brett Report post Posted May 5, 2016 February 8th 2015: I have a serious question.. when will they learn? This is not the first, second or even third time a disgruntled official has come to RoT - and at this rate, it's far from the last. I mean seriously, how hard is it to realize you're quite obviously doing something wrong here. And... here we are again. These particular logs basically go back to when we last leaked #vr-admin (Log started: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 03:13:51 Pacific Standard Time) meaning there's a little over 200,000 lines of text. Because of that, we decided to change it up a bit and split it up into "highlights" of each individual VR official over the last year (which should be entertaining because VR are notorious for having the most emotional / retarded / dysfunctional leadership).Starting with VR's council, Lordkilla44 (he preemptively changed his RSN to "Crybaby44" for this):(15:05:21) <@Lordkilla44> honestly at this point i think i might leak this to rot to get out of this hell holl we call vr-admin (16:06:09) <@sethtroll> Skimer40(16:06:19) <@sethtroll> have we figured out why the1evil sounds like a retard(16:06:31) <@Lordkilla44> his accent is mental(16:06:35) <@Skimer40> poor guy(16:06:37) <@Lordkilla44> hes northern irish and a mix of something else aint he(16:06:37) <@Skimer40> dont be mean(16:06:45) <%David_Here> i always thought he was drunk(16:06:51) <@Lordkilla44> well he is irish(16:06:57) <%David_Here> doesnt sound irish(16:06:59) <%David_Here> sounds american(16:07:08) <@Lordkilla44> i think he is(16:07:22) <%David_Here> harrr garrs = hey guys(16:07:32) <%David_Here> i what i hear from him(16:07:34) <@Lordkilla44> when this gets leaked ur all gna look like right dickheads-(17:29:03) <@Paisa_man> what was df's excuse for ending?(17:29:03) <@Lordkilla44> i fkin h8 u Kev| lol(17:29:09) <@Lordkilla44> they didnt end first(17:29:10) <@Lordkilla44> we did(17:29:10) <@Blazer> probably that we ended(17:29:12) <@Blazer> LMFAO(17:29:14) <@Craiggg> lol(17:29:15) <@Viet-> wtf Paisa_man afk before we end again?(17:29:25) <@Kev|> did ended when they dropped to 46 ppl(17:29:27) <@Kev|> thats all i know(17:29:42) <@Lordkilla44> we have become a sunday clan(17:29:48) <@Lordkilla44> :((17:29:49) <@Paisa_man> why did we end b4 df(17:29:51) <@Craiggg> im fine with that(17:30:04) <@Lordkilla44> because we were getting fucked and rot were flaming us fucking hard-(19:17:47) <@Lordkilla44> this propaganda in vr clanchat making me wanna die btw(19:17:48) <@Lordkilla44> pls stop(19:18:07) <@Abkb|> we made 90% of vr think tht all rod use bots(19:18:09) <@Abkb|> it works nigga-(17:13:20) <@Lordkilla44> theyre destroying us with these spams(17:13:40) <@Abkb|> lmfao(17:13:40) <@Blazer> Viet- tell rot they suck they are recording this(17:13:44) <@Abkb|> DF has 45 on ts(17:13:45) <@Abkb|> di has 74(17:13:46) <@Abkb|> mfw(17:13:48) <@Blazer> LMFAO(17:13:49) <@Lordkilla44> holy fuck-(15:56:19) <@Lordkilla44> i hate the fact whichever clan teams with rot suddenly starts doing better coz they all know rot will never end(15:56:21) <@Kev|> come admin on ts for a second(15:56:27) <@Bosha> we need to go about talking to df differently(15:56:29) <@Bosha> and here's why(15:56:33) <@Lordkilla44> dont even bother(15:56:38) <@Lordkilla44> whats the point they just let us down repeatedly-(14:53:32) <@Abkb|> i wouldnt give rod a fight atm(14:53:33) <@Blazer> Only 50 on(14:53:36) <@Craiggg> we were still gainin(14:53:37) <@Lordkilla44> well if we cant fight rot at all why the flying fuck would we go out-(12:40:04) <@Lordkilla44> we