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DMM Mage XP Calcs

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Just being doing some quick calcs for magical experience on DMM whilst at work and i thought i'd share my findings (Bonus of having my own office at work).


55 to 82 splashing only 33 hours.


55 to 94 splashing only 115 hours.


55 to 82 alchings only 6.5 hours


55 to 94 alchings only 22 hours


55 to 80 alchings 5 hours


80 to 94 alch stunning 7 hours



Calcs based on 1100 alchs per hours / 7.1K splashes per 6 hours / alch stunning 175k per hours normal rs xp (875k per hour DMM)


If you would like further details of the calculations please query Andyyy in #RoT






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now who is gona buy me the runes ?

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Did you calc for splash/alching??

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Seems easy (H)

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Did you calc for splash/alching??


It's not really popular in osrs so i couldn't find xp rates, obviously tele/alching is best xp 55 to 80 on osrs but that isn't possible on dmm. Bursting will be quickest way to 94 giving easy 1m an hour xp maybe more if your decent at it but for how dangerous it is and how much it would cost i didn't include it.

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Did you calc for splash/alching??


It's not really popular in osrs so i couldn't find xp rates, obviously tele/alching is best xp 55 to 80 on osrs but that isn't possible on dmm. Bursting will be quickest way to 94 giving easy 1m an hour xp ( maybe around 7 hours from 70 to 94) maybe more if your decent at it but for how dangerous it is and how much it would cost i didn't include it.


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Did you calc for splash/alching??

It's not really popular in osrs so i couldn't find xp rates, obviously tele/alching is best xp 55 to 80 on osrs but that isn't possible on dmm. Bursting will be quickest way to 94 giving easy 1m an hour xp ( maybe around 7 hours from 70 to 94) maybe more if your decent at it but for how dangerous it is and how much it would cost i didn't include it.



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