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Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:45 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> Viet-
Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:47 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> next time were in pvp
Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:49 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> listen 2 BBK
Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:52 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> he says the worlds
Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:54 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> words
Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:56 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> yo
Fri/19:45:56 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:57 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> "take it im piled"
Fri/19:45:57 (@Giggle) Fri/05:29:58 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> =]
Fri/19:45:57 (@Giggle) Fri/05:30:00 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> more then he calls
Fri/19:45:58 (@Giggle) Fri/05:30:04 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> individual names
Fri/19:46:10 (@Emma`) lmfao
Fri/19:46:23 (@Giggle) Emma` l0l
Fri/19:46:24 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:06 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> Kev|?
Fri/19:46:24 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:08 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> you down soon?
Fri/19:46:24 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:08 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> then
Fri/19:46:24 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:10 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> first CLW p2p
Fri/19:46:24 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:11 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> for FF
Fri/19:46:25 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:17 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> dont talk 2 me u faggot
Fri/19:46:25 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:29 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> that wasn't very nice?
Fri/19:46:26 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:34 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> i am offering you some nice activity
Fri/19:46:26 (@Giggle) Fri/05:15:35 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> and a fight here
Fri/19:46:27 (@Giggle) Fri/05:18:09 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> dude ur an af half op lfmao irl
Fri/19:46:27 (@Giggle) Fri/05:18:10 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> this kid
Fri/19:46:28 (@Giggle) Fri/05:18:11 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> l0l0l0
Fri/19:46:34 (@Emma`) lmfao
Fri/19:47:03 (@Giggle) Emma` this was savage
Fri/19:47:03 (@Giggle) Fri/05:21:49 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> u know u got warlord because u post recaps right lfma0
Fri/19:47:03 (@Giggle) Fri/05:21:54 (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> L000L00L
Fri/19:47:03 (@Giggle) Fri/05:21:55 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> fuk
Fri/19:47:03 (@Giggle) Fri/05:21:59 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> he got m3 boiz
Fri/19:47:03 (@Giggle) Fri/05:22:00 (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> he got me
Fri/19:47:14 (@Emma`) lmfao
Fri/19:47:18 (@Giggle) Fri/05:25:51 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> u literally had an asthma atk on ts
Fri/19:47:18 (@Giggle) Fri/05:25:54 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> and had to mute ur mic
Fri/19:47:19 (@Emma`) that is fukt Giggle
Fri/19:47:21 (@Emma`) LOL
Fri/19:47:39 (@Giggle) Fri/05:27:11 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> BBK some of us have shit to do
Fri/19:47:39 (@Giggle) Fri/05:27:16 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> we understand you literally live for this game
Fri/19:47:39 (@Giggle) Fri/05:27:17 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> its cool
Fri/19:47:39 (@Giggle) Fri/05:27:21 (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> 1 day you might move on

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Wed/00:48:39 (@Emma`) thomas4516 r u reading staff
Wed/00:48:42 (@Emma`) vr r full emo
Wed/00:48:42 (@Emma`) l0l
Wed/00:48:45 (@thomas4516) ye
Wed/00:48:47 (@thomas4516) l0

Edited by Ruon3bs

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Mon/18:01:07 (@Giggle) shut the fuck up thomas4516 before i suck your dick faggot

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Wed/20:50:57 (@Hikozaru) ID RATHER BE A FAGGOT IN DF THAN A WARLORD IN VR Jimmy`

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Fri/21:05:52 (@Giggle) Fri/22:05:36 (%K98_PKer) retard decided to troll me cos im from anonymous coomunity so i mhled on about x10 irc accs
Fri/21:06:07 (@Emma`) lmfao
Fri/21:06:08 (@thomas4516) that is k98
Fri/21:06:09 (@thomas4516) motherfuck
Fri/21:06:13 (@Emma`) k98 best retard 2k16
Fri/21:06:20 (@Emma`) next awards we should have best retard

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Tue/22:30:22 (@Chall) can we just kick every1 Jimmy` ever reffed or wat
Tue/22:31:03 (@Emma`) Jimmy` was like
Tue/22:31:05 (@Emma`) NAH HES NOT A SNAKE
Tue/22:31:22 (@Giggle) xd
Tue/22:31:26 (@Chall) joins rot 2 weeks later
Tue/22:31:28 (@Chall) derp
Tue/22:32:07 (@Chall) yo
Tue/22:32:14 (@Chall) lets arrange a sting
Tue/22:32:29 (@Giggle) uwotm8
Tue/22:32:30 (@Chall) lets have dane leak some false intel to rotter to spy catch
Tue/22:32:35 (@Emma`) rot dont have a spy
Tue/22:32:39 (@Giggle) ^

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Sun/01:07:12 (@thomas) OMFG

Sun/01:07:13 (@thomas) MURRAY

Sun/01:07:14 (@\AFK) and gimme the ts info

Sun/01:07:15 (@thomas) IS SO FUCKING GAY

Sun/01:07:23 (@\AFK) tom

Sun/01:07:24 (@Emma`) LMFAO

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) Fri/01:05:20 -Ross:+#df- Come play castle wars w367

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) Fri/01:25:25 <&Truefasa> TAKE SCREENSHOTS

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) divine

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) fucking

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) forces

[21:26] (@BBK) oh my god

[21:26] (@BBK) jesus christ

[21:26] (@Hikozaru) if u ever think vr are shit

[21:27] (@Hikozaru) at least ur not gonna make a topic about a castle wars event

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Guys this is classified don't leak please!!