look so fucking incompetent(12:40:06) <@Lordkilla44> i cant stands it l(12:42:33) <@Abkb|> look at rj in #vr(12:42:34) <@Abkb|> public chat(12:42:38) <@Abkb|> fucking downsyndrome retard(12:43:12) <@Lordkilla44> about as retarded as our leadership atm(12:43:24) <@Arma150> u take it so srs Lordkilla44(12:43:26) <@Arma150> relax man(12:43:26) <@Arma150> lol(12:43:30) <@Blazer> He's right(12:43:30) <@Lordkilla44> no(12:43:31) <@Lordkilla44> im sad irl(12:43:34) <@Blazer> We look completely retarded(12:43:36) <@Blazer> Lmfao-(16:43:15) <@Lordkilla44> seriously(16:43:16) <@Lordkilla44> why the fuck get that fight(16:43:24) <@Lordkilla44> we just finished getting smoked(16:43:31) <@Lordkilla44> and u get another cwa with a team made up of the same fucking people(16:45:07) <@Lordkilla44> legit we all say how setting up with flip flops was a bad idea because theyre good AND THEN U GET A FIGHT WITH WARRIORS WHICH IS JUST MADE UP OF EVEN BETTER MEMBERS THAN FLIPPY FLOPPIES(16:45:11) <@Lordkilla44> FAKIN HELL(16:45:41) <@Lordkilla44> so fuckin dumb a bunch of vr members fighting with a bunch of rot downfall and fools(16:46:44) <@Lordkilla44> thats all agn fuckin says "HLLO LOOK @ MINIMAP CLUMP GUYS LOOK AT MINIMAP(16:46:48) <@Lordkilla44> nearly fucking banned him out of pure rage(16:48:17) <@Lordkilla44> we're the aston billa of rs atm(16:48:21) <@Lordkilla44> villa-(20:53:21) <@Abkb|> rod claiming they peaked at 130(20:53:22) <@Abkb|> lmfao????(20:53:40) <@Lordkilla44> jesus(20:53:40) <@Lordkilla44> l(21:06:26) <@Lordkilla44> yh we've gotta become a crashing clan for a bit-(15:39:36) <@Lordkilla44> never seen an admin channel fall apart so badly when all they have to do is camp people in addy(15:39:36) <%Jimmy> di taking an ending with 25 people those kids fuckin suk kok(15:40:14) <@D156> Lordkilla44 wat u mean(15:40:24) <@Lordkilla44> well skimer rage quit the event(15:40:27) <@Lordkilla44> and hes an official(15:41:05) <@Evizu> Too many emotional officials(12:49:41) <@Paisa_man> DO ANOTHER WORLD HOOP(12:49:44) <@Paisa_man> SEE IF THEY FIND US(12:49:49) <@Lordkilla44> just pick people off(12:49:53) <@Lordkilla44> why are we running in the clump lol(12:49:57) <@HG> they anit even fighting tbh(12:49:59) <@HG> lol(12:50:31) <@Dj_av_valen> why is daniel so negative as fk(12:50:37) <@Lordkilla44> this is just a lure to fuck us and its working well(12:50:41) <@Lordkilla44> we arent doing enough damage(12:50:45) <@Lordkilla44> pick ppl off like u did at the start(12:52:01) <@Paisa_man> Mike|Cera_S6 call world in a new world(12:52:03) <@Paisa_man> see if they follow(12:52:21) <@HG> we need to ger 50 in game(12:52:24) <@HG> so we can do real dmg(12:52:27) <@HG> we had like 90 opts then(12:53:45) <@Mike|Cera_S6> tell me if they follow Dj_av_valen(12:53:50) <@Dj_av_valen> they not(12:53:54) <@Dj_av_valen> so many vr are clueless ffs(12:54:00) <@Dj_av_valen> standing next to rot(12:54:02) <@Lordkilla44> this crashing attempt is clueless(12:54:19) <@Dj_av_valen> rot is comming gdz Mike|Cera_S6(12:54:20) <@Dj_av_valen> be ready(12:55:21) <@HG> 50 on ts 30 ingame sigh(12:55:23) <@HG> pathetic lol(12:55:42) <@Dj_av_valen> srsly do chan hop(12:55:45) <@Dj_av_valen> always slacker-(17:10:55) <@Kygo> our callers need to read our ml(17:10:59) <@Arma150> stop talking in here(17:11:02) <@Arma150> and focus in game(17:11:08) <@Lordkilla44> no point this is oiver(17:11:14) <@Kygo> if df ends its over(17:11:19) <@Craiggg> why(17:11:20) <@Craiggg> its 1v1(17:11:21) <@Craiggg> shut up(17:11:27) <@Craiggg> stop tlkn bout what di doing(17:11:33) <@Blazer> Kygo