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I think you guys are cool as fuck, but you're so aloof.


Hypothetically, how do I become cool with RoT members? I have no monay, no boipussy, or anything of similar value. I just am getting back into the game, looking to max soon, and I am sort of interested in being apart of a real clan again that takes a whole application process. Trouble is I don't know anybody in any main clans and I've only had experience with pure clanning (was in foe for bout 1/2 year). The only contact I've had with a RoT member was on /rs07g/ on /vg/.


I know I ain't good enough to join RoT, I'm just asking hypothetically how someone would even begin to get involved with a community like this with little to no contact with the members, but decent experience multi pking


I get the whole "don't waste our time" shit that's pinned, but I would be willing to give it my 110% I knew of even a chance of getting to know the community, that's all I'm saying. If there's honestly no way I could be apart of your secret club, then I'll fuck right off.


p-pls no bully..

(but I know most of you will)

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oi vey.



[sayob is a fag]

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joining a team with rot members in it is one of the better ways to get to know people + prove yourself to them

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joining a team with rot members in it is one of the better ways to get to know people + prove yourself to them

ic, pretty sound advice. thanks mang.


talk to us

I'll work on containing my autistic tendencies then.

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swift irc #rot



forums.zybez.net youll see a few rot members there


joining a team with rot members in it

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good question :hmm:

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if you idle around the community (mainly #rot on SwiftIRC) and show you don't have an extra chromosome then that's a good first step

Edited by JcJack

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