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08Nacho08 (AF), or whatever your rsn is

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where the fuck you at lol I got your zgs. all you punk ass niggas thinking im going somewhere lmfao.... nigga this is my new life




This nigga is currently in AF lmfao.


[04:11:00PM] <Nacho`> hey erik

[04:11:11PM] <erik> hello

[04:11:54PM] <Nacho`> what can i do to join

[04:12:01PM] <Nacho`> how can i show my loyalty

[04:12:12PM] <erik> gimme af forum

[04:12:51PM] <Nacho`> how do i know you wont just use me?

[04:13:15PM] <erik> how do i kno ur srs

[04:13:53PM] <Nacho`> why else would i come to you?

[04:14:18PM] <erik> y u want 2 join rot then

[04:14:52PM] <Nacho`> af just isnt for me anymore, getting bored as shit tired of all the shit here

[04:16:40PM] <erik> why is it not for you anymore

[04:16:43PM] <erik> & why do you want 2 join rot

[04:21:37PM] <Nacho`> hold on erik give me a sec

[04:24:09PM] <erik> k

[04:42:01PM] <Nacho`> erik sorry about that

[04:42:21PM] <Nacho`> but like i not closewith anyone is af anymore

[04:42:28PM] <Nacho`> the community sucks

[04:43:05PM] <Nacho`> I want to join a more community that actually care about winning and playinng the game

[04:44:32PM] <erik> how long u been in af

[04:45:16PM] <Nacho`> full member in january

[04:45:47PM] <erik> ?

[04:45:50PM] <erik> oh

[04:45:57PM] <Nacho`> i was a full member in january

[04:46:05PM] <erik> still member

[04:46:06PM] <erik> or senior

[04:46:07PM] <erik> or wat

[04:46:16PM] <Nacho`> im still a member atm

[04:56:30PM] <erik> what really changed your mind though

[04:56:34PM] <erik> because if i rmeember

[04:56:37PM] <erik> you werent so rot friendly

[04:57:28PM] <Nacho`> um

[04:57:39PM] <Nacho`> well its just clan beef

[04:58:05PM] <Nacho`> af hates rot so i hate rot

[04:59:02PM] <erik> when do you get senior in af?

[05:00:34PM] <Nacho`> You dont get senior in af after a certain amount of time

[05:02:58PM] <Nacho`> atleast nobody else has, because fizzy got it before oveckin and oveckin has been in af longer

[05:20:12PM] <erik> ah

[05:20:28PM] <erik> u were in vh right ?

[05:20:45PM] <Nacho`> nope but i had a couple of friends that were vh

[05:21:33PM] <Nacho`> robq knows me

[05:21:45PM] <erik> have you spoken 2 him

[05:21:53PM] <Nacho`> not recently

[05:22:42PM] <Nacho`> idk if evan is relevant in rot anymore

[05:22:45PM] <Nacho`> but he knows me

[05:23:49PM] <erik> are you in vr/eos

[05:23:54PM] <Nacho`> nah

[05:25:09PM] <erik> whats af plan atm then

[05:25:59PM] <Nacho`> what do you mean exactly

[05:27:02PM] <erik> whats their plan moving forward lol

[05:27:08PM] <erik> r they posting a big prep atm

[05:27:09PM] <erik> or something

[05:27:16PM] <erik> what are officials saying

[05:27:26PM] <erik> what are members saying

[05:27:59PM] <Nacho`> there hasnt been anthing posted no preps no nothing

[05:29:47PM] <Nacho`> Everyone just sits on ts all day playing csgo like 5 people will pk

[05:37:25PM] <erik> who do you pk with

[05:37:25PM] <erik> then

[05:37:29PM] <erik> if its not af

[05:38:06PM] <Nacho`> i go on there small trips, and sometimes with sb. But i want to be with an active clan that actually pks

[05:46:02PM] <erik> tell me when sb pk then

[05:46:09PM] <erik> because they're 50x more active than af prob

[05:48:38PM] <erik> is af or sb doing anything atm?

[05:52:46PM] <Nacho`> af is pking right now

[05:52:55PM] <erik> ?

[05:52:57PM] <erik> where @

[05:54:02PM] <Nacho`> w70 rdg

[05:54:08PM] <Nacho`> fighting vr

[05:56:31PM] <Nacho`> we are kinda getting cleared

[05:56:36PM] <Nacho`> north of rdg at old gate

[06:01:47PM] <Nacho`> hook me up with zgs for hit?

