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The things i do for you guys

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Anyways i've been at this all night high as fuck, laughing in whatsapp anyways this cokedick has a present





EDIT: had to remove her last name cause ppl might message her tis topic. But she'll realize i threatened her little bro(who played rs3) id kill him on RS LOL

Showed the GF the door, just need an account(shits locked) and a non-piss work schedule

Trying to get old files with my info to get it back


Can i come home or what?


and even TS

Edited by David

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jesus christ lmfao


welcome back buddy

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hell yea my chef-hat brotha

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theres no way you actually said that

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toxic as fk ngl

Edited by ToxicDutch

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theres no way you actually said that

ye you dont know the power of the badger tbh

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lmfao ?

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lmfao Badgers l000000000000000000000000l this nigggggga

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you're a m8 badgers

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