add fuck(17:11:40) <@Kygo> pm Abkb| Blazer(17:11:43) <@Lordkilla44> 60 in cc btw(17:11:48) <@Blazer> wtf 60(17:11:50) <@Skimer40> ppl are all spread(17:11:53) <@Blazer> CHAN HOP(17:11:53) <@Skimer40> one guy was al lthe way north(17:11:54) <@Blazer> well not now(17:11:56) <@Skimer40> in coif(17:11:57) <@Blazer> they just spammed to(17:11:58) <@Skimer40> for 5 mins(17:12:01) <@Skimer40> and didnt die(17:12:06) <@Blazer> THEY HAVE A TS SPY(17:12:06) <@Lordkilla44> lmfao(17:12:07) <@Blazer> I THINK(17:12:08) <@Lordkilla44> LMFAO(17:12:08) <@Lordkilla44> LMFAO(17:12:11) <@Lordkilla44> THAT SPAM(17:12:11) <@Lordkilla44> LOL(17:12:12) <@Kev|> l0l0l0l0l(17:12:12) <@Skimer40> we have low numbers ingame and the ppl in game are spread(17:12:16) <@Abkb|> they do have TS spy(17:12:19) <@Abkb|> they spammed hwat david said(17:12:19) <@Abkb|> i got ts pics(17:12:32) <@Kygo> do a chan hop and u loose 20 suspects-(14:44:15) <@Lordkilla44> hello?(14:46:35) <@Lordkilla44> why did i get banned from the cc btw rofl(14:47:08) <@Lordkilla44> HELLO(14:47:10) <@Lordkilla44> WHY DID I GET KBED(14:47:11) <@Lordkilla44> FROM THE FUCKIN CC(14:47:13) <@Lordkilla44> HELL(14:47:14) <@Lordkilla44> ITS ME(14:47:20) <@Lordkilla44> ye whatever(14:47:23) * Lordkilla44 is now known as Lordkilla44|Away-(14:51:01) <%Le_Bennett> that david guy(14:51:03) <%Le_Bennett> constantly moans(14:51:04) <%Le_Bennett> 24/7(14:51:07) <%Le_Bennett> always negative(14:51:10) <%Le_Bennett> never got anything good to say(14:51:49) <@Lordkilla44> ban david from cwa's in future pls(14:51:52) <@Lordkilla44> hes a fuckin infant(14:57:58) <@Lordkilla44> >need morale coz we're doing shit in cwa(14:58:03) <@Lordkilla44> >fight the best cwa clan by far(14:58:06) <@Lordkilla44> >surprised we get fucked(14:58:30) <@Abkb|> i got ryan pming he(14:58:33) <@Abkb|> he tellin me NO1 IS CLUMPING(14:58:50) <@Lordkilla44> we cant even clump because we're being dragged to shit(14:59:30) <@Lordkilla44> thing is this isnt even practice anymore(14:59:33) <@Lordkilla44> its just a depressing time(14:59:36) <@Bosha> its tough Lordkilla4-(15:56:28) <@Mike|Cera_S6> tbh(15:56:31) <@Mike|Cera_S6> they might have a spy(15:56:38) <%Jimmy> who(15:56:45) <@Mike|Cera_S6> rot or di idk(15:56:56) <%Jimmy> rot definitely does(15:57:03) <@Lordkilla44> rot always will(15:57:06) <%Jimmy> ye lol(15:57:14) <@Lordkilla44> their leaders are hispanic and manipulate our weaker brazilian members-(19:58:21) <@Lordkilla44> ts is bein echod(19:58:23) <@Lordkilla44> like full on(19:58:28) <@BBK> LOl(19:58:28) <@Kygo> they know were ending cuz df told ther emembs(19:58:29) <@BBK> Lordkilla44(19:58:29) <@BBK> bro(19:58:29) <@BBK> -,-(19:58:32) <@BBK> come on now(19:58:34) <@BBK> it has been for a while(19:58:36) <@Kygo> see(19:58:39) <@Lordkilla44> i didnt see any evidence of it(19:58:40) <@Lordkilla44> b4 that(20:00:34) <@Mike|Cera_S6> they spammed this is why ur gf cheated on u cera-(15:53:33) <@Fuhrer> i kicked sparze from cc for suicide running into df 3x(15:53:33) <@Craiggg> i kicked some1(15:53:34) <@Lordkilla44> u fuckin cunt(15:53:37) <@Lordkilla44> why the dick(15:53:38) <@Fuhrer> then leaving cc(15:53:39) <@Lordkilla44> u kick ur best emember(15:53:45) <@Craiggg> blame Fuhrer then i tried to kick sparze too(15:53:46) <@Evizu> probs why we lost ye(15:53:53) <@Evizu> no lk no win(15:54:11) <@Craiggg> sparze was running around on 10 hp for 5mins tryna die to 1 person(15:54:14) <@Craiggg> so i kicked(15:54:27) <@Lordkilla44> wtf lol(15:54:33) <@Lordkilla44> how do people still not grasp the fuckin basics(15:54:36) <@Lordkilla44> so infuritating man(15:54:40) <@Lordkilla44> infuriating-(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:00:00 | Matt: Mike|Cera_S6(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:09:05 | Mike|Cera_S6: ?