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deadman tourny?

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hey i have an account in deadman tourny, not sure if anyone wants me to gain specific resources to swap over for osrs gold?


I wont be leveling it to compete as id rather do that on seasonals!


I have all week to play no work so can basically play 12+ hours a day!


Not sure if a staff member wants to pm me with something they want me to collect!


With a rate that i can swap over.


I can collect secondaries, food, or can farm cash. I have a method that not many know about for 150k cash an hour and its all in a safe zone.



If someone can pm me and let me know or post below!


Also is there a teamspeak you guys use, as i know my timezone is bad but literally the discord channels are always empty? So getting to meet new people is really hard when no one is every on?

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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?

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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?


When there's a will there's a way

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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?


Talk in #rot on SwiftIRC, text chat on Discord, join CWA teams with RoT members in them (if that's still a thing), and PK with Ghettob (or RoT when we have public PK streams)

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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?


Talk in #rot on SwiftIRC, text chat on Discord, join CWA teams with RoT members in them (if that's still a thing), and PK with Ghettob (or RoT when we have public PK streams)


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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?


Talk in #rot on SwiftIRC, text chat on Discord, join CWA teams with RoT members in them (if that's still a thing), and PK with Ghettob (or RoT when we have public PK streams)




or you can slave 4 free and get a gud name ty

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I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?


Talk in #rot on SwiftIRC, text chat on Discord, join CWA teams with RoT members in them (if that's still a thing), and PK with Ghettob (or RoT when we have public PK streams)




or you can slave 4 free and get a gud name ty


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Post an intro and gl

I already posted an intro.. but i still don't have access to ts?




I don't think we swap OSRS gold for DMM tournament resources


Our TS is private

how am i meant to meet people to gain vouches without the teamspeak?


Talk in #rot on SwiftIRC, text chat on Discord, join CWA teams with RoT members in them (if that's still a thing), and PK with Ghettob (or RoT when we have public PK streams)



I use osbuddy not swiftkit? can i still use swiftirc?

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