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Interesting Runescape Facts!

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*RuneScape Classic*

- RSC was released January 4, 2001.

- RSC was originally created by Andrew and Paul Gower and Constant Tedder, and run off a single server in the attic of the Gowers' parental home.

- Tutorial Island was released on September 24, 2002.

- Dueling was added on March 25, 2004.

- In RSC, girls used to be able to have beards and other types of facial hair! This was later removed.

- When a player logs into free to play world from a members' location, there is completely blue screen, and the player can't move.

- When a player performs actions such as fishing, cooking, and mining, their character just stands there and does nothing. However, there is a bubble over their head which shows a picture of the item they are using, whether it be a harpoon, net, or pick.

- At one point in RSC there was only one pick axe. There weren’t different ones made from different metals.

- Platebody armor looks very muscular.

- Halloween Masks look different than they do is RS2: players can see the back of their head and the string that holds the mask on.

- Herblore was called, "Herblaw."

- Before Herblaw was released is RSC, players had to use the Apothecary in Varrock to make strength potions.

- At one time, there were only regular "bones" to train prayer with.

- Players are able to shoot arrows through the windows in the Barbarian Village tavern. These windows never existed in RS2.

- When shooting arrows from a bow using the "Ranged" skill, the arrows are portayed as green stars as they fly towards their target.

- Player's must have logged on to RSC during a six month period (starting August 2008, ending February 2009), or else they lost the ability to play RSC.

- There are only four types of bones: Normal bones, bat bones, dragon bones, and big bones.

- Black Knights (at level 46) were originally the strongest monsters.

- When an archer or mage is melee attacked in RSC, they are forced into melee combat themselves!

- Instead of a rope to enter Elvarg's lair on Crandor Island, there is a stair case.

- When chopping wood, if you don't get any logs you get this message, "You slip and fail to hit the tree..."

- Ice Warriors wield Mithril Maces and have a mithril square shield. (Alas, they never did drop any mith.)

- All giants look the same, they're just different colors. They have staves, torn cloths, and beards.

- A hatchet looks like a battle axe when wielded.

- Characters and walls are 2D while beds, tables, and props like giant candelabras are 3D.

- In dungeons, one side of the wall has a flickering candle effect, while the other side is black.

- Players have 30 inventory spots. Equipped items are shaded red and kept in the inventory, still taking up space.

- Both kiteshields and square shields look like square shields when wielded.

- If you drop your cat, you get a message saying it got scared and ran away. It is just an item in your inventory.

- While training agility, you walk and click on an item (like a rope swing) and are just simply teleported.

- The Prayer and Magic interfaces are a list of the names of the spells/prayers instead of icons. You just click the name.

- Objects such as trees, signposts, flowers, and doors are represented by a blue dot.

- Miles certs bars, Niles certs fish, and Giles certs ore.

- Unicorns are level 21 in RSC.

- There is an option to talk to monsters.

- When you choose the option, "Talk to......." on a monster it says, "The ....... doesn't appear interested in talking."

- When you want to close a door you have to right click the door and select, "Close doorframe."

- There is an option to block duel requests.

- Dark wizards always wear black pants with a black shirt and have black hair. They don't wear a hood like they do in RS2.

- Doors always remain open, unless closed by a player.

- Where the fountain by the east bank in Falador is, there are six empty one room houses in two rows, that have nothing in them.

- There is an option to set the camera angle to auto. (I think that would be cool to have now!)

- Cannons are mounted on wooden wheels and have eight barrels, thus giving it the name, "multicannon."

- Dwarves are level 18.

- Characters have a mouth and fingers.

- If you still have an existing RSC account, if you edit your friends' list in RS2, the same change will be made to your RSC list, and vice versa.

- Characters are not able to walk through NPC's.

- When you die in you receive a message that says, "You have been granted another life. Be more carefull this time! You retain your skills. Your objects land where you died."

- You are able to attack Hans around Lumbridge Castle. He is level 3.

- There is no run option.

- Early in RSC, another player’s combat level could only be seen in the wilderness.

- There are no weapon speeds, so the R2H is the most popular weapon.

- Rune 2 Handers used to cost one million coins. Considering the ways to make cash back then were by selling items to general stores and coin drops, that's like paying for a Dragonfire Shield today!

- There was a dead skill called, “Carpentry.” Construction is suspiciously similar to that skill.

- Way back, only bread and meat could be cooked.

- Pies were added in March, 2001.

- Tailoring used to be a nearly useless and hard to raise skill. It was later removed and put in as an add on to crafting.

- Full helms were once called large helms.

- When RSC was first released it only had: Iron, Steel, Mithril, and Adament classes.

- In early 2001, there was both “Good Magic” and “Evil Magic” skills.

- Spells are represented as blue stars flying across the screen.

- Autocasting doesn't exsist.

- In early 2001, a steel plate required a whopping level 96 smithing to make!

- Way back, only normal trees could be cut.

- For a few months in RSC, one could choose from different classes such as "magician" or "adventurer" when creating an account. Depending on what class was chosen, free xp was given to the player.

