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Shitty questions, but curious

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savea literally afkd nmz and wanked himself into a coma, woke up maxed

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play 30+ hours a day

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well the reqs are based off a 40EHP week. to be rot you cant have a job/school (you must be filthy rich tho).

Well I'm almost out of high school so maybe by that time I'll be maxed combat lmao. Who knows.



Meh most afk'd in NMZ when you could like 24hr afk and got maxed with a few month.


Honestly tho.. you can get like 150k an hour in melee stats now so even 90 to 99 so even like afk'in whilst u do other shit... you could flat 80s to max in 2 month easy

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buy an account, takes about 30 minutes

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'@ben' on forums + irc has a self published book you can buy from him that reveals all the tips and tricks to getting 124 combat for only $39.99

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You should consider joining df3 they accept lvl 90s with no pvp experience

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I play RS about 14 hours a day, but to be honest I am one of RoT's most inactive members

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be a virgin

play 10hr/day at least

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It's gonna take you a long ass time depending on how many hours of rs you play.

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