[06:02:20PM] <Nacho`> lol

[06:04:03PM] <erik> Nacho`

[06:04:07PM] <erik> did u say

[06:04:08PM] <erik> u lost it

[06:04:11PM] <erik> in ts

[06:04:12PM] <Nacho`> yea

[06:04:16PM] <erik> what did they say

[06:04:25PM] <Nacho`> called me an idiot lol

[06:05:19PM] <erik> who

[06:05:34PM] <Nacho`> just the people in the channel

[06:06:26PM] <Nacho`> so ill get it back?

[06:06:54PM] <erik> ye

[06:06:59PM] <erik> but

[06:07:03PM] <erik> show me forums n stuff

[06:08:04PM] <Nacho`> ok what you wanna see?

[06:08:30PM] <erik> is that pk

[06:08:31PM] <erik> over

[06:08:32PM] <erik> btw

[06:08:36PM] <Nacho`> ye

[06:08:44PM] <erik> how long were they pking for

[06:08:59PM] <Nacho`> like 30mins

[06:10:47PM] <Nacho`> not even, wasnt in the channel the entire time

[06:12:26PM] <erik> ah

[06:15:03PM] <Nacho`> what did you want to see on forums

[06:15:23PM] <erik> u got

[06:15:24PM] <erik> teamviewer

[06:15:25PM] <erik> ?

[06:25:41PM] <Nacho`> ye sorry

[06:26:36PM] <Nacho`> erik

[06:27:55PM] <erik> lemme get info

[06:28:58PM] <Nacho`> 971 438 729

[06:29:03PM] <Nacho`> 73zq1z

[06:33:54PM] <Nacho`> im gonna get logs from afpk

[06:36:51PM] <erik> i guess

[06:36:53PM] <erik> who do you talk 2

[06:36:54PM] <erik> in af btw

[06:37:39PM] <Nacho`> the people who were added on ts

[06:38:03PM] <Nacho`> mostly the new people

[06:38:33PM] <Nacho`> im a scaper

[06:38:39PM] <Nacho`> fizzy

[06:38:57PM] <Nacho`> bigmo

[06:38:59PM] <Nacho`> bert

[06:39:33PM] <erik> yo

[06:39:36PM] <erik> lemme get

[06:39:38PM] <erik> teamviewer

[06:39:41PM] <erik> 1 more itme

[06:39:42PM] <erik> tiem

[06:40:04PM] <Nacho`> ok

[06:41:07PM] <Nacho`> actually wait one sec

[06:41:11PM] <Nacho`> brb 10mins

[06:41:13PM] <Nacho`> or so

[06:41:39PM] <erik> k

[07:00:11PM] <Nacho`> yo

[07:00:37PM] <erik> ye

[07:01:52PM] <Nacho`> you can go on

[07:02:05PM] <Nacho`> 971 438 729

[07:02:11PM] <Nacho`> 73zq1z

[07:06:33PM] <erik> ok

[07:06:46PM] <erik> i'll make a deal here

[07:07:32PM] <erik> we'll return the zgs but not now just to make sure you aren't like bsing here

[07:07:41PM] <erik> so just give this some time and once everything is all gucci

[07:07:47PM] <erik> you get it back

[07:07:48PM] <erik> fair enough?

[07:07:56PM] <Nacho`> sounds good

[07:08:11PM] <erik> alright

[07:08:14PM] <erik> just pm me whenever af pk

[07:08:20PM] <erik> and especially sb

[07:08:27PM] <erik> they seem to be more active than af in my eyes

[07:10:48PM] <Nacho`> so zgs sometime later?

[07:10:58PM] <erik> yeah

[07:11:09PM] <erik> just atm too early

[07:12:15PM] <Nacho`> just kinda seems like a 1 way relationship atm

[07:12:29PM] <erik> ye i know but

[07:12:35PM] <erik> u could be bsing atm

[07:12:54PM] <erik> but dw we'll give back

[07:12:59PM] <erik> it's not going anywhere

[07:13:41PM] <Nacho`> ight

[07:16:23PM] <erik> Nacho`

[07:16:26PM] <erik> just make sure you give us

[07:16:31PM] <erik> anything af/sb do

[07:18:05PM] <Nacho`> okay

[07:18:13PM] <Nacho`> ye af hardly goes out

[07:18:26PM] <erik> just next time they do

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