- Female platebodies used to exist, and players used to be able to convert between the two, as well as between platelegs and plateskirts by talking to a smith in Varrock or Ardougne.

- Many items look the same when being wielded. For example, there is no way to discern longswords, shortswords or two-handed swords wielded by another player.

- Only one player can talk to an NPC at a time.

- Melee combat is two-way only, but rangers and mages can attack a monster or player engaged in melee combat with someone else.

- Various NPC's sometimes appear in random places. They do not move, and cannot be attacked or interacted with. Notable examples include a level 47 Monk of Zamorak in Lumbridge and gnomeballers in farm areas and near Ice Mountain.

- The "Rune" in "RuneScape" does not refer to the metal, but to the magical runes. The Rune metal was not available when RuneScape was first released.

- PKing is a very different skill than it is in RS2. Players are required to endure three hits before running from a fight. The goal of PKers is to "three-hit" their opponents, ensuring victory before they can escape.

- The plumes (feathers in the top) of full helmets are red, instead of blue like they are in RS2.

- Runecrafting was released with the current version of Runescape (RS2). In RSC, you can't make your own runes to train magic. You have to buy them from shops or acquire them as monster drops.

- Black knights occasionally drop heaps of flour. The only way to pick up this flour was to is a pot handy. This is the only time flour was seen in its true form, outside of the windmill.

- To help limit autoing in there is a "Fatigue" status. When players become too "fatigued" they are still able to do skills, but they get a warning message stating that they are not getting any experience for them. In order to start gaining xp from skills again, players have to sleep. Beds can be slept on, or a sleeping bag can be purchased to sleep in. Upon awakening, players have to type in a random word to resume play.

- There is no option to "Offer X" or "Offer All" when trading. To put up a large amount of a stackable item, one has to click and hold down their mouse on top of an item, and the stock of the said item in the trade screen will increase. Thus, to make expensive purchases, it can take a long time to finally reach the desired number of coins.

- All quest items used to be tradeable in the early days of RSC. The most commonly traded items included the blurite for the "Knights Sword" quest, the map piece from killing Wormbrain during "Dragon Slayer," and the Silverlight sword. This was changed because the staff at Jagex felt it was unfair for players to gain these items so easily instead of having the levels or ability to gain them themselves.

- In the early day of RSC, players found using bots were occasionally given stat resets instead of bans. Now all characters found using bots are banned permanently.

- There is no bank note system like the one used in RS2. There are certificates instead. Players spend hours and hours certing their items, 5, 10, 15 or 25 at a time to able to trade their items easier.

- Players are able to mine, woodcut, or fish as many ores, logs, or fish as they want without having to constantly drop them to provide room for more supplies. When the players inventory becomes full, any further logs, ores, or fish obtained will just drop onto the ground.


- Once upon a time, the RSC chat filter, instead of censoring bad words to asterisks, would censor them with, "cabbage!" The word "noob" was also censored at one time.

- A long time ago in RSC, the Fancy Clothes store in southeast Varrock stocked a red partyhat. Well, it didn't stock it exactly, there was just a placeholder for it (at 0 stock) which was never filled. Players waited for hours and hours to see if it would spawn, but it never did and was later removed.

- There is no music. The only sounds in the game are for member, and they are only basic sound effects.

- The original purpose for "Guards" was to literally guard players in the major cities. Prior to the Wilderness, players who enabled the "Player-Killing" option could attack, and be attacked, by players anywhere in the RuneScape world other than Lumbridge. If you attacked a player in the presence of a guard, the guard would automatically engage with you!

- Prior to its release, Jagex planned on making the color of rune purple! Just imagine how it'd look if it was purple today.

- Players can't heal while fighting.

- If a players fails a magic spell, they can't cast another spell for 20 seconds.

- In old days, when training range, players couldn't attack their enemy if they were one square away from them.

- The game code *did* contain the item, "Life Rune" but there wasn't any way to obtain it.

- Players can duel anywhere in the world, and instead of the staking system in RS2, when a player kills their opponent, their opponent's staked items appear on the ground as if they have died.

- Prayer was originally called, "Necromancy."

- Once, you could create an account with, "Mod" at the beginning, however, Jagex removed this ability.

- One of the rarest items in RuneScape is the “War Ship“, which was obtainable from a table in the top floor of an obscure building in the Gnome Stronghold, in RSC only. Jagex removed the ship one day and only those kept by players remain. It is untradeable.

- In RSC, purple party hats don’t exist, they’re pink party hat's instead.

- There is no NPC that can range or mage in RSC, therefore making the, "Protect from Magic" and the, "Protect from Range" prayers obslete if a player didn't participate in PvP.

- It is possible to engage in combat with Wyson the Gardener. He is the only gardener in Falador Park, and during the, "Pirate's Treasure" quest, when players dug near his flowers he would attack them. However, since almost all monsters in RSC ran away after a certain period of time, if he was not killed fast enough, he would run and players wouldnt be able to attack him again.

- In the begginning of RSC, there was a section on the home page that gave links to some fan sites.

- When a player talks to an NPC, the chat options are on the top left of the screen.

- Bankers used to wear all black and used to wander the bank.

