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#VR-Admin #9: Best of Dj Av Valeni (DJ Spic)

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When people think of the stupidity and incompetence of VR's leadership, Dj Av Valeni (aka DJ Spic) is one of the first names that comes to mind. Honestly, we could've added hundreds more lines of text but i'll just leave you with these. When you're through you'll be asking the same question D156 did: <@D156> how r u even advisor


(08:14:35) <@Viet`afk> we shud just fucking close

(08:14:54) <@D156> im just here for the admin leaks

(08:15:25) <@Flaxpicker097> how much u think its worth

(08:15:30) <@Flaxpicker097> our admin for the past year

(08:15:34) <@Flaxpicker097> 100m?

(08:15:38) <@Flaxpicker097> we can share 50/50 Viet`afk

(08:15:48) <@Viet`afk> no ive already leaked it

(08:15:54) <@Flaxpicker097> better not

(08:15:56) <@Flaxpicker097> i got ur ip lmao!

(08:16:05) <@Viet`afk> i dont give a fuck






(13:45:29) <@pkerdylan5> they echoing btw

(13:45:47) <@Viet-> how u know

(13:46:00) <@pkerdylan5> the shit theyre saying

(13:46:07) <@pkerdylan5> while people talking

(13:46:10) <@Viet-> pic ts

(13:46:15) <@Kygo> if u want i can overplay music

(13:46:17) <@Kygo> over ts

(13:46:22) <@Kygo> so theres nothing to echo




(15:17:33) <@Dj_av_valenI> swear to god

(15:17:40) <@Dj_av_valenI> when im done with school in 2 months

(15:17:45) <@Dj_av_valenI> im gonna buy a botnet

(15:17:48) <@Dj_av_valenI> and rot forums wil lbe down 24/7

(15:22:54) <@Dj_av_valenI> or u might see me on the news for killing erik

(15:23:07) <@Dj_av_valenI> that faggot doesnt deserve to breath




(09:45:52) <@D156> julian_6565 u see Dj_av_valenI's sets pic?

(09:46:00) <@D156> http://i.imgur.com/wSJoHOv.png

(09:46:01) <@Dj_av_valenI> D156

(09:46:05) <@Dj_av_valenI> ur legit pissing me off

(09:46:06) <@D156> how r u even advisor

(09:46:08) <@D156> idgaf

(09:46:18) <@D156> http://i.imgur.com/wSJoHOv.png

(09:46:21) <@D156> like how r u even official

(09:46:27) <@julian_6565> L

(09:46:27) <@julian_6565> O

(09:46:28) <@julian_6565> L

(09:46:29) <@julian_6565> LMFAO

(09:46:32) <@D156> is that serious

(09:46:36) <@D156> Evizu^

(09:46:40) <@D156> http://i.imgur.com/wSJoHOv.png

(09:46:54) <@Dj_av_valenI> D156

(09:46:58) <@Dj_av_valenI> i dont get why

(09:47:00) <@Dj_av_valenI> your bitchiong

(09:47:07) <@D156> officials set an example

(09:47:13) <@D156> r u stupid?

(09:47:21) <@Dj_av_valenI> evizu had no rune set 6 months ago

(09:47:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> please

(09:47:27) <@Dj_av_valenI> shut the fuck up

(09:47:54) <@Dj_av_valenI> i actualy do restock

(09:47:58) <@Dj_av_valenI> after every war

(09:47:59) <@D156> do u think di or rot or df officials

(09:48:02) <@D156> have 5 sets?

(09:48:16) <@D156> i got 50 and thats not enough for when we go uncapped

(09:48:43) <@Dj_av_valenI> well your callers

(09:48:46) <@Dj_av_valenI> i dont get targeted

(09:49:00) <@Dj_av_valenI> but srs D156

(09:49:01) <@D156> idk why u try backing yourself up

(09:49:03) <@D156> about 5 rune sets

(09:49:04) <@Dj_av_valenI> mind ur own problem

(09:49:09) <@Dj_av_valenI> i dont have 5 sets

(09:49:11) <@Dj_av_valenI> you retard

(09:49:14) <@D156> u just look stupid

(09:49:19) <@D156> in #vr-priv

(09:49:28) <@D156> less of an official

(09:49:30) <@Dj_av_valenI> u think i care

(09:49:41) <@Dj_av_valenI> what other people think

(09:50:00) <@D156> ok well since u r 2 retarded

(09:50:08) <@D156> im not even going to bother explaining

(09:50:09) * @D156 has quit IRC (Client exitedo)




(13:18:23) <@Abkb|> kygo u are a rich man now

(13:18:24) <@Abkb|> 31m split

(13:18:24) <@kygo> i got 80m cash im not buying 150 sets i aint gonna need

(13:18:26) <@Abkb|> get some sets!!

(13:18:40) <@kygo> if u know me i always restock after every war idiot

(13:18:44) <@kygo> i spend

(13:18:48) <@kygo> 5m on a cancer

(13:18:51) <@kygo> respawn edge

(13:19:01) <@kygo> i could go to macdonalds

(13:19:04) <@kygo> right now

(13:19:07) <@kygo> and spend the 5m

(13:19:10) <@kygo> on a nice burger

(13:19:25) <@Craiggg> u dont have edge spawn?

(13:19:40) <@kygo> im saying i coulda buy a burger instead ;(

(13:19:51) <@Craiggg> ye but that burger wont last u a lifetime




(17:17:40) <@Kygo> shud prep hard again for next sunday

(17:17:43) <@Kygo> to fuck rot lmao

(17:17:50) <@Kygo> 3 weeks on a row no wars

(17:17:52) <@Viet-> its superbowl

(17:18:00) <@Kygo> whats a superbowl




(13:30:44) <@Kygo> i just had a sip of this red bull in 7 months

(13:30:50) <@Kygo> felt like i had a dildo up my ass i just woke up




(16:16:32) <@Kev|> JT: kev| karoh is pertending she is afk

(16:16:32) <@Kev|> JT: but shes green in league chat

(16:16:32) <@Kev|> JT: been like that for hours

(16:16:35) <@Kev|> Sethtroll^

(16:16:49) <@Dj_av_valenI> want me to dc her for 5 secs




(12:28:39) <@Viet-> http://i.imgur.com/qxpwA87.png

(12:28:42) <@Viet-> btw how does rot have this pic

(12:29:00) <@D156> garnes vidded

(12:29:04) <@Viet-> oh

(12:33:32) <@Kygo> now

(12:33:34) <@Kygo> we are spy free

(12:33:34) <@Kygo> ?

