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Reign of Terror vs. Violent Resolution

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After chasing DI out of the Wilderness, RoT set their sights on VR, who we knew had just chased SE out of the Wilderness. Reign of Terror and Violent Resolution both went out on fun P2P PvP trips. RoT, excited to continue our 5 wins streak, knew this fight would be a big one. Both clans began fighting around 6:00EST. The entire fight went back and forth between Bounty Hunter, Graveyard, Clan Wars, Green Dragons Lava Area, and various Forests between 15-25 Wilderness. From the beginning of the fight, RoT took control of the battle, and continue to stay on top of VR. We forced them to regroup all over the Wilderness. Through mediocre gear, teleporting, 1-itemers, and DI crashing on lower-leveled accounts, RoT continued to dominate VR all over. In my eyes, RoT controlled 99% of this fight; for one second I thought VR was winning, but then I realized I was just seeing things. We asked VR to take the fight to deeper Wilderness, with no success. However, RoT still managed to dominate in VR's territory. Much respect given to the VR who fought in gear; all 5 of you. Maybe next time.


RoT Starting Options:



RoT Ending Options:



Pictures from the fight:















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Good fight, about 3-4 kills and 10+ deaths mostly to the barragers in single and 1 itemers.

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The Man

They are so fucking stupid.

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1of the worst fights ive had in pvp yet and i was tsc =/


2 kills like 8 deaths

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Fucking sucked asshole meat, they fucking hug ~20 wild and than just tele, than eventually 1 item like fuck.

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Hell  Pure

2 kills 5 deaths. About 450k in loot :rolleyes:


Wasn't as bad as some clan wars area fights i guess.

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was at a friends house but it sounded like shit

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Jerem Ias

Shit load of kills. 15+


1 death.


And yes it was fucking stupid.

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Adem Owns

wow omg sooo many people telein out with ring of life's

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