- Rather than quest points, there is something called, "Influence" which can only be gained by completing quests. Someone with a high, "Influence" level has a few perks, such as the silk trader buying silk from them for a higher price than the norm.

- Before "Fishing" was added in June 2001, the experience for cooking meat depended on the player's cooking level. Namely, 25 + 1.75 multiplied by
the player’s "Cooking" level.

- Some items that are held in a player's inventory look more realistic than they do in RS2!

- In early RS2, instead of players not being able to log on when "banned", they were sent to a black abyss and could be reached by other players using the, "Disk of Returning". This was later removed.

- Do you know why it was removed? Banned players would trick visitors into dropping their disk, saying something "cool" would happen. If you call getting stuck in the abyss and having to be rescued by Jagex cool, that is.

*RuneScape 2*

- RuneScape 2 was released March 29, 2004.

- Special attacks were released on June 14, 2004.

- Get several people and have one follow the other to form a line, then wrap that line around a tree or rock and if the 1st person follows the last, you'll keep moving in a circle around the object. This can be done in RSC as well!

- The names of many of Runescape's knights are a play on words. Sir Prysin is surprising, Sir Renitee is serenity, Sir Vyvin is surviving, Sir Amik Varze is ceramic vase, Sir Tiffy Cashien is certification, etc.

- If a player becomes diseased or poisoned on a members world, the poison or disease will still affect the player if they log onto a free world.

- The quest, "Swan Song" was named so because the quest alludes to a soon to come danger. When a swan is about to die, it sings a song.

- If a player uses the Lunar spell, "Cure Plant" on a plant that is DEAD, they will recieve the following message, "It says 'Cure', not 'Resurrect'. Although death may arise from disease, it is not in itself a disease and hence cannot be cured. So there."

- If the first letters from all of the Wilderness cape merchants' names are put together, they will spell the word, "Wilderness."

- If one looks closely at the audience during the mime random event, they will see three, "strange watchers." One is red, one is green, and one is white. Perhaps they represent the 3 gods: Zamorak, Guthix, and Saradomin.

- The dragon plate, bought from Diango, was a teaser for players who thought there was going to be a dragon plate body. Now, Diango sells dragon kites: the actual kites you fly. Is it possible that there could be a dragon kiteshield in the future?

- God bird eggs were obtainable when the Farming skill came out, though they had no real purpose at the time.

- When players transfered over to RS2 from RSC, some had 9 hp instead of 10. Some players still have 9.

- There used to be an armor shop in Ardougne by the Spice Stall. It was since deleted/moved, and an open path to access the bank quicker from the market area was added in its place.

- The general store in the Wilderness Bandit Camp will buy an item at its high alchemy price. After the first item, the price he buys at gradually decreases. The shop owner says this is because he didn't get any tax collectors to visit him.

- When using the "Hunter" skill, it is easier to see the footprints of animals you're tracking in standard detail than in high detail.

- It is impossible to telegrab the ruby ring in Varrock west bank basement.

- Awhile ago, if you were to drop a spinning plate, the plate would crack into three pieces. Due to complaints by players, Jagex made it so the plates could not be broken. Broken spinning plates are now one of the few discontinued, but untradeable items.

- You can only buy two rare items in the GE every four hours.

- There used to be an item on the GE called a "truffle". Its examine was, "Makes me want to do the truffle shuffle!" This item was removed a few months later.

- Stealing Creation arrows mysteriously showed up in the GE one day, and showed up on the GE database as well. Jagex later removed them, and players saw that their buying offers had been cancelled.

- If you get muted in-game in RS2 and are a member or qualifying F2Per, you are muted from the forums as well.

- Magic trees used to make a loud, constant shimmering noise. This was reduced due to many players complaining the sound was annoying them.

- If you try to expel guests when you are not in your POH, you will get the message, "You're not in a house. You can't expel people from the world, even if you don't like them!"

- Players used to be able to go to the page 51 monster, a.k.a. "Chewie," by typing 51 in the page field. You would be taken to a blank page that only had the first page, previous page, etc buttons and the page field for the top and the bottom.

- The tree gardener in Varrock palace is named Treznor. Perhaps this may be a reference to Trent Reznor, lead singer of the band "Nine Inch Nails".

- In 2005, after the completion of the Halloween event, the reward was a Zombie Head. The head doesn't do anything besides speak,but it has some history in it. When you ask the zombie head what his name is, he responds, "Edward Cranium." Well it's funny because Edward Cranium, also known as Eddie the Head, is the symbol/mascot for the band, "Iron Maiden."

- One day one of my thread contributors was bored, so he looked under his sister's bed, and noticed a book. Well the book was about a witch who eats children. A child goes to the witch's house for a item, gets chased by the witch, and escapes. The evil witch's house is a house with chicken feet. The thread contributor read that this story is based off the Russian Folktale "Baba Yaga." He was like, "OMG," because Baba Ya** is a NPC in RS2, she is on Lunar Island inside her house with chicken feet.

- The walls surrounding Falador have a combined length of 403 steps (including the breach on the west side.)

- The area within the walls of Falador covers an area of 9004 squares.