(12:33:36) <@Kygo> vr?

(12:33:41) <@Kygo> we made it?

(12:43:36) <@D156> (14:33:29) <@Kygo> we are spy free

(12:43:36) <@D156> LMFAO




(15:35:28) <@Blazer> Tim intel is only a small step above Dj intel though

(15:35:31) <@Blazer> Keep that in mind

(15:35:49) <@Kygo> Blazer who u again

(15:35:57) <@Kygo> oh yeh u the kid who got bullied by a dutch 4ner

(15:36:17) <@Blazer> You ddosd me and lost your access

(15:36:29) <@Blazer> You're only here cause you stole your dads jihadi card and paid for TS

(15:36:31) <@Blazer> Retard

(15:36:33) <@Kygo> dident loose shit

(15:36:34) <@Kygo> lmao

(15:36:51) <@Blazer> Cant see Ips anymore thank fuck

(15:37:15) <@Blazer> Pay for TS and shut up Kygo there was a reason you werent allowed in the high command irc lmfao

(15:37:22) <@Kygo> only paid for a month Blazer

(15:37:26) <@Kygo> nice brain tumor




(14:33:52) <@Kygo> (23:33:04) <Kygo> how many niples can i get for 200k?

(14:33:52) <@Kygo> (23:33:46) <TILA> not niples

(14:33:52) <@Kygo> (23:33:47) <TILA> just ass




(17:17:15) <@Kygo> af is at vetion with 20 Arma150

(17:17:17) <@Kygo> stay logged

(17:17:34) <@Viet-> im asking bosha where af is logged out

(17:17:44) <@Kygo> u think hes gonna tell us

(17:17:57) <@Kygo> if af doesnt leave

(17:17:59) <@Kygo> lets 1 item em




(12:47:10) <@D156> idk why u guys wait till u gotta be told to do it

(12:47:27) <@kygo> D156

(12:47:29) <@kygo> do your job

(12:47:31) <@kygo> AND STFU

(12:47:59) <@D156> one of my jobs is keeping you in line

(12:48:07) <@kygo> adv-> council

(12:48:11) <@kygo> sit on the chair




(12:03:56) <@Kygo> so many cancer clan wars events

(12:04:04) <@Kygo> what happend to once a week

(12:04:25) <@Abkb|> big test today if we can win this 3-0 maybe we can move on to downfall

(12:04:35) <@Kygo> we wont win





(13:48:28) <@Paisa_man> frostie legit got 1 hit again

(13:48:39) <@Paisa_man> he tried tank baiting and he got deleted

(13:51:50) <@Kygo> this what happends when u let shiters in vr




(14:48:01) <@Bosha> Today was a poor pull

(14:48:06) <@Bosha> there's still only 60 on ts

(14:48:29) <@Arma150> df take it seriously which is why they win

(14:48:29) <@Arma150> lol

(14:48:31) <@Arma150> simple as that

(14:48:35) <@Kygo> half our members

(14:48:37) <@Kygo> dont give a shit




(14:34:15) <@Bosha> grab a fallin

(14:34:21) <@Bosha> see how many people are ingame

(14:34:27) <@Bosha> because there's 52 on Ts, but like 40 ing.

(14:35:23) <@Arma150> doesnt matter whos in game the event is basically over

(14:47:07) <@Kygo> ima get some food from mcdonalds

(14:47:10) <@Kygo> brb 20 mins




(07:39:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6

(07:39:11) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6

(07:39:12) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6

(07:39:14) <@Mike|Cera_S6> no

(07:39:17) <@Dj_av_valenI> listen

(07:39:20) <@Dj_av_valenI> u still got that old booter

(07:39:24) <@Mike|Cera_S6> ye

(07:39:27) <@Dj_av_valenI> hit me off

(07:39:30) <@Mike|Cera_S6> why

(07:39:34) <@Dj_av_valenI> i need to have proof to

(07:39:37) <@Dj_av_valenI> of me getting ddoosed

(07:39:45) <@Mike|Cera_S6> gimme ur ip

(07:39:56) <@Dj_av_valenI>

(07:39:57) <@Mike|Cera_S6> www.whatsmyip.org

(07:39:58) <@Mike|Cera_S6> k

(07:39:59) <@Dj_av_valenI> hit me off for like

(07:40:01) <@Dj_av_valenI> 300 sec

(07:40:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> k

(07:42:05) * @Dj_av_valenI has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero)





(14:49:52) <@Dj_av_valenI> we have 40 vr ready

(14:50:18) <@Dj_av_valenI> D156

(14:50:18) <@Dj_av_valenI> D156

(14:50:19) <@Dj_av_valenI> http://i.imgur.com/JcFZ88x.png

(14:50:20) <@Dj_av_valenI> http://i.imgur.com/JcFZ88x.png

(14:50:35) <@Dj_av_valenI> are we gonna cwa or hit rot

(14:50:45) <@julian_6565> cwa

(14:50:48) <@julian_6565> im sure af

(14:50:50) <@julian_6565> can hold out

(14:53:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> u shud tele up in barrage/chins Mike|Cera_S6

