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DF Officials Exposed: It's worse than we all thought

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gross clan gross people

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20v20 CJ fight (against Spartans)
[18:15] <%HD> ila161.....
[18:17] <%Q3> just how
02[18:17] * &true2k8 (True2k8@df-rs.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:17] <%Q3> lol
[18:17] <+ila161> sorry bout r3, i heard talk power granted so went to ts to acivate mic
02[18:17] * +VirgoVaca (finze010@Seers-CDBAABEF.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:18] <+ila161> not a excuse anyway
[18:18] <~Ross> lol
[18:18] <~Ross> disgusting
02[18:18] * ~Ross (Ross@df-rs.com) Quit (Quit: )

[18:19] <+Sut|Away> fact we can't even get 20 members
[18:19] <+Sut|Away> who aren't brain dead
[18:19] <+Sut|Away> LMAO

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what do u have to say for urself cole

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its actually sad how much they try to avoid us lol

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[18:24] <+Bie_Boe> (00:24:40) yo i know we just got demolished by rot team 3 times in a row within an hour, but we have the 20v20 range only fight left. chin up.

[18:24] <+Bie_Boe> lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooo

[18:26] <+King_Obina> chill ila161 they can't win us fair and square, so they use nigg tactics, we've tried to dodge it, but it failed

[18:26] <+`iDanny_> ???

[18:26] <%HD> no

[18:26] <+Chronicflame> lmfao

[18:26] <+`iDanny_> all of u cant be that delusional

[18:27] <%HD> people were retarded

[18:27] <+`iDanny_> jesus christ

[18:27] <+Rhinos01> Lmao

[18:27] <+Rhinos01> `iDanny so triggered

[18:27] <&True_2k8> arent you?

[18:27] <+Rhinos01> I am

[18:27] <+`iDanny_> ye Rhinos01 we get it uve been in df for 7 years and have done nothing

[18:27] <+`iDanny_> ty Rhinos01 we love ur attitude

[18:27] <+`iDanny_> where nothing phases u

[18:27] <+`iDanny_> and u dont give a fuck if we lose

[18:27] <+`iDanny_> no wonder half our clan has that attitude

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fag clan is dead lol

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textbook example of how to run a clan into the ground

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[16:12] <+Wnt> liths fighting rot btw if anyones interested
[16:12] <+Wnt> wont last long tho
[16:13] <&True_2k8> u got baited/snaked by exotic/filz
[16:13] <~Ross> we good dw
[16:13] <+Wnt> ye we knew this going to happen
[16:13] <+StevenID0om_> tbh obviously filz wanted that 2 happen

fucking dogs

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