(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:09:18 | Matt: we waiting for you to login(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:09:20 | Matt: clan 1v1(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:09:22 | Matt: clean*(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:09:54 | Mike|Cera_S6: no #s to fight today just fucking around(13:00:38) <@Lordkilla44> 17:10:08 | Matt: ok...(13:00:43) <@Lordkilla44> the fuck kind of response is that(13:01:05) <@Evizu> a typical cera response(13:01:08) <@sethtroll> idk mikes always about being polite n shit(13:01:09) <@Lordkilla44> seriously(13:01:56) <@Evizu> surprised he didnt have a :P smiley at the end(13:02:01) <@Craiggg> he says the most retarded shit(13:02:30) <@Bosha> wtf(13:02:32) <@Bosha> when was that jack(13:02:50) <@Evizu> u need the time and date Bosha?(13:02:56) <@Craiggg> thats put me on tilt(13:02:59) <@Bosha> No(13:03:00) <@Craiggg> cancel todays prep(13:03:01) <@Bosha> its just retarded(13:06:15) <@Evizu> all jokes aside mike dont talk to rod if ur gonna give them ammo(13:06:29) <@Viet-> hell yea vr officer(13:06:41) <@Lordkilla44> imagine pming dakilla and him saying 'sorry we dont have enough to fight lol'(13:09:06) <@Bosha> Mike|Cera_S6(13:09:10) <@Lordkilla44> Bosha is a PKL in af now we can talk to him(13:09:11) <@Bosha> was that a troll or were you serious(13:09:20) <@Evizu> obviously he was serious(13:09:22) <@Lordkilla44> he was serious he's always acted like a massive pussy in pms-(15:39:47) <@HG> hate we way we always end(15:39:49) <@HG> makes us look shit(15:39:49) <@HG> every time(15:39:52) <@Lordkilla44> yeah df fucked us(15:39:54) <@Craiggg> what df end with(15:39:56) <@Lordkilla44> after we bailed them out 100x(15:39:58) <@Abkb|> 50 ppl-(17:23:17) <@Lordkilla44> seriously though fuck df(17:23:21) <@Lordkilla44> they pissed me off so much tonight(17:24:03) <@Lordkilla44> got vexed in af-pk(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> <%Boszy> rather not fight than lol(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> <%`Danny> not worth(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> yeah man with that mentality im sure ull rock rots world and win the crash war(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> wait nvm(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> you cba to fight in runescape(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> <%Kendall_Jenner> lol(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> * StevenID0om_ ( has joined #af-pk(17:24:04) <@Lordkilla44> * Captain_Falcon sets mode: +h StevenID0om_(17:24:05) <@Lordkilla44> <%Boszy> rot nerds enjoy it, so there is no point doing it lol(17:24:06) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> so your strategy is to not pk(17:24:06) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> because rot enjoy it(17:24:08) <@Lordkilla44> <%RamboRob0> i love it also(17:24:08) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> youre gonna go far-(15:56:49) <@D156> ye vr doesn't do shit in p2p(15:56:50) <@Lordkilla44> well i dont get ur fucking point(15:56:53) <@Lordkilla44> lets not go crash rot in p2p then(15:56:58) <@Lordkilla44> because af dont help in f2p(15:57:01) <@Lordkilla44> fucking logic-(12:48:21) <@Lordkilla44> Dj_av_valen are ui fuckin(12:48:27) <@Lordkilla44> we are getting fucked by 2v1 rot and