(14:53:49) <@Dj_av_valenI> well im getting ddosed

(14:54:48) <@Mike|Cera_S6> uve said that

(14:54:50) <@Mike|Cera_S6> 15 times

(14:54:52) <@Mike|Cera_S6> u should stfu

(14:54:54) <@Mike|Cera_S6> already

(14:55:04) <@Viet-> we not gnna drop everythin to help af

Nice allies, AF^






(13:19:35) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6

(13:19:39) <@Dj_av_valenI> we gonna hit foe/fatality

(13:19:48) <@Mike|Cera_S6> i dont need monk robes

(13:19:50) <@Mike|Cera_S6> and dscims

(13:20:07) <@Dj_avvalenI> p2p Mike|Cera_S6

(13:20:09) <@Dj_av_valenI> retard

(13:20:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> u dumb

(13:20:15) <@Mike|Cera_S6> (16:19:50) <@Mike|Cera_S6> and dscims

(13:20:19) <@Dj_av_valenI> http://i.imgur.com/NErEWP4.png

(13:20:22) <@Dj_av_valenI> does that look like d scims

(13:20:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> u dickfuck




(13:47:00) <@Kygo> bit wierd how theres 0 rot at our mass

(13:47:10) <@Viet-> very weird indeed

(13:47:16) <@Viet-> this has me worried

(13:47:16) <@Blazer> what r u on about

(13:47:21) <@Jimmy> I mean they could be at their own mass

(13:47:30) <@Viet-> no Jimmy this means bigger things

(13:47:35) <@Viet-> they're trikin us

(13:47:51) <@Kygo> theres always 1 rot here idk

(13:48:01) <@Blazer> Kygo please elaborate

(13:48:18) <@Kygo> Blazer speak up when u actualy do something usefull in vr

(13:48:22) <@Kygo> for now shut it

(13:48:27) <@Bosha> Can you guys focus on the mass and today

(13:48:29) <@Bosha> Tyvm

(13:48:32) <@Bosha> we're missing 20 people still




(18:40:05) <@Viet-> ITS A SCOUT

(18:40:10) <@Kygo> now thats a spy

(18:40:12) <@Viet-> LMFAO

(18:40:13) <@Viet-> UR A RETARD

(18:40:15) <@Craiggg> k stop spammnig retarded stuff

(18:40:49) <@Arma150> so they defo have a ts spy?

(18:40:54) <@Kygo> ye

(18:40:55) <@Viet-> its fucking trhis random

(18:41:08) <@Craiggg> shut up saying retarded shit

(18:41:31) <@Kygo> Skimer40 u wanna lock channel

(18:41:36) <@Kygo> or end

(18:41:37) <@Skimer40> what u mean lock

(18:41:42) <@Skimer40> only friends can join

(18:41:48) <@Bosha> Kygo like no offense but you're doing this really poorly lol

(18:42:06) <@Kygo> Bosha u want a rope

(18:42:09) <@Kygo> to hang yourself

(18:42:12) <@Skimer40> shut up idiots

(18:42:17) <@Bosha> No i want VR to be spyless so you guys can pk

(18:42:26) <@Kygo> ye lets remove every member






(18:30:37) <@Kygo> why ban Lordkilla44

(18:30:37) <@Craiggg> hard to think when u guys go stupid

(18:30:57) <@Kygo> why did u ban him wtf

(18:31:08) <@Lordkilla44> because we're trying to spy catch with a guy who hasnt been on this ts ever before

(18:31:22) <@Kygo> and u remove a guy who uses MY spare

(18:31:29) <@Kygo> and is ex vr

(18:31:30) <@Kygo> a honoured member

(18:32:03) <@Lordkilla44> you dpont even know his fucking name and yet ur moaning at me

(18:32:05) <@Kygo> u treath a oldmember like that

(18:34:53) <@Kygo> hes a honoured member Viet-

(18:34:55) <@Kygo> i remember him

(18:34:57) <@Viet-> doenst mean shit





(17:29:17) <@Blazer> wanna know which isp support member helped me when you ddosd me

(17:29:24) <@Blazer> niggas name was matthew

(17:30:24) <@Kygo> pulling your own router out isnt ddosing lmao

(17:30:46) <@Kev|> shut the fuck up u faggot

(17:30:50) <@Kev|> u lost a veteran his ags

(17:31:00) <@Kygo> do u want a rope with that aswell since u like pulling cables

(17:31:07) <@Kygo> retard lmao

(17:33:30) <@Kygo> pretty sure u rq if someone flames u for 20 mins

(17:35:17) <@Blazer> Kygo you literally gave some kid rs gear to come on our ts and get an ags off our member

(17:35:27) <@Blazer> you are a retard

(17:35:37) <@Kygo> Blazer you literally pulled your router off and cried to Evizu then u left vr

(17:35:44) <@Kygo> ;)

(17:36:15) <@Blazer> We both know that didnt happen

(17:36:29) <@Kygo> i have the logs lmfao

(17:36:32) <@Blazer> Everyone knows you hit me off

(17:36:36) <@Blazer> Yeah so do I

(17:36:43) <@Blazer> You literally couldnt even form a sentence anymore

(17:36:45) <@Kygo> everyonw knows ur a bitch boy for faking a ddos

(17:36:46) <@Blazer> Cause I made you rage so hard

(17:36:48) <@Kygo> lmao

(17:36:54) <@Blazer> You couldnt even finish your sentence

(17:36:56) <@Blazer> It was hilarious

(17:37:24) <@Kygo> you coulden't even demote me with ur fake accusation

(17:37:45) <@Kygo> wb tho just dont pull ur router off again if u get bullied by me :S

(17:38:02) <@Blazer> Both know it wasnt fake keep trying tho

(17:38:21) <@Blazer> Hows it feel knowing you werent allowed in high command irc since nobody took you seriously

(17:38:26) <@Blazer> Literally the only advisor in history

(17:38:28) <@Blazer> Not to be allowed in

(17:38:33) <@Kygo> i diden't ask to be in

(17:38:34) <@Kygo> ?

(17:38:36) <@Blazer> LMFAO

(17:38:39) <@Kygo> no need to cry tho

(17:38:57) <@Kygo> how mad were u when u knew i wasnt getting demoted cuz u wanted to see me demoted and a month later u come back

(17:39:06) <@Kygo> like a dogg lmao

(17:39:56) <@Blazer> Dj if you came back after months you wouldnt be ranked

(17:39:58) <@Blazer> Garaunteed

(17:40:08) <@Kygo> atleast i diden't give up on mu clan?

(17:40:14) <@Kygo> retard

(17:40:17) <@Blazer> Give up what lmfao

(17:40:31) <@Kygo> i bet u would kill yourself irl to see me see get demoted lmfao

(17:40:41) <@Blazer> See shit like that is why you're the clan retard




(20:23:06) <@Kygo> dont bully this matthew kid

(20:23:11) <@Kygo> when ima recruit him into vr

(20:23:14) <@Bosha> WHO

(20:23:15) <@Bosha> is MATTHEW

(20:23:21) <@Bosha> GOD you have NO brain

(20:23:28) <@Kygo> god kill yourself

(20:23:28) <@Kygo> retard

(20:23:33) <@Kygo> stop talkinga

(20:23:35) <@Bosha> Listen to yourself

(20:23:36) <@Kygo> all u have to do is call

(20:23:38) <@Bosha> Read your own words

(20:23:41) <@Kygo> shut up retard

(20:23:45) <@Bosha> maybe we'd have less spies

(20:23:50) <@Bosha> if you didnt let every man on Ts

(20:23:51) <@Bosha> as a friend

(20:24:03) <@Kygo> just like what ur rot friends tell u Bosha retard

(20:24:08) <@Kygo> anyway

(20:24:13) <@Kygo> keep trolling just dont flame that guy

(20:24:16) <@Bosha> you are as clueless as the next

(20:24:17) <@Abkb|> what is happening

(20:24:25) <@Kygo> legit gonna bully him over something stupid

(20:24:28) <@Blazer> dj embarassing vr again

(20:26:06) <@Lordkilla44> Kygo whats his irc name

(20:26:12) <@Lordkilla44> i wanna ref the guy that took our ags

(20:26:15) <@Lordkilla44> sounds like a solid recruit

(20:26:50) <@D156> why r we reffing rot guys to vr??

