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Reign of Terror defeat Aggression

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RoT got word that AG were out so we quickly massed 15 people and headed out in search of them. Soon enough AG rushed us at Bounty Hunter bank and like most BH bank fights it was full of teleing,

being that both clans were annoyed AG contacted us to meet them at members gate in 5 minutes, RoT quickly got people and walked up to the new gate where we waited for AG. 5 minutes have passed and AG didn't rush us so we went towards members gate to look for them, and surely enough AG rushed us.



RoT Starting: 30 People

AG Starting: 25 People (Confirm?)




The fight began and got off to a slow start, but RoT was evidently in control of the fight, soon enough AG began getting KO piles and RoT were struggling with lack of mages but we stayed a step ahead of AG at the halfway point, and from there maintained the lead. The last 15 minutes of the fight was RoT chasing AG from Greaters to Members gate to Spiders and so on.

And surely enough AG called off returning about 1 hour into the fight.



RoT Ending: 38 People

AG Ending: 0 People on the battlefield





Goodfight AG, It was disappointing that some of your members were welfaring the whole fight, but I guess that's a given. I'd also like to extend my thanks to Divine Forces who AC'd the fight, and did a very good job. Thank you for that DF.








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Holy Elf 20

gf 1 death and 2 kills,



obby cape/rune full helm/ combat robe bottom

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A Pimp Named Slickback

gf ag wasn't there

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6 kills 12 deaths died 4 times for mage meh.

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dang i wasnt here


grats guys

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bad performance on our part

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