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Reign of Terror vs Dark Ascension

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Earlier this Sunday Reign of Terror contacted Dark Ascension for a F2P fight. DA accepted to the following rules


- All Styles

- Turrettes Arena

- 60 Minute time cap




RoT hopped to world 80 and awaited DA, Adam 000 promptly challenged me and RoT got ready to begin.

RoT had some more people then DA, but DA gave it their best the whole fight, and made it very challenging to us, and for that I thank you.

When the barriers went down RoT quickly rushed DA (after I had died) and the fight began. It was a very enjoyable fight, especially when DA were keeping it close despite the lack of numbers, but

towards the second half of the fight where DA came up to 35ish people, making the numbers close. Then we turned it around and didn't look back, Goodfight DA.




RoT Starting: 43 (Hit 48 before we rushed)

DA Starting: 35






After a (seemed a lot longer) then 1 hour, RoT was victorious.




RoT Ending People/Kills: 44/181

DA Ending People/Kills: 30/126





I personally probably died more then any other RoT, I think it was about 8 times, not really being able to tank that well due to all the blasters and rangers. Several kills, stopped counting at about 12.



Thank-you Damage Inc for anti-crashing this fight.

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1 kill and 2 deaths. Binded the entire fight. Vote me rot's #1 binder.

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A Pimp Named Slickback

4 kills - 1 death - 2 DC's lol gf DA

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X  Str    X

Lost count of kill's + 2 Deaths, Pow Pow

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fire blasted + binded the whole fight 2 deaths to many kills. Ownage

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I managed to start the fight off on ancients which was gay... and they wouldn't pile me lol so yeah.


Anyhow, we did good. At the end lacked binding but can't complain about our performance ( except a few bad tanking efforts but it's obviously extremely hard to tank all styles )

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nice job guys i was at the hospital visiting my mom

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