(20:28:59) <@Kygo> u bullied 3 ops off ts because u know rot was out to hit ff

(20:29:00) <@Kygo> retards

(20:29:17) <@Kev|> Kygo ur the biggest fucking retard

(20:29:20) <@Kygo> u2

(20:29:21) <@Kev|> deal with it u faggot

(20:29:22) <@Kygo> retard

(20:29:26) <@Lordkilla44> how did we bully him

(20:29:35) <@Kygo> ff was pking rot rushed u retards they were at bear saw us speared us

(20:35:21) <@Blazer> [21:29:27] <@Kygo> ff was pking rot rushed u retards they were at bear saw us speared us

(20:35:27) <@Blazer> that aint how it happened

(20:35:32) <@Kygo> ok 1 of u retards got hit

(20:35:33) <@Kygo> u ended

(20:35:36) <@Kygo> same shit pussy

(20:36:01) <@Blazer> We didnt see rot until long after you brought a rot informant on to ts to help assasinate roger for his ags

(20:36:51) <@Paisa_man> Yea rot killed one of after we heard roger die for ags

(20:37:00) <@Paisa_man> Us*

(20:37:42) <@Bosha> Yo VR

(20:37:45) <@Bosha> we have some downie ranks lmao





(20:14:00) <@Lordkilla44> did that actually happen

(20:14:01) <@Bosha> did you let rot on our ts

(20:14:03) <@Viet-> LMFAO

(20:14:03) <@Lordkilla44> please fucking tell m,e it didnt

(20:14:06) <@D156> dj let rot on ts

(20:14:10) <@sethtroll> wait wait

(20:14:16) <@sethtroll> u died to rod for ags?

(20:14:20) <@Bosha> sethtroll yes

(20:14:26) <@Kygo> holy shit this cancer

(20:14:27) <@Viet-> HOLY SHIT DJ

(20:14:29) <@Viet-> UR A RETARD

(20:14:30) <@Viet-> LFMAO

(20:14:40) <@sethtroll> stop fucking p2p pking

(20:14:48) <@Viet-> dj let rot on ts

(20:14:49) <@Viet-> Kev|

(20:14:50) <@Viet-> lmfaoooooooooooo

(20:14:58) <@Lordkilla44> ok so u kill a guy in p2p

(20:15:00) <@Lordkilla44> then let him on ts?

(20:15:02) <@Lordkilla44> then get hit by rot?

(20:15:07) <@Bosha> OUR FUCKING ADVISOR.

(20:15:07) <@Lordkilla44> then lose an agS?

(20:15:13) <@Bosha> the brains are MIA

(20:16:12) <@Kev|> Kygo your literally retarded

(20:16:13) <@Kev|> step down

(20:16:18) <@Kygo> Kev| hang yourself

(20:16:19) <@Kygo> retard

(20:16:22) <@Kev|> step down

(20:16:26) <@Kev|> only advice i got for u

(20:16:27) <@Kygo> they were pking before this all happend

(20:16:32) <@Bosha> you LET RONALD

(20:16:33) <@Bosha> on our TS

(20:16:37) <@sethtroll> Dude why are you bringing an ags to p2p pk

(20:16:38) <@Skimer40> lmao

(20:16:39) <@Kygo> who is ron

(20:16:41) <@Kygo> u retard fuck

(20:16:47) <@Blazer> NICE FUCKING JOB DJ LMAO

(20:16:47) <@Blazer> NICE FUCKING JOB DJ LMAO

(20:16:49) <@sethtroll> are you FUCKING handicapped

(20:16:53) <@sethtroll> HOLY FUCKING SHIT

(20:17:19) <@julian_6565> fucking kygo lmfao

(20:17:23) <@Blazer> CAN SOMEONE DEMOTE DJ

(20:17:23) <@Blazer> CAN SOMEONE DEMOTE DJ

(20:17:23) <@Blazer> CAN SOMEONE DEMOTE DJ

(20:17:23) <@Blazer> CAN SOMEONE DEMOTE DJ

(20:17:29) <@Kygo> kill yourself firstr

(20:17:30) <@Kev|> Kygo step down im serious

(20:17:35) <@Kygo> (05:17:36) <@Kygo> kill yourself firstr

(20:17:36) <@Kev|> or quit the clan

(20:17:38) <@Kev|> after giving him his ags back




(12:52:21) <@Dj_av_valenI> af has 72 yes 1 no

(12:52:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> now thats dedication lol

(12:52:44) <@Mike|Cera_S6> damn

(12:52:45) <@Evizu> they have 1 signup every 5months

(12:53:01) <@Dj_av_valenI> im just saying its nice to see it :/




<@Dj_av_valenI> we cant callers make the talking when there calling




(13:26:01) <@Kev|> Flaxpicker097

(13:26:04) <@Kev|> be rdy to move

(13:26:05) <@Kev|> everyone to lobby

(13:26:06) <@Kev|> ok

(13:26:07) <@Flaxpicker097> nah

(13:26:10) <@Flaxpicker097> do it urself

(13:26:13) <@Flaxpicker097> fk u all

(13:26:14) <@Paisa_man> ??

