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Any advice on joining...

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Hey, gl on intro

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stick around on irc #rot n get to know people n stuff buddy there yh whenever u feels tyms right i suppose intro

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Most people are just going to troll you on this topic but if you really want to join then you need to get to know people who are in the clan. The easiest way to do that is joining a cwa team that has rot members.

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iPod licker

pm me to set up one time 10m entrance fee

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Most people are just going to troll you on this topic but if you really want to join then you need to get to know people who are in the clan. The easiest way to do that is joining a cwa team that has rot members.

Think about joining the Cwa team: Imperium


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Most people are just going to troll you on this topic but if you really want to join then you need to get to know people who are in the clan. The easiest way to do that is joining a cwa team that has rot members.

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stick around on irc #rot n get to know people n stuff buddy there yh whenever u feels tyms right i suppose intro

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Go spy for us on someone

Edited by Erik`

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