ronin(12:48:27) <@Abkb|> fight stopped(12:48:27) <@Lordkilla44> legit(12:48:28) <@Lordkilla44> wtf(12:48:35) <@Lordkilla44> have none of u ever crashed before(12:48:46) <@Viet-> need DF/VIT to go(12:48:47) <@Viet-> with us(12:48:58) <@Lordkilla44> DONT CALL A FAKIN W(12:49:00) <@Lordkilla44> fuckin(12:49:41) <@Paisa_man> DO ANOTHER WORLD HOOP(12:49:44) <@Paisa_man> SEE IF THEY FIND US(12:49:49) <@Lordkilla44> just pick people off(12:49:53) <@Lordkilla44> why are we running in the clump lol(12:49:57) <@HG> they anit even fighting tbh(12:50:31) <@Dj_av_valen> why is daniel so negative as fk(12:50:37) <@Lordkilla44> this is just a lure to fuck us and its working well-(18:50:40) <@Lordkilla44> i dunno i think df are bored of getting bullied(18:50:44) <@Lordkilla44> they lose 1v1 and then rot focus them(18:50:48) <@Lordkilla44> i think theyre getting mad/sad(18:51:03) <%David_Here> its ok Lordkilla44 df like taking it up the butt-(16:52:00) <@Lordkilla44> well u can organize a channel hop in the middle of a mass snipe(16:52:03) <@Lordkilla44> let me know how it goes(16:52:10) <@BBK> i said hours ago jack(16:52:10) <@BBK> lol(16:52:16) <@Lordkilla44> the fuck r u on about(16:52:17) <@Lordkilla44> shut the fuck upo(16:52:19) <@BBK> we should of hopped after an hour(16:52:23) <@BBK> calm down with the attitude lol-(14:22:33) <%Hibrid> di vs rod with rod acing themselves a smal lpile(14:22:46) <@Kygo> we have 90 nigs u think there ac can handle or there main pile(14:22:47) <@Craiggg> might be better to let di get rekt(14:22:50) <@pkerdylan5> you think downfall will ac for them?(14:22:52) <@Kev|> make decision(14:22:53) <@Kev|> i brb 2 secs(14:23:07) <@sethtroll> Arma150 call it(14:23:08) <@pkerdylan5> need to decide asap boys(14:23:09) <@pkerdylan5> cmon(14:23:10) <@sethtroll> whatever u wanna do(14:23:11) <@Arma150> ?(14:23:24) <@Kygo> mass move ts?l(14:23:54) <@Lordkilla44> take it we aint goin then lol(14:23:59) <@sethtroll> w.e(14:24:09) <@Kygo> people gonna b angry if they hear rot is fighting di(14:24:12) <@Kygo> and we diden't go(14:24:12) <@Lordkilla44> BBK are Arma150 are you mentally slow or something(14:24:16) <@Lordkilla44> have you ready anything thats going on(14:24:19) <@BBK> yeah Lordkilla44(14:24:31) <@Lordkilla44> whatever ll(14:24:43) <@Lordkilla44> if we arent gonna crash with 90 people we might as well just not ever bother(14:24:48) <@Kygo> ^(14:25:00) <@sethtroll> i feel like(14:25:04) <@sethtroll> no one wants to say anything(14:25:04) * Lordkilla44 is now known as Lordkilla|Away-(14:18:15) <@Lordkilla44> we're so fucking dead(14:18:16) <@Lordkilla44> like(14:18:19) <@Lordkilla44> so dead(14:18:35) <@Lordkilla44> our callers have 4 sets between em-(16:59:07) <@Evizu> this is jst about wasting time(17:00:04) <@Arma150> we need spam(17:00:06) <@Arma150> is all(17:00:07) <@Arma150> lol(17:00:13) <@pkerdylan5> getr going(17:00:16) <@Lordkilla44> need ppl in game for that tho(17:00:23) <@Lordkilla44> and we're outnumbered so heavily(17:00:28) <@Lordkilla44> i dont think we got enough(17:00:29) <@Lordkilla44> in all honesty(17:00:44) <@julian_6565> gtg(17:00:46) <@Evizu> literally like 50 ppl on me when i login(17:00:47) <@Evizu> l00l(17:00:49) <@Lordkilla44> yh(17:00:49) <@Lordkilla44> rofl(17:00:54) <@Lordkilla44> ok(17:00:55) <@Lordkilla44> just died on login(17:00:56) <@Lordkilla44> rofl(17:01:08) <@pkerdylan5> were u g2g julian_6565..?