(13:26:30) <@Paisa_man> Flaxpicker097 mass move

(13:26:38) <@Flaxpicker097> hang urself




(13:05:55) <@D156> when u guys dont stay positive about events our pull is shitty and nobody tries

(13:06:03) <@D156> and questioning shit 24/7

(13:06:06) <@Flaxpicker097> can

(13:06:06) <@Flaxpicker097> you

(13:06:07) <@Flaxpicker097> stop

(13:06:09) <@Flaxpicker097> bitching

(13:06:12) <@Flaxpicker097> and just enjoy the events

(13:06:18) <@Flaxpicker097> plz




(15:57:57) <@flaxpicker097> who the fuck

(15:57:59) <@flaxpicker097> is on jordan

(15:58:00) <@flaxpicker097> legit

(15:58:07) <@flaxpicker097> does he know what clumping is

(15:58:12) <@flaxpicker097> he just got piled by rot 3x on a row

(15:59:03) <@flaxpicker097> Loc_Dog

(15:59:06) <@flaxpicker097> ur a fucking retard

(16:00:00) <@Loc_Dog> shut up




(15:11:35) <@flaxpicker097> rot expect us to be at the vh fight

(15:11:52) <@flaxpicker097> ima do a chan hop

(15:11:53) <@flaxpicker097> ok D156 ?

(15:11:55) <@flaxpicker097> this is absurd

(15:12:23) <@flaxpicker097> theres no pass retard

(15:12:26) <@Evizu> chan hop doesnt make us go any faster

(15:13:03) <@Loc_Dog> rot hav 180 ops

(15:13:07) <@Loc_Dog> apparently

(15:13:08) <@flaxpicker097> lmfao

(15:13:21) <@flaxpicker097> our asses gonna b fkd

(15:13:45) <@Craiggg> DONT GO MULTI

(15:15:08) <@flaxpicker097> ur a retard daniel

(15:15:35) <@flaxpicker097> swear to god

(15:15:38) <@flaxpicker097> im leading next crash trip

(15:15:38) <@Sethtroll> no

(15:15:41) <@Sethtroll> you fucking retard

(15:15:45) <@Sethtroll> this is a fun event

(15:15:55) <@Sethtroll> stop taking everything so seriously and making it a shitty event




(19:36:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> Bosha

(19:36:17) <@Dj_av_valenI> if u got a problem with me muting annoying people

(19:36:19) <@Dj_av_valenI> say it here or in pm

(19:36:40) <@Bosha> >>?

(19:36:40) <@Bosha> ?

(19:36:42) <@Bosha> lol

(19:36:45) <@Bosha> i asked you

(19:36:46) <@Dj_av_valenI> if i mute someone i mute em for a reason

(19:36:48) <@Bosha> why you muted him

(19:36:56) <@Dj_av_valenI> hes beefing with our fa's and beign annoying while pking

(19:36:57) <@Bosha> then answer the question

(19:36:58) <@Bosha> lol

(19:37:03) <@Dj_av_valenI> i dont need to awnser u

(19:39:03) * Bosha is now known as Gnnnn

(20:28:51) * @Kev| has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero)

(21:09:47) * @julian_6565 has quit IRC (Ping timeouto)

Awkward hour+ long silence^




(13:43:28) <@Dj_av_valenI> Abkb| retard

(13:43:32) <@Dj_av_valenI> we have 50 stop telling peeps to come in

(13:43:38) <@Dj_av_valenI> 53*

(13:49:27) <@Abkb|> Dj_av_valenI Paisa_man leave cc wih me

(13:49:31) <@Dj_av_valenI> Abkb| u have down syndrome

(13:49:36) <@Dj_av_valenI> we could beat df fair n square

(13:50:24) <@Abkb|> that worked so well

(13:50:35) <@Dj_av_valenI> cuz ur brain doesnt work




(12:36:40) <@Dj_av_valenI> dont ac if df dont tell u before they mass what they doing

(12:37:43) <@Dj_av_valenI> \\\\\\\\\\\

(12:38:31) <@Paisa_man> they told us

(12:38:34) <@Paisa_man> on monday

(12:38:53) <@Dj_av_valenI> ]u retard

(12:39:00) <@Paisa_man> ??? i said it in irc

(12:39:02) <@Paisa_man> like 5 times

(12:39:14) <@Dj_av_valenI> we got throne troo=m

(12:39:15) <@Dj_av_valenI> for a reason





(14:28:18) <@Sethtroll> Dj_av_valenI Paisa_man control the vr tards arguing in #af

(14:30:37) <@Dj_av_valenI> legit

(14:30:41) <@Dj_av_valenI> we were about to hit if at dwarves

(14:30:47) <@Dj_av_valenI> and af cames from nowhere

(14:31:12) <@Sethtroll> (16:28:48) · Navid_Harrid · you cant even fight rot in a 1v1 shut up retards

(14:31:17) <@Sethtroll> this guy came in af spamming that n shit

(14:31:48) <@Craiggg> there is no relations

(14:31:56) <@Craiggg> we help af, af dont help us

(14:32:24) <@Craiggg> so who cares if af get flamed

(14:32:47) <@Dj_av_valenI> u know af is nothing w/o the vr

(14:32:50) <@Dj_av_valenI> atleast 15 vr in it

(14:32:59) <@Dj_av_valenI> would make a big impact on af fiting rot

(14:33:04) <@Dj_av_valenI> they shouldent start shit

(14:33:36) <@Dj_av_valenI> and what if we dont come anymore to the pks cuz they would depend on us

(14:34:12) <@Dj_av_valenI> im just saying there nothing w/o us, df/di wont be able to help em in p2p its always us helping them in p2p

(14:35:35) <@Evizu> put it this way then

(14:35:37) <@Sethtroll> because vr is sometimes retarded

(14:35:41) <@Evizu> if we see af in f2p we kill them

(14:35:43) <@Evizu> ;L

(14:35:45) <@Dj_av_valenI> how is vr retarted tho

(14:35:52) <@Dj_av_valenI> vr dident start shit af did by killing vr members

(14:35:57) <@Sethtroll> have you ever been at any of our fights/pks?

(14:35:59) <@Dj_av_valenI> i believe vr membs when they say they dident do shit, cuz af done it before

(14:36:02) <@Sethtroll> People are always sniping ppl

(14:36:03) <@Evizu> 14(1522:3514) 00· @15Craiggg 00· anyone who kills u is free game at the next af v rod





(19:23:11) <@Dj_av_valenI> who called it mand

(19:23:12) <@Dj_av_valenI> to fight di

(19:23:41) <@Dj_av_valenI> dont ever do that

(19:23:56) <@Dj_av_valenI> just giving di morale boost

(19:23:58) <@Dj_av_valenI> retards....