- In total Falador has 370 windows, of which 192 are small windows, 81 are big windows in the party hall, and 97 are star shaped windows in the Falador castle and the building in the southern wall.

- The fence at the border of the Falador Park contains 97 fence-components.

- The moat surrounding the White Knights' Castle has 581 squares of water.

- The bridge crossing the small pond in Falador Park contains 72 small bricks and 12 big ones.

- The eastern part of the wall surronding Falador is supported by 59 support pillars.

- The Falador Castle has two rooms without a roof. (They could get wet if it rains!)

- The piles of rubble near the breach on the western wall on the border of Falador are actually four times mirrored.

- The western wall of Falador's border is built of 14820 small bricks.


- Although it has not been confirmed, most likely the Fremennik people in Relleka and the surrounding area are based off of the "Fremen," from the popular Dune series. Besides the name, the share many qualities: such as living on the outskirts of civilization.

- During the "Priest in Peril" quest, when you are switching out the golden key, you can bring a tinderbox, pot, feather, needle, and anything else that has a golden version and exchange it for the golden version. However, you can not do this after the quest, and they are not useable.

- Players get a warning before pulling a Christmas Cracker.

- Players can get items out of Soul Wars, but they become unusuable and vanish when banked.

- The "Summoning" skill icon leaked onto the internet almost a year before the skills release, but everynoe just disguarded it as a fake.

- There are over 50 different keys in runescape called "key" and "a key." They all examine as the same thing, and are impossible to tell apart, unless you try all the locks.

- Outside the southern Varrock pub is a drunken woman. Several years ago it used to be a man.

- The Bartender is the southern Varrock pub, the Blue Moon Inn, is the smartest character in Runescape. He proves this by telling your character he's playing a video game. Your character doesn't believe him.

- If a player asks the barbarian woman in the southern Varrock pub if they can buy her a drink, she will taunt them, and then the players character and the woman will start roaring at each other in order to prove that your character is a real "man."

- When Summoning was first released, tomes of experience and lamps could not be used to increase experience in the skill.

- Juna would also not assign experience to Summoning in the Tears of Guthix mini-game, when the skill was first released.

- When Farming was first released, players could plant seeds and then dig them right back up, not having to wait until the plants were fully grown.

- When Fletching was first released, the word “fletch” was censored.

- Willow bows and addy arrows used to be members’ only items.

- If a herring is used on a tree in RuneScape, the message, “This is not the mightiest tree in the forest.” is prompted. (Do not be discouraged though, for I will tell you that there IS the mightiest tree in the forest located somewhere in RuneScape.)

- There are several free teleports spread around RuneScape. If a player speaks with Shantay at the Shantay Pass and claims to be an outlaw, they will be arrested. If they refuse to pay to leave the cell, they will be teleported to the prison in Port Sarim where they can pick the lock on the door. At the Dark Wizard's Tower, players who ignore Zandar***fyre's threat to leave will be teleported to Lumbridge Swamp.

- If you examine the War Tortoise familiar, a message will say, "Definitely not teen-aged, although the jury is out on its ninja skills". This is a reference to the television show, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

- The examine of the Rock Lobster is, "It wasn't a rock... it was a rock lobster!" This is a reference to the song, "Rock Lobster" (1979) of the B-52's.

- If poison delivers the final blow on a player's Slayer assignment, the kill will not count for his/her task. This was implemented so players could not poison a monster then hide in a safe-spot.

- The Swan Song quest reveals that the Wise Old Man's real name is Dionysius.

- Players can not let a Beast of Burden familiar carry a clue scroll. When tried, players are prompted with a game message stating clue scrolls can't be traded to anyone, not even familiars.

- Killing mutated zygomytes in Zanaris (the Lost City) is a great way to get strawberry seeds.

- Arhein in Catherby sells pineapples and seaweed at 2gp each if you talk to him. You can get 40 pineapples and 80 seaweed every 24 hours.

- For a very brief period of time, the color of stat levels on the skills page where changed from yellow to orange. This was quickly reversed after it became apparent that colorblind players were having a difficult time playing with the new update.

- Players can reach a place called the, "Killerwatt Plane" by entering the portal in Dr. Odenstein's laboratory, on the top floor of Draynor Manor. You also receive a message warning you not to go in if you suffer from epilepsy due to the flashing lights and strobe effects in the Killerwatt plane.

- There used to be a random event called the "Tangle Vine." It specifically attacked players who tried to run away; they would not be harmed if they stood still. Due to the massive chaos that ensued when people tried to escape from it, it was removed not long after its release.

- On the 29th of May, 2007 Varrock got a new look, and with it, the museum got revamped into the massive interactive place it is now. Prior to the updates it was a rather dull place with only some iron armour and some other things downstairs, and a selection of Egyptian-styled objects upstairs.

- There is a herb farming patch atop the Troll Stronghold that never gets diseased. It requires completion of the quest, "My Arm's Big Adventure" to use.

- The random event in which the Mysterious Old Man gives you a box asking what shape a number is on (or vice versa), previously asked for a color. Jagex realized that this caused complications for color blind people and changed it to the way it is today.

