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Reign of Terror Presents: The Zaryte Crossbow

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On the 5th of January 2022 with the release of Nex came the Zaryte Crossbow, a weapon when combined with Sapphire bolts(e), could guarantee smiting anyone even with 1 HP. Quickly RoT scientist confirmed what we theory crafted before the update and we soon made ZCB mandatory to own. 


Over the course of a year, we abused the ZCB uncontested and accumulated over 180 billion GP during it. During all of this, our enemies either closed, hid in fear, or simply +1 capped themselves knowing we'd take it from them (with a ZCB video here coming soon to highlight how badly we terrorized them). None of Anti-RoT would dare(or could imagine) using the bow themselves and anyone foolish enough to wield one in our wild would get theirs repo'd. 

Every player in the game associates the ancient mace & dragon spear with Reign of Terror and now the ZCB will be remembered in the exact way. The movie below features 300m kills minimum (besides the streamer clips). NO ONE will ever come anywhere close to what we achieved in this video. 

Reign of Terror Presents: The Zaryte Crossbow


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The only clan that can do something like this

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No one will come close to what we did LMFAO 

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