(19:24:05) <@Abkb|> should never give di action now

(19:24:09) <@Abkb|> just 1 item them

(19:24:44) <@Bosha> Abkb|

(19:24:50) <@Bosha> should only bring your hasta late or early

(19:24:51) <@Bosha> never at 3:30 am

(19:25:05) <@Bosha> prime time for ROT to be out

(19:26:02) <@Dj_av_valenI> so

(19:26:05) <@Dj_av_valenI> you decide to fight di

(19:26:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> http://prntscr.com/9uwc06

(19:26:13) <@Dj_av_valenI> when that happend

(19:26:16) <@Dj_av_valenI> 15 mins ago

(19:26:28) <@Dj_av_valenI> whoever lead the p2p trip use your fucking brain

(19:26:31) <@Dj_av_valenI> ....

(19:26:47) <@Dj_av_valenI> we got baited out

(19:26:50) <@Bosha> you should read what i typed to you

(19:26:57) <@Dj_av_valenI> and you should read what i just said

(19:27:07) <@Dj_av_valenI> put that in your brain




(16:49:51) <@Dj_av_valenI> eos needs us more than we do need em

(16:49:57) <@Dj_av_valenI> they run laps and begg for help when they fite rot

(16:50:01) <@Dj_av_valenI> shit cunts

(16:50:47) <@Dj_av_valenI> anyway ignore thsoe retards now they just want to go in ur head

(16:50:51) <@Dj_av_valenI> like they did with jullian








(13:26:46) <@Flaxpicker097> im getting walked down

(13:26:48) <@Flaxpicker097> to 4 wild

(13:26:49) <@Flaxpicker097> by 3 rot

(13:26:49) <@Paisa_man> u want me to send Abkb| at u

(13:26:58) <@Flaxpicker097> Abkb| has downs irl dont bother





(12:56:43) <@Abkb|> im comin to camp peter on my spare

(12:56:46) <@Abkb|> dont kill v2rv2r lvl 121

(12:56:56) <@Flaxpicker097> why wud u call a spare v2r

(12:56:58) <@Flaxpicker097> retard

(12:56:59) <@Flaxpicker097> are u retarted

(12:57:02) <@Abkb|> who cares


(13:12:11) <@Paisa_man> loc?

(13:12:20) <@Flaxpicker097> dont go snipe Paisa_man

(13:12:23) <@Flaxpicker097> i made em believe its rot sniping

(13:12:34) <@Flaxpicker097> dont involve vr with this

(13:12:40) <@Flaxpicker097> were trying to break them not turn em on us

(13:15:28) <@Flaxpicker097> Abkb|

(13:15:31) <@Flaxpicker097> are you on ur main sniping

(13:15:37) <@Flaxpicker097> if ur srs doing that

(13:15:39) <@Flaxpicker097> ur legit retarted

(13:15:51) <@Flaxpicker097> Abkb| tell me are you or not

(13:15:52) <@Flaxpicker097> Abkb| tell me are you or not]

(13:16:30) <@Abkb|> l0l

(13:16:37) <@Flaxpicker097> Abkb| u think this funny?

(13:17:28) <@Flaxpicker097> Abkb|

(13:17:31) <@Flaxpicker097> use ur fucking spare

(13:17:33) <@Flaxpicker097> or dont come

(13:18:17) <@Flaxpicker097> dont bring vr beef into this

(13:18:20) <@Flaxpicker097> while rot is already

(13:18:23) <@Flaxpicker097> sniping the same clan ur sniping






(13:43:49) <@Flaxpicker097> af massing mand

(13:43:58) <@Flaxpicker097> thats good tho

(13:44:02) <@Flaxpicker097> calling rot out

(13:44:25) <@Viet`afk> lol so af can get cleared again?





(15:03:04) <@Flaxpicker097> rot at ga[

(15:03:06) <@Flaxpicker097> rot at gpa

(15:03:15) <@Flaxpicker097> rot is on us

(15:06:26) <@Flaxpicker097> rot west

(15:06:31) <@Loc_Dog> Flaxpicker097

(15:06:35) <@Flaxpicker097> sw now

(15:06:41) <@Flaxpicker097> rot fiting eos

(15:06:42) <@Flaxpicker097> now

(15:06:43) <@D156> stop talking about rot

(15:06:46) <@Flaxpicker097> idiot

(15:06:57) <@Loc_Dog> u jsut kill ts

(15:06:58) <@Loc_Dog> doin that




(13:03:52) <@Abkb|> dj Paisa_man buy edge spawn cheap fucks

(13:03:59) <@Flaxpicker097> kill urself

(13:04:18) <@Flaxpicker097> i rather chop off my leftnut

(13:04:21) <@Flaxpicker097> than wasting 5m on a edge spawn





(11:57:28) <@flaxpicker097> we need to recruit more niggas

(11:57:51) <@flaxpicker097> we got like

(11:57:58) <@flaxpicker097> 125 active members

(11:58:21) <@flaxpicker097> how come we always missing like 40 people

(11:58:25) <@flaxpicker097> 125 total membs

(11:58:37) <@flaxpicker097> we always seem to pull 85 sunday




(14:44:24) <@flaxpicker097> some retard in vr keeps hitting me

(14:44:24) <@flaxpicker097> idk who

(14:50:46) <@Sethtroll> flaxpicker097

(14:50:49) <@Sethtroll> find out who it is

(14:50:51) <@flaxpicker097> i cant

(14:50:51) <@Sethtroll> and we kill them

(14:50:52) <@flaxpicker097> my auto is on

(14:50:56) <@Sethtroll> turn it on

(14:51:00) <@flaxpicker097> its on

(14:51:01) <@Abkb|> its prob like zach or redevil

(14:52:52) <@flaxpicker097> why are people being such spastics

(14:53:55) <@Paisa_man> cuz we dont do anything about it

(14:54:07) <@Paisa_man> ppl fuck around jus start hitting em

(14:54:28) <@Evizu> dont worry so much about it

(14:56:02) <@flaxpicker097> im trying to bind and i get sniped by retards

(14:57:09) <@flaxpicker097> lordkilla n ritchie are still hitting me but w/e





(15:35:27) <@flaxpicker097> D156 thats wwhat rot wants

(15:35:29) <@flaxpicker097> leave rot

(15:36:07) <@Craiggg> whys df not hereyet

(15:42:23) <@Evizu> df rushed in

(15:42:32) <@Loc_Dog> ok

(15:42:39) <@Loc_Dog> we gotta stay by df

(15:42:54) <@Loc_Dog> but we cant get

(15:42:55) <@Loc_Dog> caught alone

(15:44:41) <@Evizu> stop freaking out when rod is on the map...