- There was once a glitch which caused players die instantly at random, no matter their location in Runescape. Although caused due to a malfunction in the Castle Wars script, it mostly affected those located near the Tears of Guthix mini game.

- The fountain underneath the Hero's Guild that is used to charge glory amulets used to be on the ground level near the statue of Arrav. It was moved to the back of the dungeon after the introduction of the Games necklace which created a teleport close to the guild.

- Party hat prices were once very low, as with all discontinued items. To give you an idea of just how low they were... Prices in paranthesis are recent others from Aug 30 2004. Blue: 8-10M (380-420M), White: 6-7M (266-294M), Green: 5-6M (185-204M), Red: 5-6M (218-241M), Yellow: 4-5M (175-194M), Purple: 3-4M (152-168M). Now you know how people got rich!

- When the Mage Training Arena was released the XP you gained when enchanting was the same you would gain outside of the arena. This caused players to gain magic XP like crazy, so Jagex made the XP from the enchanting area 75% of the XP you'd gain normally.

- It is always morning in Runescape. We can deduce this from the fact that the bartender in the Seer's Village bar always says good morning, regardless of the time in real life. To be fair, this could also mean he is insane.

- Lumberjack clothing from the Temple Trekking mini-game provides 2.4% more Woodcut XP per log. This means less logs to cut and faster XP per hour. The higher XP-giving log you cut, the more useful it is.

- Dondakan the dwarf, talked to during the, "Between a Rock" quest is in possession of granite boots! If you try and persuade him into selling them to you he will not accept any amount below 70k and after 80k he will admit he just wanted to see how much you would offer, and that wouldn't ever trade his beloved boots.

- If you become poisoned at any time during your Runescape adventures, you can cure the poison by eating a strange fruit!

- Wearing H.A.M. clothing decreases your chances of getting caught while pickpocketing H.A.M. members.

- Upstairs in the Lunar Isle clothing shop there is a mirror with an admire option. If you click it you do a random emote and say "lookin' good!"

- There is an official RuneScape guide published by Scholastic.

- The only way to temporarily raise your crafting level before Evil Dave's stews were released was to try using a poison chalice which would raise stats randomly.

- For every six agility levels, the recovery speed of a player's run energy is increased by 5%. This means that players gain absolutely nothing from level 84 to 89 for instance.

- Seeds were released before the Farming skill in anticipation of such high demand from RuneScape players. They miscalculated the release date though, and Farming came out almost two months after seeds (it was planned to be a week). By this point, everyone had thousands of seeds and training was easy.

- Originally, there was a grey wilderness cape. It was removed and replaced with a pink cape because people complained that it looked too much like a Legends' cape.

- Limestone explodes if a player attempts to smelt it. It deals about 8 damage if the player isn't wearing gloves to protect themself.

- The gatekeeper guarding the Zanaris marketplace gate used to be an old man, and now it is his son.

- There used to be a pattern on the walls of many banks that portrayed a man with his arms outstretched hidden amongst the bricks.

- Trolls are named after the first thing they ate, or, if they can't describe that meal, they are named after the noise the meal made.

- The maximum amount of items (including coins) that can be in a stack is 2,147,483,647. This is because RuneScape is coded in Java which has a maximum value for integers. When a player reaches that amount, they will receive a warning that they can have no more of that item in their stack.

- When eating a cabbage picked from Draynor manor, a player will be informed that it, "Tastes slightly better than normal". This will cause their defense level to be temporarily increased by 1. This is due to the enhanced magical properties of the manors' soil which is discovered in the "Black Knights Fortress" quest.

- When clicking on the RuneScape screen to move around, holding down the Ctrl key and clicking will automatically make a player run.


- There is a dog in south of Falador that eats bones if a player feeds them to it.

- The owner of the Varrock swordshop has only one arm. His examine reads something like, "Ironically, he makes his living with swords".

- Players used to be able to use a mature greenmans ale/xp lamps to get to level 3 herblore without doing the quest, "Druidic Ritual."

- Using a cooked fish on the uncooking pot on Evil Bob's Island will reward a player with the message, "Your Uncooking skill must be at least level X before you can do that."

- Blue skirts give no defense bonus.

- In the old times there was a random called Doctor Ford, who would ask you how many fingers he was holding up, for you to pass some sort of checkup. He was removed as it was possible for him to perform some obscene gestures (as the amount of fingers he held up was random).

- If players use a herring on the gnome Grand Tree, they get a message saying, "It can't be done." This is a reference from the movie, "Monty Python."

- The range in the kitchen in Lumbridge Castle gives one a reduced chance of burning things.

- Did you know that if a player goes to the gallows behind Draynor Manor and looks at them for about 10-20 seconds, an image of a person will appear in the noose then disappear!?

- The ghost in the gallows is named Guy. A bit west of the gallows, there is a grave. If the grave is examined, players get the message, "Here lies Guy. Guy told a lie so we hung him from the gallows high."

- The evening before the Grand Exchange was installed, a player was casting alchemy on items in Varrock's west bank when he received the mime random event. Rather than complete it, he logged out. Between the time he logged out and the time he next logged in, the Grand Exchange was added. Along with this change, Varrock's western bank underwent a major upgrade, where it was expanded, given bank booths on both sides, and had its parameters shifted considerably. When the player next logged in he finished his random event and was returned to the exact same spot he was before-hand...which now happened to be a spot behind the bank counter!

