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The Closure of Revenant, Vol. 2: Game Over

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This is the second and final video showcasing the strategic destruction of not only Revenant, but the entire anti-RoT alliance. To say Revenant ever had a chance against RoT is just insulting - they didn't. Any truly unbias person could tell you; had this "rivalry" been just RoT vs Revenant from the start, it would have been over in a couple months. On their own they were never, ever, EVER a threat to RoT. That's just a fact.

With that being said, we don't blame Revenant at all for kick-starting the second mega anti-RoT alliance (with our help, of course). After all, it provided us with almost 5 years of constant action. And more importantly, it allows us to say "we told you so". Even when there was 12 clans, multiple full clan chats of people in-game, and several alliance discords against us, we never once doubted the inevitable outcome.

A lot of comparisons can be drawn from this anti-RoT alliance and the 2014 -> 2016 anti-RoT alliance. The most obvious one being that at the "peak" of both alliances they thought there was no possible way RoT could survive due to the sheer volume of people against us, only to be focused 1 by 1 by 1 until nothing remained of the alliance but the original instigator - which in this case was Revenant.

The center focus of this film unveils their final six months alive and how we took EVERYTHING away from them; debunking their copium-claims of the game being "dead" and exposes the real reasons why they rage-closed. 

I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned from all of this, but for the sake of more action lets hope they don't figure it out. Enjoy the video!


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RoT did it LOL

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ran a train on ur dogshit clan and it was all on vid lmfao 10b if u dont kys

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why u censor mine name? Wallahi?

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