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gl getting unban

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Sir Severed


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Good luck

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PayPal Jed some money and he will see what he cam do... pogchamp

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congrats n hi

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Depends what your ban reason was and the date of it.


Here is Jagex' Support Page for Ban Appeals.


If your ban is for any of these reasons it will not be reviewed.


  • Account hijacking
  • Bug abuse
  • Real world trading
  • Other manual permanent ban (fraud, community safety)


this works, but depends on your acc history


main that was banned in 2009 for botting got unbanned recently

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welcome back

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Depends what your ban reason was and the date of it.


Here is Jagex' Support Page for Ban Appeals.


If your ban is for any of these reasons it will not be reviewed.


  • Account hijacking
  • Bug abuse
  • Real world trading
  • Other manual permanent ban (fraud, community safety)


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