- Originally, players were able to wear rune platebodies before doing the, "Dragon Slayer" quest.

- The "double the NPC's level +1= no aggression," rule applies even to the Monks of Zamorak, and their precious wine.

- If a player ignores a strange plant, it will poison them.

- If a player examines Fortunato, the wine seller in Draynor Village, they will get a message saying, "Looks like he could do with a sip of Amontillado." This is a direct reference from Edgar Allen Poe's short story, "Cask of Amontillado."

- Bob the Cat has green eyes. Evil Bob has red eyes. The Icon of Bob has yellow eyes.

- Jugs of wine used to have two drinks in them, so players could get an item called, "half a jug of wine."

- If a player looks in one of the cells in the Stronghold of Player Safety, they will see a poster on the wall, a chess set made of rocks, and small rock hammer. This is a reference from the film, "The Shawshank Redemption."

- In the, "Cold War" quest, if one examines the trumpet in the music penguins' room, they are rewarded with a message that reads, "Miles Davis is looking for this."

- When the, "Waterfall Quest" was first created, a player was able to recieve the reward as many times as he/she wanted.

- Falador never used to be white. It was a major graphic update that made it so.

- The old stance for a two-handed weapon is like that of a long sword, you held a two-hander with one hand.

- When quickchat came out there was an option that read, "Do you have a 9mm?"

- Awhile back, players could buy a disk of returning for 2gp in the general store.

- The, "Prayer" icon used to be yellow.

- The following is a reference straight from Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado About Nothing" in the quest, "Throne of Miscellania." This is an excerpt from the national anthem Queen Sigrid sings to you, "You're stupid, we're the best, Etceteria beats the rest! And Queen Sigrid is very pretty, King Vargas is a fool, HEY, NONNY-NONNY!" The, "HEY NONNY-NONNY!" part is directly from a song in Shakespeare's play.

- The Hunter emote was accidently leaked by one of the J-Mods before anyone got to 99.

- Before the release of Summoning, there was a glitch that allowed players to summon a Karamthulhu for a short time.

- The watch, sextant and chart can not be used in a players house. Trying to use them will prompt the message, "The sextant doesn't seem to work here".

- The Party Room was originally located in Seers' Village. It was moved to Falador to make it available to non-members.

- When the Stronghold of Player Safety was first released, the cockroach soldiers' ranged attack was VERY weak. If a player had dragonhide on, the attackalmost never hit you! A few days after the release, its attack was fixed, and now their ranged attack can hit 10's, while their max hit with melee is only 8.

- Zanaris used to be green instead of blue.

- The locations of "Castle Wars" and the "Slayer Tower" were shown on the world map before they were released.

- Originally in the Barrows, Verac could NOT hit a player if they used Prayer. Now, he is able to occasionally hit through Prayer because of his set effect.

- In the Barrows, if using Prayer against Guthans, he used to be able to heal himself. When his effect went off, it would restore 15 of his Hp.

- Killing the Barrows Brothers increases the chance of getting rewards. Try experimenting in the tunnels to get more than one of the same brother to appear (it is possible.)

- Barrows brothers have pink Legends' capes.

- The examine for the "Spirit Jelly" familiar is, "In RuneScape, acid gets indigestion from YOU!" This is a reference to the "Russian Reversal" Internet fad.

- If a player gets a ride from Vigroy in Shilo Village, or his brother in Brimhaven, they will get a message saying, "The cart driver urges the horses on," even though there are no horses attached to the cart!

- The "Agility" icon on the Agility skill-cape is different than the "Agility" icon shown in the stat menu. The icon on the cape is actually the old icon, while the icon in the stat menu is the new one.

- The Initiate and Proselyte plates are called "hauberks" while every other armor plate is called a "platebody".

- The statue at the fork north of Falador looks the same as the Statue of Baxtorian from the "Waterfall Quest".

- Weapons up to Rune have a solid gold handle, while Dragon weapons have a grey, stone handle.

- There is a picture of the weapon "Silverlight" on the Anti-Dragonfire shield.

- While searching bails or piles of hay, it is possible to find a needle.

- All random event whirlpools swirl counter-clockwise.

- Arrows always hit their target at a set height (no higher, no lower) no matter how high or low the target is.

- When smithing, the armour that made weighs more than the bars used to make it.

- The bone spear is like a halberd, yet a shield can be wielded with it.

- Players don't have any fingers.

- Many two handed weapons will be used with one hand when attacking with "stab".

- There are 82 Cabbages in the Lumbridge cabbage field.

- After eating many cabbages they begin to taste "ok."

- Items dropped take two minutes to disappear.

- Black Demons stand exactly two times as tall as a player's character.

- Darts are the fastest weapon in the game.

- Players used to need to be a member to even look at the forums, they had to log in before they could view anything.

- If a player tries to do an emote in Soul Wars, they'll get the message, "This is a battleground, not a circus."

