Viet Report post Posted April 30, 2016 1. Current display name: Blacky Seal 1a. Past display names: Silverthug24/Paco l0l/Julian_5665/B1206/VR name changes 2. Timezone: PST +8 3. IRC names (Past and present): Viet- 4. About yourself: Hey, my names Thai, i'm from Washington. I'm 22, I work in landscaping/construction with a buddy of mines dad that owns the business. I enjoy watching NBA and playing basketball, im a pretty relaxed guy and pretty easy to get along with. i play league in my spare time, chill, etc. 5. Do you actively play RS outside of Clan events?: Not really,I enjoy P2p pk trips and do some skilling here and there. 6. Combat Level (Include a picture of your stats): 7. Picture of your entire Wilderness Tab: 8. List ALL Clans, Teams, Country Clans, and Communities you have ever been apart of or tried joining. Include when it was and why you're no longer with them: Pre Eoc - Leading up to early 07 Corruption Elite Member- I was corruption for a brief stint, i went inactive due to irl problems and was removed, never bothered to rejoin. VR- Warlord towards the end before EOC came out, led them during EOC days, eventually stepped down and left due to disagreement among leadership, i disagreed with how the crashwar was going and it resulted in me being flamed so i left. DF - Member i was around DF for 6 months, when JcJack/Pedro/Jky/ OA/Claudia were around it was fun at first but the direction of the clan was a bit underwhelming, i eventually went "inactive" and skipped fights until i got removed. VR- Warlord - Recently left VR, i lost a couple friends due to paranoia about "Rod Spies" so i really lacked motivation to even go on Ts/Irc. Events began to become repetitive because Rot was always 1 step ahead and VR did'nt know how to counter it no matter what we did it seemed hopeless to even continue, i eventually went inactive and was demoted but decided to leave. At first i was just going to quit the game but i decided to take a shot at joining Rot and pming Erik/Mattyb/B289 about joining, i handed them over crashgate/zfighters. P2p Teams : Frozen Fury - Was opened for a short time, leadership lacked activity and ability to lead a team. Events were boring and disappointing, eventually closed with lack of activity/ability. CWA teams - Martians Warlord - was recruited by Sukh and Bovy, had fun leading and warring with alot of different people from different clans, eventually was forced to leave due to Craig/Evizu claiming it was a Rot team. Adversity Member - Was asked to join by Dr. Destiny/Hamada team was bunch of VR/DF combined was fun but left due to inactivity/no longer enjoy Adversity. Team Trinity Applicant - Was in Team Trinity for a short stint, i started working again so i could'nt make Cwa events eventually being forced to leave/be removed. Flip Flops Member- Joined for Cwa practice, community was alright had fun during my time there, Left because i started working again and could'nt make events because they were too early. Descent Council - Was the most fun i had in a team, leadership was cool and members were always fun to talk to during events etc, I left due to job conflicting with my ability to attend cwa events. 9. Have you ever applied to the clan before? Links: No I have not. 10. Why do you want to join Reign of Terror? I've always admired Rot for their superior quality, organization, and will to win no matter what. It's the kind of mentality every clan and its members should have to be the best. I have been coming to the last couple pk trips and have had alot of fun. Teamspeak is really active and has a good leadership team that is smart. 11. Why should we give you a chance? What do you have to offer? I think i deserve a chance because i'm willing to do whatever it takes to win, whether it be Ranging/Blasting/Returning for hours on end. I stay till the end no matter the result and i have pride in how i do ingame performance wise. I am a dedicated Blaster/ Mage 12. List everyone you know in the clan and how long you have known them for: b289 - 2+ years, talked with him on and off, played league a couple times together as well. Jagerblue - Knew him from DF, always boosted me during my time in DF and of course #crashgate / #Zfighters lol. OA - Know him from DF, dont really talk to each other tho. 1 month+ Claudia- Also from DF, used to be good m8s until she left for Rot. 2+ Months JcJack - From DF, we never really talked or whatever but dude was a good member, eventually left for Rot. Pedro - From DF, Never really spoke with him either but was a good member who always had good thought and ideas in DF, left for Rot. Zane -knew him from VR when he was still there. Perm Oil - From VR, he was a good guy :) 1+year Barrage|Kyle- From his short stint in VR, 1+ month? butplay - From VR, was one of my good m8s 3+ months ben- From VR, also a bro, known him for awhile now and talk quite often 3+ months. Ryan1- From VR, one of my good lads and buddies, has told me alot about Rot which got me into wanting to join (i know hes not Fa yet but yea) 13. This is your last chance to come clean about your past and clear anything up. Do you have anything else to add?: thank you for reading and hopefully give me a chance at intro, i have a history of hopping back to Vr, which may make you guys hesitant to give me a chance which i cannot blame but im done wasting my time in a hopeless clan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
≈Jared Report post Posted April 30, 2016 haha wuu2 blacky seal gl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
The Zane Report post Posted April 30, 2016 M8 as fuck Thanks for the service too, gl pal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
O A Report post Posted April 30, 2016 (edited) Stole my rsn but gl and thx for service Edited April 30, 2016 by O A Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
pedro Report post Posted April 30, 2016 Good luck, will be hard gaining trust around here. Even if you did us a favour. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Rob56 Report post Posted April 30, 2016 I don't trust you even if you did leak information. Your reasons for leaving VR seem rash and I question where your loyalties will lie in a month or two when the dust settles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Burnt Report post Posted April 30, 2016 You seem like a good guy, you should do good here pal ^_^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Fasty Report post Posted April 30, 2016 Good luck, you seem like a decent guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Otter Report post Posted April 30, 2016 good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
i2martuk Report post Posted April 30, 2016 clan history is a bit questionable good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
DDD Report post Posted April 30, 2016 gonna need more beds in the refugee camp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
≈Phaeo Report post Posted April 30, 2016 good luck thai boy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
karma Report post Posted April 30, 2016 I see you left most of your clans because you went inactive, don't let that be the case here. Also just because you decided to leak some logs doesn't mean you get any special treatment, stay active, get more sets and don't be a retard. gl Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0