(17:01:11) <@Viet-> call this shit off(17:01:12) <@Viet-> its over(17:01:14) <@Viet-> face it(17:01:20) <@BBK> lol(17:01:21) <@pkerdylan5> pretty much lol(17:01:28) <@BBK> we're all friend finder camped(17:01:38) <@Lordkilla44> because ur too fucking retarded to swap accounts(17:01:45) <@BBK> Lordkilla44 get rid of your shit attitude(17:01:46) <@BBK> legi(17:01:47) <@BBK> legit(17:01:49) <@BBK> or learn to read(17:01:52) <@Lordkilla44> legit stop fucking moaning about being camped(17:01:54) <@Lordkilla44> and not swap accounts(17:01:57) <@Lordkilla44> holy fuck-(13:01:52) <@Lordkilla44> downfall w83 et(13:01:55) <@Lordkilla44> spamming vr is dead(13:01:57) <@Lordkilla44> not attacking me tho(13:01:58) <@Lordkilla44> so theyre scared(13:02:08) <@Kygo> there baiting(13:02:09) <@Kygo> leave em(13:02:12) <@Lordkilla44> spamming beg for mercy(13:02:13) <@Lordkilla44> lmfao(13:02:19) <@Lordkilla44> if we don't crash these retards we'll never be taken seriously agan(13:03:07) <@Lordkilla44> the fights started 83(13:03:08) <@Lordkilla44> lol(13:03:12) <@Viet-> we need info on them we shudnt go(13:03:19) <@Lordkilla44> whatever(13:03:21) <@Lordkilla44> lets get crashed for 6 hours(13:03:25) <@Lordkilla44> get flamed to shit by everyone(13:03:26) <@Lordkilla44> and then pussy out(13:03:28) <@Lordkilla44> this isnt vr(13:03:36) <@Kygo> there flaming us to get baited(13:03:46) <@Kygo> while rot is on standby and turns into more crash bait(13:03:48) <@Lordkilla44> what(13:03:49) <@Lordkilla44> course they are(13:03:52) <@Lordkilla44> lmfao(13:03:53) <@Lordkilla44> whatever-(13:29:05) <@Lordkilla44> these guys killed you for 6 hours and youre ready to just roll over(13:29:10) <@Lordkilla44> when theyre running around spamming downfall bless rot(13:29:12) <@Lordkilla44> and bend the knee vr(13:29:15) <@Lordkilla44> and on your knees vr(13:29:27) <@Lordkilla44> "dw guys its ok we deserved it for killing 3 of them :)"-(15:00:27) <@Lordkilla44> dno why we'd bother 2v1ing another clan knowing we couldnt fight any1(15:00:29) <@Lordkilla44> i dont get it(15:00:39) <@Craiggg> cuz we thought we wud gain alot(15:00:40) <@Lordkilla44> we couldnt 2v1 and we couldnt fight rot(15:00:43) <@BBK> sunday night(15:00:44) <@Craiggg> and we should of(15:02:27) <@Arma150> next time(15:02:30) <@Arma150> dont tell ppl to log in(15:02:40) <@Arma150> we need a decent mass get everyone together before hopping to the world(15:02:49) <@Arma150> nvm tho not a big deal(15:03:24) <@Viet-> ye it aint a big deal(15:03:24) <@Viet-> lol(15:03:30) <@Lordkilla44|Away> its irritating(15:03:45) <@Lordkilla44|Away> cant underestimate every clan and think theyll just run from us(15:03:48) <@Lordkilla44|Away> they all know rot will come(15:03:51) <@Lordkilla44|Away> so they'll all fight back(16:43:11) <@Craiggg> main pile spam 'think you can end us wit h51 people'(16:43:15) <@Blazer> uh(16:43:16) <@Craiggg> some1 do it(16:43:18) <@Lordkilla44> we got like 9 in game(16:43:18) <@Blazer> i got bad news(16:43:19) <@Viet-> we in no posiiton(16:43:20) <@Lordkilla44> i dont recomend it(16:43:20) <@Viet-> to spam(16:43:21) <@Viet-> lol(16:43:28) <@Craiggg> jsu do it(16:43:30) <@Craiggg> stop moaning-(19:02:57) <@Lordkilla44> we cant deal wityh rot atm(19:03:03) <@Kygo> rot has 60(19:03:10) <@Lordkilla44> stop making numbers up-(13:12:15) <@Lordkilla44> i literally cant be fucked to talk to youj(13:12:17) <@Lordkilla44> youre such a fucking retard(13:12:20) <@Dj_av_valen> dumb brit(13:12:27) <@Lordkilla44> good 1(13:12:47) <@Evizu> atleast the maturity lvl in our official channel is high(13:12:49) <@Lordkilla44> im asking what your fucking solution is you braindead cunt(13:12:50) <@Evizu> good discussion(13:12:50) <@Evizu> move on(13:12:51) <@Evizu> lool(13:12:51) <@Lordkilla44> you dont fucking have one(13:12:53) <@Lordkilla44> youre just a fucking retard(13:12:54) <@Lordkilla44> who moans(13:12:57) <@Lordkilla44> about everything(13:12:58) <@Lordkilla44> you stupid fucking cunt-(12:28:20) <@Paisa_man> no1 cares if we raped..they cleared us(12:28:26) <+Lordkilla44> ^(12:28:29) <@Dj_av_valen> oh no..