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From Jaggerblues the pic dump lmfao





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Sat/14:02:15 (@Giggle) Jimmy` zulu
Sat/14:02:19 (@Giggle) filz doesnt actually know like
Sat/14:02:21 (@Giggle) wat rot is
Sat/14:02:27 (@Giggle) hes some portugese downie
Sat/14:02:35 (@Giggle) he quits the game every 2 months
Sat/14:02:43 (@Giggle) he will not like sitting in single in addy

cmon giggler...

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Sat/14:02:15 (@Giggle) Jimmy` zulu

Sat/14:02:19 (@Giggle) filz doesnt actually know like

Sat/14:02:21 (@Giggle) wat rot is

Sat/14:02:27 (@Giggle) hes some portugese downie

Sat/14:02:35 (@Giggle) he quits the game every 2 months

Sat/14:02:43 (@Giggle) he will not like sitting in single in addy


cmon giggler...


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Rune Evil

Sat/18:00:27 (@thomas4516) cant he get their 10v10 teams

Sat/18:00:30 (@thomas4516) like Bodied

Disgusting fucking prick lmao.


Embarassing as fuck.............. just close

Edited by Rune Evil

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Range Grudge

[23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> ye get some other tlp guy to join [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> to spy [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> get a guy whos friends wit the rod in tlp n get him tojoin tlp [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> u want me to have 1 of my guys join and have his mother posted as a meme [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> with a d spear up her ass



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[23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> ye get some other tlp guy to join [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> to spy [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> get a guy whos friends wit the rod in tlp n get him tojoin tlp [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> u want me to have 1 of my guys join and have his mother posted as a meme [23:14] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> with a d spear up her ass




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we're so good we must be robots


coc is roc

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we're so good we must be robots


coc is roc

coc is cocaine

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[21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:34 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> each rank hiding with 300k cash

[21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:35 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> be ready
[21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:36 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> u have 5min
[21:38] (@Jimmy`) why is df so fucking gay
[21:38] (@Jimmy`) seriously
[21:38] (@Hikozaru) cuz they are
[21:38] (@Hikozaru) Jimmy` they had 20 pking last night ye
[21:38] (@Hikozaru) and they hit our 10 man trip
[21:38] (@Hikozaru) they got butthurt cuz i called more men
[21:38] (@Hikozaru) LOL
[21:44] (@giggle) tell em stfu then
[21:47] (@Freds) im gonna join df
[21:47] (@Freds) 15:37:34 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> each rank hiding with 300k cash
[21:47] (@Freds) so fun
[21:48] (@Hikozaru) their events r dog shit Freds

lol gayboys tryna host the bullerik games

Edited by 1nked

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Mon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:23> "[Hummy] tbomas": u knw
Mon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:45> "Giggle": .
Mon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:54> "[Hummy] tbomas": i sed
Mon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:58> "[Hummy] tbomas": erik gunna be copyin my jokes
Mon/02:51:42 (@Giggle) <03:51:04> "[Hummy] tbomas": well mattyb just pms me and goes
Mon/02:51:43 (@Giggle) <03:51:12> "[Hummy] tbomas": who are u and y u copying rots coke jokes
Mon/02:51:44 (@Giggle) <03:51:13> "[Hummy] tbomas": lol
Mon/02:51:54 (@zulu) l00l
Mon/02:52:46 (@thomas4516) l0l
Mon/02:53:14 (@Giggle) as in he said that on ts zulu thomas4516
Mon/02:53:18 (@Giggle) as in they might have had a spy on
Mon/02:53:19 (@Giggle) im getting logs now

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[21:02] (@JBlaze) how much u guys think we could pay per month for a rot spy
[21:02] (@JBlaze) what would u guys say max budget is
[21:02] (@JBlaze) per month
[21:02] (@BBK) Not sure
[21:02] (@BBK) tbh
[21:02] (@giggle) dont really need one as long as we have the foruma ccount
[21:02] (@BBK) what would you need to pay you recon pwiz
[21:03] (@JBlaze) im gunna hire someone from sythe services
[21:03] (@JBlaze) that are like
[21:03] (@JBlaze) money hungry fucks
[21:03] (@JBlaze) to join di
[21:03] (@JBlaze) then go to rot
[21:03] (@JBlaze) after few months
[21:03] (@JBlaze) and yes we do giggle
[21:03] * @``alex`` (~alex@Rizon-777CF9FB.range109-155.btcentralplus.com) Quit
[21:03] (@JBlaze) having a spy > just forum acc is so much better
[21:03] (@BBK) mhm
[21:03] (@JBlaze) and
[21:03] (@JBlaze) if we lose acc
[21:03] (@JBlaze) we may as well have something in the making
[21:04] (@JBlaze) like $300/month?
[21:04] (@BBK) yeah true
[21:04] (@BBK) $300 ?
[21:04] (@JBlaze) ye
[21:04] (@JBlaze) like $150 bi-weekly

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Shadow X

Wed/00:24:09 (@Freds) 01Wed/0100 :0103 :0139 <Shadow_X> yo Freds

Wed/00:24:09 (@Freds) 01Wed/0100 :0103 :0143 <Shadow_X> did you see dat 49 51 zgs stack

Wed/00:24:09 (@Freds) 01Wed/0100 :0104 :0108 <Shadow_X> you got bodied was sick

Wed/00:24:09 (@Freds) 01Wed/0100 :0122 :0103 <Freds> wat

Wed/00:24:15 (@Freds) has some dick tried to copy my name...



