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Real Niqqa

Getting references for application.

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Real Niqqa

I'm determined to join RoT soon, but the thing is, until now I've been a private server pker. Always hated the grind of training accounts and could only be bothered to make a pure but now I just said fuck it and the stat grind is on.


I'm a decent pker because I've been pking on servers on and off for about 8 years and I know I could make myself useful in your clan, but I don't know anyone well in the 07 pking community, let alone anyone from RoT. I'm assuming you need to know people in order to even have a chance at getting accepted, so how can I get people from RoT to refer me between now and posting my application? Do you do some kind of tryout so I can go out on a small pk trip to show I know what i'm doing?

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I'm determined to join RoT soon, but the thing is, until now I've been a private server pker. Always hated the grind of training accounts and could only be bothered to make a pure but now I just said fuck it and the stat grind is on.


I'm a decent pker because I've been pking on servers on and off for about 8 years and I know I could make myself useful in your clan, but I don't know anyone well in the 07 pking community, let alone anyone from RoT. I'm assuming you need to know people in order to even have a chance at getting accepted, so how can I get people from RoT to refer me between now and posting my application? Do you do some kind of tryout so I can go out on a small pk trip to show I know what i'm doing?

Join a clan wars teams like Martians/Imperium that has rot members already in it and get to know them. After that you can apply. There's a 0% chance that your intro will stay open longer than 12 hours if you know nobody.

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hang around irc for awhile maybe join a cwa team

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If you're a new comer Join a CWA Team like Martians/Imp/TT and prove you're worth to get reffed.

when you finally do intro make sure you have a decent amount of f2p and p2p sets. ( 200+)

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I'm determined to join RoT soon, but the thing is, until now I've been a private server pker.



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its gonna be one person making all of these accounts, gl if serious

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go through a cwa team or something

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andy said not to join imp

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if you can fabricate me a prosthetic pinky we can talk refs.

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hmu if you wanna talk money

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