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Wednesday: We Told You 6 Clans Was Not Enough!

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We started off our day by hunting each Anti-RoT clan that was PKing separately in a different location. None of these clans can hang in a 1v1 so we wiped them off the map within minutes. After being frustrated from being hunted by us they decided to coordinate and all get in the same clan chat, but just being in the same clan chat doesn't do much if each clan is trying to hide from RoT in a different location from the actual fight.

At this point 3 Anti-RoT clans were massed (Fins, Liths, and VR). We rushed VR aka LPC (Low Pulling Clan) and full cleared them before the rest of Anti-RoT could log in. We then saw the Fins log in at 30 line, ran south, and cleared them within 5 minutes. Then the Lithuanians logged in north around Spider, we rushed them and cleared them again. 3 clean 1v1 wins for RoT B2B2B because these clans are so fucking slow LMFAO.

After getting wiped they all grouped up in the same location to take us on, and called a few more clans (Vit+BC+TK).

We rushed their 6 clan merged clan chat head first and never let the foot off the gas from the get go. Sure we were outnumbered, but our members live for fights like this where all the odds are against us (Deep in GMT on a work day & outnumbered). Even with all that against us, we never lost the lead and as we continued to gain #s on TS we pressed Anti-RoT from 35 wildy down to 25 wildy.  Anti-RoT was losing numbers as the fight progressed until it got close to even numbers, and then they threw in the towel.















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