(12:28:32) <+Lordkilla44> its a propaganda war dick face(12:28:36) <+Lordkilla44> it doesnt matter who got the better fuckin kdr(12:28:42) <@Paisa_man> we could of raped the shit out of em in the end we give em an rsc win-(14:37:16) <@Lordkilla44> after this we should start sniping(14:37:17) <@Lordkilla44> 45 ppl(14:37:18) <@Lordkilla44> so much dmg(14:37:37) <@Bosha\afk> i d=mentioned it(14:38:14) <@Evizu> u kdding me bosha u mentioned it(14:38:14) <@Evizu> r0fl(14:38:19) <@Evizu> tell them boys 2 get ere(14:38:35) <@Evizu> freee 1s(14:41:39) <@Lordkilla44> dont do this again(14:41:43) <@Lordkilla44> we arent organized enough(14:41:45) <@Dj_av_valen> ye people are to slow-(17:59:02) <@BBK> (»Thu/01:58:27ºAM«) <BBK> everyones adamant for that day lol(17:59:03) <@BBK> (»Thu/01:58:37ºAM«) <BBK> are you 100% going to pull higher monday(17:59:03) <@BBK> (»Thu/01:58:54ºAM«) <Truefasa> we had like 90 that one time we fought in cwa(17:59:03) <@BBK> (»Thu/01:58:56ºAM«) <Truefasa> lol(17:59:03) <@BBK> (»Thu/01:58:57ºAM«) <Truefasa> on a mon(17:59:04) <@BBK> (»Thu/01:58:57ºAM«) <BBK> k(17:59:05) <@BBK> there you go(17:59:13) <@BBK> they're adamant for monday(17:59:14) <@BBK> so so be it(17:59:18) <@BBK> we had 91 on monday last time(17:59:20) <@BBK> we can easily get 100(17:59:28) <@Lordkilla44> we take df's shit too much(17:59:36) <@BBK> how so(17:59:37) <@Lordkilla44> tell him hes a stupid cunt and that we'll see df when they next pk-(14:29:59) <@Abkb|> dj told us to crash their ifght v fsk(14:29:59) <@Abkb|> lol(14:30:06) <@Kygo> ??(14:30:11) <@Kygo> Abkb| u rat i diden't do shit(14:30:13) <@Abkb|> jaja has alot too(14:30:13) <@Lordkilla44> SHUT THE FUCK UP(14:30:14) <@Evizu> stop talking about that shit(14:30:18) <@Lordkilla44> ARE YOU LITERALLY ALREADY POINTING FINGERS(14:30:18) <@Lordkilla44> FUCK ME(14:30:19) <@Lordkilla44> SHUT UP-(18:46:19) <@Lordkilla44> mfw Kygo tells us to log out of a world with no1 in it but then says log into a world with jaja and rot in(18:46:23) <@Lordkilla44> mfw(18:46:27) <@Kygo> rot logged(18:46:31) <@Kygo> took a ending n logged(18:46:37) <@Kygo> not my fault they logged :S(18:46:38) <@Lordkilla44> yh i spose no1 saw jaja telling rot we were hitting them(18:46:41) <@Lordkilla44> totally unforseeable(18:46:45) <@Lordkilla44> night(18:46:56) * @Lordkilla44 has quit IRC (Quit:o)-(12:36:55) <+Lordkilla44> shouldnt work with di theyre scum(12:37:05) <+Lordkilla44> they'll release all these logs next week when we beefin(12:37:14) <@julian_6565> prob(12:37:20) <@julian_6565> but ur just here to watch for now my friend(12:37:27) <@julian_6565> soon they will give u council with abkb n dj(12:37:37) <@Dj_av_valen> its not even di beefing its more of the guests on there forums(12:37:40) <@julian_6565> besides ggs is a good lad(12:37:43) <+Lordkilla44> lmao nigga talk to me like that again and ill end you(12:37:44) <@Dj_av_valen> trying to lure out beef(12:37:48) <@Paisa_man> alrdy told df(12:37:57) <@julian_6565> Lordkilla44(12:37:59) <@julian_6565> im talking 2 u(12:38:05) <@julian_6565> 1 bruv(12:38:07) <@julian_6565> to another bruv(12:38:19) <@julian_6565> u feel me fam?