(15:44:46) <@Evizu> treat it like every other fight

(15:44:48) <@Evizu> call normally




(11:19:38) <@Dj_av_valenI> tr is fighting vitality

(11:19:38) <@Dj_av_valenI> pvp

(11:19:39) <@Dj_av_valenI> on monday

(11:20:09) <@julian_6565> what makes u think i care who they fight

(11:20:44) <@Dj_av_valenI> julian_6565

(11:20:51) <@Dj_av_valenI> i wasn't talking to u

(11:20:52) <@Dj_av_valenI> usless nigger





(14:35:59) <@Dj_av_valenI> we have 40

(14:36:00) <@Dj_av_valenI> in cc

(14:36:04) <@Dj_av_valenI> and game

(14:36:31) <@Dj_av_valenI> 38 in the fi

(14:36:34) <@HG> missing so many in game always way to many lates

(14:36:37) <@Bosha> we have 57 on ts..




(16:09:07) <@Dj_av_valenI> Kev| u heard wht happend

(16:09:08) <@Dj_av_valenI> with df

(16:09:12) <@Kev|> n

(16:09:16) <@Dj_av_valenI> rot got on there backup teamspeak

(16:09:21) <@Dj_av_valenI> and mass complained all df membs off it

(16:09:22) <@Kev|> l0l?

(16:09:26) <@Dj_av_valenI> ye..

(16:09:29) <@Dj_av_valenI> they have the spy now

(16:09:32) <@Dj_av_valenI> we clean they arent




(10:49:32) <@Abkb|> dj

(10:49:35) <@Abkb|> u care more about rules then vr

(10:49:41) <@Abkb|> i want to WIN

(10:49:52) <@Dj_av_valenI> whats the point of winning if u cant improve

(10:49:57) <@Abkb|> we will improve

(10:50:01) <@Dj_av_valenI> ur a council

(10:50:03) <@Dj_av_valenI> stfu retard

(10:50:15) <@Abkb|> this is why

(10:50:20) <@Dj_av_valenI> this is why what

(10:50:23) <@Dj_av_valenI> why we are still alive

(10:50:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> ?

(10:50:38) <@Dj_av_valenI> where the fuck were you when vr was about to die when we pulled 20 people

(10:50:45) <@Dj_av_valenI> yeh ok

(10:50:53) <@Dj_av_valenI> now stfu rules says drop to matched and ths gonna be it

(10:50:55) <@Dj_av_valenI> dont like it fuck off

(10:51:46) <@Dj_av_valenI> pissing me off

(10:52:57) <@Craiggg> we only drop to match if its a matched opt fight

(10:53:00) <@Craiggg> not a run in

(10:53:22) <@Dj_av_valenI> then why did u agree with the rules to drop on a run in

(10:53:26) <@Dj_av_valenI> whoever made the fkn war

(10:53:32) <@Craiggg> i didnt agree

(10:53:46) <@Dj_av_valenI> someone did

(10:55:09) <@Dj_av_valenI> we can cheat w/e but dont expect wars from teams if we keep doing tht




(10:45:20) <@Abkb|> btw Dj_av_valenI these ff kids r good so dont cry if we have +5

(10:45:53) <@Dj_av_valenI> idk if ur retard or ur brain doesnt comprehend that it says

(10:45:56) <@Dj_av_valenI> dropped to matched

(10:46:20) <@Abkb|> stop being so honor

(10:46:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> rules=rules

(10:46:31) <@Abkb|> u care more about rules then vr

(10:46:33) <@Dj_av_valenI> dont wanna loose like df to downfall cuz of that

(10:46:46) <@Dj_av_valenI> u dont get shit from cheating

(10:46:50) <@Dj_av_valenI> look at u

(10:46:53) <@Dj_av_valenI> ur retarted irl

(10:47:00) <@Dj_av_valenI> u prolly snorted ur moma's pills




(14:01:49) <@Abkb|> thx Dj_av_valenI

(14:01:51) <@Abkb|> u fucking retard

(14:01:53) <@Dj_av_valenI> np

(14:02:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> id rather have a good fight rather than a easy win

(14:02:11) <@Dj_av_valenI> retard

(14:03:05) <@Dj_av_valenI> D156 never call with range on lmfao

(14:03:14) <@Dj_av_valenI> i was looking next to u saw u ranging

(14:11:37) <@Dj_av_valenI> 4 people got 1 hit

(14:11:38) <@Dj_av_valenI> in robes

(14:11:44) <@Evizu> daniel loses the fight when he chokes

(14:11:45) <@Evizu> lol

(14:11:59) <@Evizu> cant spend 10 seconds to call 1 name

(14:12:13) <@Abkb|> idk my personal opinion all callers did bad

(14:12:27) <@Dj_av_valenI> u cant blame callers when our people got 1 hit

(14:12:32) <@Dj_av_valenI> for not clumping inside

(14:12:43) <@Evizu> yes we can blame callers when they dont call a pile for 5-10seconds

(14:12:47) <@Evizu> that means we are standing doing nothing..

(14:12:48) <@Evizu> lol

(14:12:52) <@Evizu> we are lookin ingame for the pile

(14:12:54) <%vr_cody> i blame it 100% on callers it was bad

(14:13:01) <@Evizu> so do i

(14:13:05) <@Dj_av_valenI> ok but what if we dident have those 5 1 hits standing out

(14:13:09) <@Dj_av_valenI> we coullda pulled it back even with shitty caller

(14:13:15) <@Evizu> we are standing out becoz we dont have a pile...

(14:13:18) <@Evizu> becoz 1 wasnt called...

(14:13:20) <@Dj_av_valenI> i legit see people standing in full robes OUTSIDE

(14:13:21) <@Evizu> becoz the callers choked..