- Guards that can't be attacked wield halberds, while guards that can be wield swords.

- The examine of the Head Chef in the cooking guild is, "Despite his name, he rarely ever cooks heads."

- The Black medium helm used to sport a purple headband, instead of the red one that all other med helms have.

- Tok-Xils used to have square shaped mouths that were always open.

- A very long time ago, in the early days of RS2, the shoulders of trimmed platebodies weren't trimmed in a player's inventory, but were when they were equipped. Only the waist was trimmed in their inventory.

- Dragons, before the big graphical updates, used to have flat wings.

- In Varrock's west bank, upstairs there is a chadelier with the examine, "It's reassuring to know the bank's spending money usefully."

- Players can tell jokes to the lady behind the door in Varrock's west bank.

- According the the Varrock census in the libary Varrock used to have 47 citizens, it's now 9 years out of date.

- Father Lawrence wears the same clothes as the wizards in the dark wizards tower.

- The dig site worker that takes dirt to the Varrock museum says hi to the guards on his way back to the dig site. However, if a player kills all of the guards, when he walks by he says, "How's it going guards? Oh, they're all dead."

- Koshei the Deathless, who is fought in the "Fremmenik Trials" quest, is named after a Russian folktale character

- On tutorial island, Vannaka is holding a Steel two-hander and a Dragon sq shield at the same time.

- If a player has a minotaur familiar out and talks to it while wearing a Guthan's Helm, it'll threaten the player and accuse them of trying to make fun of it by wearing false horns.

- Player moderators and Jagex moderators were created on June 14, 2004.

- The Grand Exchange is 185 tiles (2×2 steps each) large. This includes the tiles beneath the bankers/clerks, and the cut tiles are summed up.


- When Castlewars was released, players could receive the bandages in the minigame, leave in a certain way, and then bring them to the dueling arena. These bandages still worked as they do in CW, but they were not considered food in "No Food" stake-duels, giving the player the ability to heal. Jagex quickly fixed this bug and removed any stray Bandages from all players who had them.

- In early RS2, an unstrung bow had the same name as its respective bow. For example, after cutting a yew log into a yew longbow, it would be called Yew Longbow. Adding a bowstring did not change the name of the item. Jagex fixed this after players realized that they could swap out unfinished bows in a trade, since on the second window there would be no way to discern the difference.

- The response to the last letter of Postbag 18, in the Postbag from the Hedge series, states that H.A.M. robes are fuchsia. When examining the top or bottom robe pieces of the H.A.M. outfit, players get a message saying they're "Vivid Crimson"!

- Most autoers in the early days of RWT mined rune essence, as it was easy to start with the con(cen)stantly-banned accounts. Jagex tried to stop this by making Pure Essence, which was also only available to be mined by members with a Mining level of 30 or more. On the day of the update, all members instantly had their Rune Essence turned into Pure Essence.

- When Jagex released the Warriors' Guild, they got everything right but forgot to actually put the guild in the game! Due to crowds of people sitting where it should be, they moved the guild further east than what was displayed in the original map so players were not crushed or stuck inside parts of the guild.

- Icefiends drop almost the same loot as Goblins. They even drop goblin mails!

- When skill capes first came out, players were able to put them up in a trade.

- If a player tries to submit an objective for a skill that is level 99, they are given the message, "Your skill level is 99. You cannot set an objective for this skill."

- If a player types in the word "murder" into the Notes feature then they will get the message, "All rest and no play makes Guthix a dull boy".

- Training Bows, Swords and Shields are discontinued items; when the new turorial was released they became impossible to get. They are some of the few items that aren't holiday items that are untradable, discontinued, and wearable.

- There was once a glitch where, by wearing circus clothes and then changing their gender, players could render parts of their body invisible. It was taken out swiftly, but it caught on quickly.

- Upstairs in one of the houses in Rimmington, there is a NPC named "Anja". Players can beg her for money, and after a long conversation she'll eventually gives them a few coins.

- If players don't give anything to wandering Tramp outside Blue Moon Inn in Varrock, he starts to yell insults at them.

- General Graar'dor didn't always drop Ourg bones.

- The Apothecary used to give out "stain-removing" potions which were named merely 'Potion'. These potions still exist as imp drops, yet have no use.

- Crates and boxes used to contain rusty swords which could be fixed up to become a random sword (bronze-steel).

- In Tutorial Island, Vannaka has a combat level where as in Edgeville dungeon he does not.

- Sheep used to be the only unattackable animal in Runescape until Hunter was released.

- Magic tree's moving sparkle effect also occurs with a single un-noted magic log if it is dropped onto the ground.

- Did you know Papaya fruits both heal you and restore some run energy? They heal 8 hp and restore 10% of you run energy.

- Runes are the Viking alphabet.

- The Hunter skill was leaked via the bug reporting form a few weeks before it was released. There was an option to report bugs for it which was removed soon after.

- After a letter sent to Postie Pete addressed to the Makeover Mage it was made possible to buy a Yin Yang amulet from the mage.

- Fistandantilus in the Legacy of Seergaze is reference from the, "Dragonlance" book series. In the series, Fistandantilus is and evil wizard, just as he is in Runescape.