(12:38:21) <+Lordkilla44> ill give my opinion all i want as its clearly better than the shit you retards are pullin(12:38:37) <+Lordkilla44> a pk leader who leaves a clan every few months because hes bored of rs(12:38:44) * Lordkilla44 ( has left #vr-admin-(13:57:37) <@Lordkilla44> just delete the topic and never tell fools we aint going(13:57:37) <@Evizu> im dumping ur topic for real now(13:57:39) <@Lordkilla44> be good banter(13:57:51) <@Evizu> whos fools ldr(13:57:54) <@Evizu> so i can irc pm them(13:57:57) <@Evizu> to break the good news(13:57:57) <@Kev|> eomeri(13:58:02) <@Lordkilla44> yh(13:58:06) <@Evizu> ok(13:58:07) <@Paisa_man> we'll cancel during mass(13:58:08) <@Evizu> pming now(13:58:13) <@Lordkilla44> IODK WHY WE AINT THERE KILLIN ROT TBH(13:58:18) <@Lordkilla44> BUT CANCELLING CWA'S IS ALSO A GOOD WAY TO WIN CRASH WAR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Andrew Report post Posted May 5, 2016 Why would you ever want to be in a clan that has had its leader IRC leaked by RoT half a dozen times lmfao Ask yourself if your leaders are leaking for RoT then why aren't you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
@b289 Report post Posted May 5, 2016 (15:56:28) <@Mike|Cera_S6> tbh (15:56:31) <@Mike|Cera_S6> they might have a spy (15:56:38) <%Jimmy> who (15:56:45) <@Mike|Cera_S6> rot or di idk (15:56:56) <%Jimmy> rot definitely does (15:57:03) <@Lordkilla44> rot always will (15:57:06) <%Jimmy> ye lol (15:57:14) <@Lordkilla44> their leaders are hispanic and manipulate our weaker brazilian members Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Frank` Report post Posted May 5, 2016 (edited) (19:17:48) <@Lordkilla44> pls stop(19:18:07) <@Abkb|> we made 90% of vr think tht all rod use bots(19:18:09) <@Abkb|> it works nigga (13:12:49) <@Lordkilla44> im asking what your fucking solution is you braindead cunt (13:12:50) <@Evizu> good discussion(13:12:50) <@Evizu> move on(13:12:51) <@Evizu> lool(13:12:51) <@Lordkilla44> you dont fucking have one(13:12:53) <@Lordkilla44> youre just a fucking retard(13:12:54) <@Lordkilla44> who moans(13:12:57) <@Lordkilla44> about everything(13:12:58) <@Lordkilla44> you stupid fucking cunt L M F A O Edited May 5, 2016 by Frank` Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Burnt Report post Posted May 5, 2016 (edited) l0l (15:57:14) <@Lordkilla44> their leaders are hispanic and manipulate our weaker brazilian members Edited May 5, 2016 by Burnt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
karma Report post Posted May 5, 2016 (edited) (15:56:19) <@Lordkilla44> i hate the fact whichever clan teams with rot suddenly starts doing better coz they all know rot will never end (12:43:12) <@Lordkilla44> about as retarded as our leadership atm (17:13:20) <@Lordkilla44> theyre destroying us with these spams (15:39:36) <@Lordkilla44> never seen an admin channel fall apart so badly when all they have to do is camp people in addy (15:56:31) <@Mike|Cera_S6> they might have a spy (15:56:38) <%Jimmy> who (15:56:45) <@Mike|Cera_S6> rot or di idk (15:57:03) <@Lordkilla44> rot always will (17:24:06) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> so your strategy is to not pk (17:24:06) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> because rot enjoy it (12:38:44) * Lordkilla44 ( has left #vr-admin Damn and these logs are just from this nigga, wait til the spics get leaked smh... Edited May 5, 2016 by Karmaa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
bomb Report post Posted May 5, 2016 SERIOUSLY LMFAO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
^Thomas^ Report post Posted May 5, 2016 (edited) bahahaha dead clan Edited May 5, 2016 by ^Thomas^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0