(14:13:23) <%vr_cody> we jut didnt kill anyone

(14:13:24) <@Dj_av_valenI> the clump

(14:13:31) <@Dj_av_valenI> and they get called by df

(14:13:32) <@Dj_av_valenI> 1 hit

(14:13:33) <%vr_cody> it was bad

(14:14:11) <%vr_cody> D156 u legit made the perfect definition of a choke

(14:14:15) <%vr_cody> like a good 10 second pause lol

(14:14:25) <@Evizu> it's the same in every single round, callers have to say my bad after every other pile

(14:16:22) <%vr_cody> shoulda been easy wins

(14:16:27) <%vr_cody> they were obviously nor as good as us

(14:18:42) <@Abkb|> it wasnt just daniel

(14:18:45) <@Abkb|> all callers were off today







(14:46:57) <@Dj_av_valenI> we gonna rush vh

(14:46:58) <@Dj_av_valenI> at rdg i thnk

(14:47:08) <@Abkb|> Dj_av_valenI i wouldnt do that

(14:47:10) <@Abkb|> 70 rot will 1 item u

(14:47:14) <@Dj_av_valenI> fighting

(14:48:00) <@julian_6565> what world Dj_av_valenI

(14:48:04) <@Dj_av_valenI> 52

(14:54:23) <@Paisa_man> Dj_av_valenI af going to clear vh

(14:54:27) <@Dj_av_valenI> who told vh was fiting us

(14:54:35) <@Paisa_man> zach

(14:55:07) <@Viet-> i dont like that faggot

(14:55:08) <@Viet-> lmfao

(14:57:05) <@Arma150> they didnt do shit

(14:57:08) <@Arma150> except try and rush us

(14:57:26) <@Dj_av_valenI> rot is comming with sv

(14:58:02) <@Abkb|> Dj_av_valenI lets go b4 rot comes

(14:59:27) <@Dj_av_valenI> if af dident come

(14:59:34) <@Dj_av_valenI> tehre would be no eop/sv/rot ccrashhing us at rdg

(14:59:35) <@Abkb|> Dj_av_valenI

(14:59:39) <@Dj_av_valenI> fkn zach

(14:59:41) <@Dj_av_valenI> 'leaking intel

(14:59:46) <@Dj_av_valenI> sad how vr members leak intel to af

(14:59:47) <@Dj_av_valenI> ..

(14:59:54) <@Dj_av_valenI> we had a clean 1v1





(11:53:13) <@j6565> bet u never even fucked a dead body

(11:56:44) <@j6565> bet u never cut a girls throat after sex

(11:57:58) <@Viet-> lol ur not a man if u havent skinned a girl after fucking her

(11:58:48) <@j6565> i like to eat their skin later

(11:58:53) <@j6565> like its beef jerky pussy

(11:59:11) <@j6565> i smoked crack out of a bitches pussy

(11:59:16) <@j6565> something ull never get in ur life

(12:00:09) <@j6565> Dj_av_valenI: ill fuck ur sister

(12:00:11) <@j6565> cut her up

(12:00:18) <@j6565> then cum on her peices

(12:00:40) <@Dj_av_valenI> im actualy scared this shit gets leaked

(12:01:20) <@j6565> ill fuck ur teacher when u go back to school dj

(12:01:30) <@Dj_av_valenI> ill watch

(12:01:31) <@j6565> and eat her body with my cum dripping out of her

(12:01:33) <@j6565> pussy

(12:02:13) <@j6565> bet uve never tasted dick on ur life dj

(12:02:35) <@Dj_av_valenI> u know

(12:03:07) <@Dj_av_valenI> the day i get demoted by some retarted cs go kid is the day ill leak admin and show these nasty logs j6565

(12:03:29) <@j6565> u think im scared of admin getting leaked

(12:03:33) <@j6565> im the one leaking it





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iPod licker


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(15:17:33) <@Dj_av_valenI> swear to god

(15:17:40) <@Dj_av_valenI> when im done with school in 2 months

(15:17:45) <@Dj_av_valenI> im gonna buy a botnet

(15:17:48) <@Dj_av_valenI> and rot forums wil lbe down 24/7

(15:22:54) <@Dj_av_valenI> or u might see me on the news for killing erik

(15:23:07) <@Dj_av_valenI> that faggot doesnt deserve to breath


bahhaha I'll snap this nigga like a toothpick.


alright yall keep hustlin cuz.

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(13:30:44) <@Kygo> i just had a sip of this red bull in 7 months
(13:30:50) <@Kygo> felt like i had a dildo up my ass i just woke up


idk wat to say

Edited by kyle

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(07:39:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6
(07:39:11) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6
(07:39:12) <@Dj_av_valenI> Mike|Cera_S6
(07:39:14) <@Mike|Cera_S6> no
(07:39:17) <@Dj_av_valenI> listen
(07:39:20) <@Dj_av_valenI> u still got that old booter
(07:39:24) <@Mike|Cera_S6> ye
(07:39:27) <@Dj_av_valenI> hit me off
(07:39:30) <@Mike|Cera_S6> why
(07:39:34) <@Dj_av_valenI> i need to have proof to
(07:39:37) <@Dj_av_valenI> of me getting ddoosed
(07:39:45) <@Mike|Cera_S6> gimme ur ip
(07:39:56) <@Dj_av_valenI>
(07:39:57) <@Mike|Cera_S6> www.whatsmyip.org
(07:39:58) <@Mike|Cera_S6> k
(07:39:59) <@Dj_av_valenI> hit me off for like
(07:40:01) <@Dj_av_valenI> 300 sec
(07:40:10) <@Dj_av_valenI> k
(07:42:05) * @Dj_av_valenI has quit IRC (Connection reset by peero)

Edited by purm

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I genuinely can't comprehend how this clan is still alive and (barely) functioning.


Reading these convos makes my brain hurt.

Edited by Savea

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(13:46:15) <@Kygo> if u want i can overplay music
(13:46:17) <@Kygo> over ts
(13:46:22) <@Kygo> so theres nothing to echo

Edited by Phaeo

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ez for rot

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no wonder hes so greasy all he eats is "macdonalds"

(13:18:44) <@kygo> i spend
(13:18:48) <@kygo> 5m on a cancer
(13:18:51) <@kygo> respawn edge
(13:19:01) <@kygo> i could go to macdonalds
(13:19:04) <@kygo> right now
(13:19:07) <@kygo> and spend the 5m
(13:19:10) <@kygo> on a nice burger

Edited by ben

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(12:33:32) <@Kygo> now
(12:33:34) <@Kygo> we are spy free
(12:33:34) <@Kygo> ?
(12:33:36) <@Kygo> vr?
(12:33:41) <@Kygo> we made it?

Edited by Karmaa

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