are unorganized as fuck

true about most perhaps, but not all. ive been in olympus for 2 mos or so and most of the leaders sure know what theyre doing. a lot of members/other clans though, dont know shit about the game. but hey, maybe im biased :p

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They pk one day a week and mass for one hour for 10 minutes of action. No thanks.


pk 2 days a week, with multiple preps throughout the week :p. im sure main clanning is much better though, hopefully i can get into it

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pure clans = clueless asf

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it piss

this pure scene is fucking outrageous all banter no honor in the clanning system the way that all pure ranks control their clans and boast about bullshit throught out weekend topics with all lies.

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They pk one day a week and mass for one hour for 10 minutes of action. No thanks.

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