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Tue/22:25:56 (@thomas4516) 10 in chan
Tue/22:26:36 (@Jimmy`) be aware slime666 is with whoever this is, he's gonna be telling rot
Tue/22:26:36 (@Jimmy`) be aware slime666 is with whoever this is, he's gonna be telling rot
Tue/22:26:37 (@Jimmy`) be aware slime666 is with whoever this is, he's gonna be telling rot
Tue/22:27:47 (@Giggle) Hawkeyorigin^
Tue/22:27:50 (@Giggle) clear em fast
Tue/22:31:10 (@Giggle) i doubt they had intel tbh


Fri/17:14:52 (@Giggle) get these clothes
Fri/17:14:52 (@Giggle) http://i.imgur.com/2PvfUMe.png
Fri/17:14:55 (@Giggle) di wont ever attk u
Fri/17:15:06 (@Giggle) u should double namechange too
Fri/17:15:07 (@Giggle) after jcup
Fri/17:15:12 (@Giggle) rot will still know


Tue/00:21:12 (@Giggle) http://i.imgur.com/HlCRuVr.png
Tue/00:21:13 * Retrieving #af-chat modes...
Tue/00:21:14 (@Giggle) lmfao
Tue/00:21:15 (@Giggle) ddue
Tue/00:21:17 (@Giggle) only vr


Tue/11:45:19 (@Giggle) LMFAO
Tue/11:45:21 (@Giggle) HOLY SHIT
Tue/11:45:21 (@Giggle) http://i.imgur.com/SV14LkP.png
Tue/12:27:58 (@Jimmy`) <22:19:13> "[bosha] Bosha" pokes you: pls come call for vr
Tue/12:28:00 (@Jimmy`) fuck sake bosha


Tue/20:40:49 (@Giggle) .k thomas4516
Tue/20:40:50 (@zulu) ye
Tue/20:40:50 (@zulu) sys 32
Tue/20:40:54 * You were kicked by Giggle (zulu)
Session Close: Tue Dec 15 20:40:54 2015

Session Start: Tue Dec 15 20:40:58 2015
Session Ident: #af-chat
Tue/20:40:58 * Now talking in #af-chat
Tue/20:40:58 * Topic is 'zulu jimmy`'
Tue/20:40:58 * Set by Giggle!~zulusdad@zulus.dad on Sat Dec 05 15:29:28
Tue/20:40:58 * |f`-`|f sets mode: +o zulu
Tue/20:40:59 (@zulu) -.-
Tue/20:41:15 (@Giggle) thomas doesnt know how to rejoin channels zulu


Mon/23:52:58 (@Giggle) Jimmy` lets join df lol
Mon/23:52:59 (@Chall) nah it aint
Mon/23:53:00 (@Giggle) zulu ^lol
Mon/23:53:05 (@Chall) Giggle
Mon/23:53:12 (@Chall) that steven kid on ts earlier
Mon/23:53:21 (@Chall) basically said they were all pussies in df
Mon/23:53:26 (@zulu) they r
Mon/23:53:28 (@Giggle) l0l
Mon/23:53:31 (@Jimmy`) they actually are
Mon/23:53:31 (@Jimmy`) lmfao
Mon/23:53:32 (@Giggle) half of them are gay irl
Mon/23:53:32 (@zulu) at least vr will be down to outlast
Mon/23:53:33 (@zulu) fuck it
Mon/23:53:40 (@Chall) and then we started swearing n fucking about in the chan cos we were pking and he moved out
Mon/23:53:40 (@Giggle) no zulu
Mon/23:53:42 (@Giggle) vr are the most pussy


Mon/23:55:06 (@Giggle) vr events are the most awful
Mon/23:55:07 (@Giggle) legit
Mon/23:55:09 (@Giggle) every vr event is bad


Sun/16:26:13 (@Giggle) Sun/04:29:55 (Austen) I only came back
Sun/16:26:14 (@Giggle) Sun/04:29:55 (giggle) we aint even had an event since u joined
Sun/16:26:15 (@Giggle) Sun/04:29:56 (Austen) to fuck rot
Sun/16:26:16 (@Giggle) Sun/04:30:00 (Austen) ya
Sun/16:26:17 (@Giggle) Sun/04:30:03 (Austen) but then I have 2 go to
Sun/16:26:18 (@Giggle) Sun/04:30:04 (Austen) events
Sun/16:26:19 (@Giggle) Sun/04:30:06 (Austen) when i rlyl odnt
Sun/16:26:20 (@Giggle) Sun/04:30:06 (Austen) want 2


Even AF takes Vr as a joke lmfao

Mon/22:53:32 (@Giggle) zulu
Mon/22:53:34 (@Giggle) stay on vr ts
Mon/22:53:35 (@Giggle) and tank
Mon/22:53:37 (@Giggle) im getting bornze arrows


Tue/19:23:12 (@Xpoza) im gunna get erik dox
Tue/19:23:15 (@Xpoza) lmao thomas4516
Mon/22:53:42 (@Jimmy`) lmfao

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