- The city of Uzer could be comparable to the City of Ur: an ancient city in Mesopotamia, which is in ruins.

- Sophanem and Menaphos are very similar when reversed.

- It says, "NOOB" in the ice on the ground in the GWD.

- Chickens cannot kill you, no matter what.

- Zaros, Azzanadra, Hazeel, Zemouregal, and Lucien are in the same tribe.

- For a brief period of time, players could add themselves to their own Friend's List or Ignore List. This was taken out of the game shortly after it was discovered.

- While in the Stealing Creation minigame, if one is to try to use the "Give Thanks" emote, a message will appear saying, "The atmosphere of this plane prevents you from turning into a turkey."

- In the Gnome Stronghold’s agility arena, while a player is crossing the rope, a sign can be seen that says, "GAL PRIT EQUA! ALUFT DOOGLE! SEN SMAI!"

Using the Translation Book, “Gal prit equa!” translates to "All with Equa!" This is cool because all Gnome cooking includes Equa leaves as an ingredient. “ALUFT DOOGLE! SEN SMAI!” remains to be translated.

- There used to be a shortcut north-east of Lumbridge which required a certain Agility level to be used. Players would climb over a fence, cutting out a bit of the trip to Varrock. Now there is a path leading to a gap in the fence, and f2p and low agility p2p are be able to use the shortcut.

- The wooden signpost with the musician underneath it north of Falador used to be a huge stone signpost before resting and musicians were released.

- The Cold War quest refers to the real life Cold War, for example the penguins are named "KGP" agents, in real life the "KGB" existed.

- The Magician south of Falador, Malignius Mortifer shouts something in Latin, “Da mihi potentia!”, which is translated to, “Give me power!”

- At one point the nearest bank to Lumbridge was the bank in Draynor Village.

- There is no way to use the boat in the Fishing Guild, yet if a player examines it they get the message, "I hope it doesn’t sink!"

- There's a skeleton with a funny examine in Draynor Manor in the ghost area upstairs, "I don't understand, why didn't he go back to Lumby?"

- In the quest Garden of Tranquility, when a player is getting their ring of Charos enchanted, The Wise Old Man asks the question, "You meet Pkmaster0036 in the wilderness who asks you who is the greatest player killer in the world. How do you answer?" Later in the quest, when players steal the statue from Falador, a cutscene with two guards starts. They are then murdered by, guess who? Pkmaster0036.

- If a player examines a skeleton in the Slayer Tower they will get this message, "How do you make a skeleton laugh?" Then if they examine the skeleton next to it, they will be rewarded with the message, "Tickle his funny bone."

- When a player examines a Crawling hand they receive the message, "Give me five. Acutally don't."

- There is a hidden message coded into one of the RuneScape’s songs. The song "Norse Code" uses Morse code at the flute effect. The code translates to, “RuneScape”.

- The Salve Amulet does not work on the Barrows brothers, even though they're undead.

- Mos le'harmless" is very similar to, "mostly harmless."

- In French, Mort Myre translates to, “Death Swamp”.

- In the Lumbridge Swamp dungeon, if a players lights more than one candle, it will become less dark after each candle is lit

- Trollheim: "Heim" is the German equivalent of the English word "home". So Trollheim translates to "Troll home" and Trollheim is home to the trolls in RuneScape.

- Using the fairy rings it's possible to transport an aggressive NPC's to Zanaris where they'll remain until killed.

- The quest, “Hunt for Red Raktuber” is similar in name to the movie, “Hunt for Red October” in which a Russian sub captain experiences defects with a new advanced sub.

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dude those r sick facts

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There used to be an item on the GE called a "truffle". Its examine was, "Makes me want to do the truffle shuffle!" This item was removed a few months later.

Edited by David

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can I get a tl;dr

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woah dude much woah very nice

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- In total Falador has 370 windows, of which 192 are small windows, 81 are big windows in the party hall, and 97 are star shaped windows in the Falador castle and the building in the southern wall.

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I'll keep these in mind for my achievement topic titles

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woah dude much woah very nice

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You think I have time to read this fukkery? I'm just here to fuck somebodies wife!!!!!

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- The original purpose for "Guards" was to literally guard players in the major cities. Prior to the Wilderness, players who enabled the "Player-Killing" option could attack, and be attacked, by players anywhere in the RuneScape world other than Lumbridge. If you attacked a player in the presence of a guard, the guard would automatically engage with you!


Deadman mode.

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mm yes ty

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You think I have time to read this fukkery? I'm just here to fuck somebodies wife!!!!!

pk as fuck ghettoB

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- The original purpose for "Guards" was to literally guard players in the major cities. Prior to the Wilderness, players who enabled the "Player-Killing" option could attack, and be attacked, by players anywhere in the RuneScape world other than Lumbridge. If you attacked a player in the presence of a guard, the guard would automatically engage with you!


Deadman mode.


Except the guards were shitty level 22's i'm assuming?

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- If a player asks the barbarian woman in the southern Varrock pub if they can buy her a drink, she will taunt them, and then the players character and the woman will start roaring at each other in order to prove that your character is a real "man."

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