Thu/22:56:52 (@Chall) zulu i just pmed the source of the hackings btw
Thu/22:56:59 (@zulu) ?
Thu/22:57:01 (@Chall) its classified intel so dont leak
Thu/22:57:08 (@Giggle) zulu
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:44:56> "[Ching] Liam": im
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:44:59> "[Ching] Liam": uninstalling irc btw
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:45:03> "[Ching] Liam": can remove me from
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:45:04> "[Ching] Liam": bnc thing or w/e
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:45:15> "[Ching] Liam": idk if it takes up space or something
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:47:10> "[Ching] Liam" pokes you: pm
Thu/22:57:09 (@Giggle) <23:47:24> "Dinky": doesnt
Thu/22:57:10 (@Giggle) <23:47:27> "Dinky": y u uninstalling
Thu/22:57:10 (@Giggle) <23:48:01> "[Ching] Liam": everyone
Thu/22:57:11 (@Giggle) <23:48:03> "[Ching] Liam": is getting ahcked
Thu/22:57:11 (@Giggle) <23:48:14> "[Ching] Liam": like
Thu/22:57:12 (@Giggle) <23:48:16> "[Ching] Liam": 4 ppl fromib did
Thu/22:57:12 (@Giggle) <23:48:18> "[Ching] Liam": bodied from rot did
Thu/22:57:13 (@Giggle) <23:48:19> "[Ching] Liam": some ew did
Thu/22:57:13 (@Giggle) <23:52:05> "Dinky": ??
Thu/22:57:14 (@Giggle) <23:52:11> "Dinky": it isnt through irc
Thu/22:57:14 (@Giggle) <23:52:11> "Dinky": l0
Thu/22:57:15 (@Giggle) mfw
Thu/22:57:18 (@zulu) l0l0
Thu/22:57:24 (@Giggle) mirc r hacking runescape accs zulu
Thu/22:57:27 (@Giggle) be on the lookout
Thu/22:57:53 (@Freds) L
Thu/22:58:24 (@Giggle) bodied getting hacked is kinda weird tho zulu

Thu/22:58:28 (@zulu) yh

Edited by Ruon3bs

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Fri/20:35:25 (@Hawkeyorigin) what the fuck
Fri/20:35:31 (@Freds) ?
Fri/20:35:31 (@Hawkeyorigin) did we get the sv spy kicked
Fri/20:35:32 (@zulu) ?
Fri/20:35:35 (@Hawkeyorigin) you retards
Fri/20:35:40 (@Hawkeyorigin) legit
Fri/20:35:46 (@Hawkeyorigin) holy shit
Fri/20:36:02 (@Xpoza) what did u plan to do with it
Fri/20:36:02 (@Xpoza) lol
Fri/20:36:06 (@Xpoza) cus
Fri/20:36:09 (@Ash-) is that how you got the +1s?
Fri/20:36:09 (@Hawkeyorigin) what do you mean
Fri/20:36:10 (@Xpoza) we got 3 zgs's off them
Fri/20:36:13 (@Hawkeyorigin) so what
Fri/20:36:16 (@Hawkeyorigin) so fucking what
Fri/20:36:19 (@Xpoza) well if ur not gunna hit them
Fri/20:36:23 (@Xpoza) whats the use
Fri/20:36:30 (@Xpoza) it will get caught sooner or later
Fri/20:36:35 (@Xpoza) sv is like 10-15 retards
Fri/20:36:39 (@Xpoza) that all bum lick ea other
Fri/20:36:40 (@Hawkeyorigin) no
Fri/20:36:45 (@Hawkeyorigin) they pk on sunday with over 60 people
Fri/20:36:45 (@Xpoza) its obviously gunna get kicked after u do something
Fri/20:36:47 (@Hawkeyorigin) they pk on sunday with over 60 people
Fri/20:36:51 (@Hawkeyorigin) and you risk ir
Fri/20:36:53 (@Hawkeyorigin) for 8m?
Fri/20:36:59 (@Xpoza) wasnt about the +1's
Fri/20:37:00 (@Hawkeyorigin) 8 fucking m
Fri/20:37:02 (@Xpoza) was about pissing them off
Fri/20:37:11 (@Hawkeyorigin) and you got the kid kicked
Fri/20:37:22 (@Hawkeyorigin) dumb fucking move
Fri/20:37:35 (@Xpoza) he can go join di
Fri/20:37:38 (@Xpoza) either way
Fri/20:37:44 (@Hawkeyorigin) not the point Xpoza
Fri/20:37:54 (@Hawkeyorigin) you just lost us intel in a clan
Fri/20:37:56 (@Hawkeyorigin) that we need
Fri/20:37:58 (@Hawkeyorigin) for 8m
Fri/20:38:47 (@Xpoza) if u rlly want another spy in sv
Fri/20:38:49 (@Xpoza) ill find one

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Sat/21:32:48 (@Giggle) panictwitch paid 15$ for mirc
Sat/21:32:52 (@Giggle) but doesnt know how to join a channel
Sat/21:32:53 (@Giggle) #respect
Sat/21:32:55 (@Emma`) lmfao
Sat/21:33:34 (@Giggle) Sat/22:33:45 (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> Skimer40 add me to #vr-scout
Sat/21:33:36 (@Giggle) the fuck Emma`
Sat/21:33:37 (@Giggle) LOOOOL
Sat/21:33:41 (@Emma`) LOL
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) Sat/22:34:29 -ChanServ- Information for channel #vr-scout:
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) -
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) Sat/22:34:29 -ChanServ- Founder: dj_av_valenI
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) -
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) Sat/22:34:29 -ChanServ- Description: why123
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) -
Sat/21:34:11 (@Giggle) Sat/22:34:29 -ChanServ- Registered: Jan 08 00:18:35 2016 GMT
Sat/21:34:12 (@Giggle) -
Sat/21:34:12 (@Giggle) Sat/22:34:29 -ChanServ- Last used: Jan 23 21:34:31 2016 GMT
Sat/21:34:13 (@Giggle) -
Sat/21:34:27 (@Giggle) inb4 its their spy channel Emma`
Sat/21:34:45 (@Emma`) Jimmy`
Sat/21:34:47 (@Emma`) get vr a spy
Sat/21:34:49 (@Emma`) and get access
Sat/21:34:50 (@Emma`) l0l

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Edited by Del Muro

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Sun/02:37:08 (@Giggle``) thomas
Sun/02:37:12 (@Giggle``) lets just
Sun/02:37:14 (@Giggle``) go full ko
Sun/02:37:19 (@Giggle``) and just blood barrage inside gdz
Sun/02:37:23 (@Giggle``) with dhide
Sun/02:37:25 (@Giggle``) next fight
Sun/02:37:27 (@Giggle``) fck it

Bitch please.......

Edited by Filz

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bump just reminding every1 af is a ddos clan

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AF getting their daily laugh from Vr's joke admin channel


Sun/03:58:00 (@Emma`) 03:54:36] <@Jimmy`> <@sethtroll> remove the server admin message from TS
Sun/03:58:00 (@Emma`) [03:54:36] <@Jimmy`> <@sethtroll> lol
Sun/03:58:00 (@Emma`) [03:54:40] <@Jimmy`> <@sethtroll> it shows whos on TS
Sun/03:58:08 (@Emma`) lmao
Sun/03:58:20 (@Giggle) LMAO
Sun/03:58:21 (@Giggle) http://www.teamspeak3.com/server/LSG-8D-AD225DEB
Sun/03:58:24 (@Giggle) click that
Sun/03:58:25 (@Giggle) yes
Sun/03:58:28 (@Giggle) u can see everyone on vr ts
Sun/03:58:28 (@Giggle) LMAO
Sun/03:58:43 (@Giggle) 53 Online Now
Sun/03:58:43 (@Giggle) Ammastus 3 days, 1 hour, 7 minutes
Sun/03:58:43 (@Giggle) Jake|JCBrown 2 days, 20 hours, 3 minutes
Sun/03:58:43 (@Giggle) Jimmy 2 days, 5 hours, 42 minutes
Sun/03:58:43 (@Giggle) Slashed 2 days, 1 hour, 25 minutes
Sun/03:58:44 (@Giggle) Paisa_Man 1 day, 22 hours, 7 minutes
Sun/03:58:44 (@Giggle) Charlie 1 day, 20 hours, 32 minutes

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Thu/02:42:03 (@Emma`) i dont think they have intel
Thu/02:42:11 (@JBlaze) im gunna cock slap u when i come england Hawkeyorigin
Thu/02:42:12 (@JBlaze) no joke
Thu/02:42:16 (@JBlaze) ur gunna deepthroat me
Thu/02:42:16 (@Freds) they do
Thu/02:42:20 (@Freds) rot always have intel


Thu/03:39:31 (@Emma`) df leaking di tomorrow Jimmy`
Thu/03:39:34 (@Emma`) DF GOT THE NETWORK
Thu/03:39:38 (@Jimmy`) lmao jesus df
Thu/03:39:52 (@Emma`) how are they still so bad with this intel theyve had Jimmy`
Thu/03:39:53 (@Jimmy`) we should do it first to piss them off
Thu/03:39:53 (@Emma`) l0l
Thu/03:39:54 (@Jimmy`) fuck it

Edited by Ruon3bs

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