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Evolution of Welfarers

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ive pked with them before. rot has been around for years and i have seen welf put up a good fight against yall, and they've only been around for what? 4 months. give it time and i have no doubt ull have to put your gear where your mouth is to keep that 1st place slot. they have some good leaders now....bviking/elf archer ect...their ranks are dedicated to the clan..read some of the stuff they post on their site. and they have been getting strong and stronger. btw they are planning to make a cmb req of 105+ and every 2 months they will up it by 5 cmb lvls. and some of you who say "they are shit, free loot" ive seen you get dropped in 2 seconds by them.

Edited by rotbro

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ive pked with them before. rot has been around for years and i have seen welf put up a good fight against yall, and they've only been around for what? 4 months. give it time and i have no doubt ull have to put your gear where your mouth is to keep that 1st place slot. they have some good leaders now....bviking/elf archer ect...their ranks are dedicated to the clan..read some of the stuff they post on their site. and they have been getting strong and stronger. btw they are planning to make a cmb req of 105+ and every 2 months they will up it by 5 cmb lvls. and some of you who say "they are shit, free loot" ive seen you get dropped in 2 seconds by them.

I almost deleted your registration when I saw your display name, now I'm glad I didn't

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ive pked with them before. rot has been around for years and i have seen welf put up a good fight against yall, and they've only been around for what? 4 months. give it time and i have no doubt ull have to put your gear where your mouth is to keep that 1st place slot. they have some good leaders now....bviking/elf archer ect...their ranks are dedicated to the clan..read some of the stuff they post on their site. and they have been getting strong and stronger. btw they are planning to make a cmb req of 105+ and every 2 months they will up it by 5 cmb lvls. and some of you who say "they are shit, free loot" ive seen you get dropped in 2 seconds by them.

But, You all don't seem to get is. Every kid that joins that cc is in it for the money. Not in it for the "Heart" of the clan. Sure, they will drop someone in 3 seconds, but what do u expect? with 50 MSB's/Broad bolts and dd's flying at you you cannot tank that. Regardless or Not welfarers will never progress to what rot, or di have. I don't see them as a threat in a week, or a year for that matter. Nor do i consider them free loot, because tbh i lose more set's to them then DI.

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Death Troll

ive pked with them before. rot has been around for years and i have seen welf put up a good fight against yall, and they've only been around for what? 4 months. give it time and i have no doubt ull have to put your gear where your mouth is to keep that 1st place slot. they have some good leaders now....bviking/elf archer ect...their ranks are dedicated to the clan..read some of the stuff they post on their site. and they have been getting strong and stronger. btw they are planning to make a cmb req of 105+ and every 2 months they will up it by 5 cmb lvls. and some of you who say "they are shit, free loot" ive seen you get dropped in 2 seconds by them.


Whats a good fight to you? charging a team then retreating?

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their cc is still open, so until its private..they cant do shit rofl

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ive pked with them before. rot has been around for years and i have seen welf put up a good fight against yall, and they've only been around for what? 4 months. give it time and i have no doubt ull have to put your gear where your mouth is to keep that 1st place slot. they have some good leaders now....bviking/elf archer ect...their ranks are dedicated to the clan..read some of the stuff they post on their site. and they have been getting strong and stronger. btw they are planning to make a cmb req of 105+ and every 2 months they will up it by 5 cmb lvls. and some of you who say "they are shit, free loot" ive seen you get dropped in 2 seconds by them.



I loled irl at this comment. What do you expect if 50+ kid with no form of organize comes along and special you. Would you be able to tank that? I think not. Welfarers will never in 1 month, 5 month or a year achieve what ROT had and will not give ROT a run for there money at any time soon. Until they become a real clan they might have a chance, but with this new system of anyone can join cc and get rank this isn't going be anytime soon seeing Welfarers completing with ROT.

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Death Troll

I loled irl at this comment. What do you expect if 50+ kid with no form of organize comes along and special you. Would you be able to tank that? I think not. Welfarers will never in 1 month, 5 month or a year achieve what ROT had and will not give ROT a run for there money at any time soon. Until they become a real clan they might have a chance, but with this new system of anyone can join cc and get rank this isn't going be anytime soon seeing Welfarers completing with ROT.



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umm...have u been in their ts? welf is not that disorganized. yeah the members are in for ep/money, but so what? welfarers isnt looking to be number 1 or the most dominate clan in rs. they are the only 24/7 pk clan that doesnt require you to devote anything more than your loyalty. they dont try to set up wars with rot. it started as a few friends having fun then it just grew. and u complain about them in rag gear...if u didnt notice the cc is "welfarers". arent going to make the members devote their bank to a clan thats not official. you say they will enver achieve what ROT has done? why do you keep attempting to insult them? rot is THE only clan in p2p that we even have respect for, we dont flame yall, we dont try to put you down...our ranks have put in an unbelieveable amount of work and heart into this clan. and no matter how many times you kill us...no matter how many times u knock us down, we get back up. and no clan, no matter how strong, can ever take that away from them.

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as a clan it wont work, might even take away from the cc thing they had going for them

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Nah their idiots lol, They're all pixel hungry and don't give a shit they'll stay the same retards that they always were

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Lord Pain88

umm...have u been in their ts? welf is not that disorganized. yeah the members are in for ep/money, but so what? welfarers isnt looking to be number 1 or the most dominate clan in rs. they are the only 24/7 pk clan that doesnt require you to devote anything more than your loyalty. they dont try to set up wars with rot. it started as a few friends having fun then it just grew. and u complain about them in rag gear...if u didnt notice the cc is "welfarers". arent going to make the members devote their bank to a clan thats not official. you say they will enver achieve what ROT has done? why do you keep attempting to insult them? rot is THE only clan in p2p that we even have respect for, we dont flame yall, we dont try to put you down...our ranks have put in an unbelieveable amount of work and heart into this clan. and no matter how many times you kill us...no matter how many times u knock us down, we get back up. and no clan, no matter how strong, can ever take that away from them.

If you respected us you wouldn't be crashing all of our fights

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you guys dont seem to understand...its not the ranks yall are trying to talk shit about.well besides(gorbulsky)...we have a diff group of ppl pking with us every day, we cant determine whos gunna run or stay and fight by looking at their names.every day is different. been days where we cleared rdk/brut/di/fof/rsd...then other days where they wrecked us. but are getting more and more famaliars into the clan. they are going to go official when they get all 200 rank spots filled, as ranks are the ones that stay and fight and dnt care about loosing 200k. and almost everysingle one of the ranks are 115+. all im saying is you really need to stop trying to insult every clan. its just a rivalry and u let it get the best of you. although di lies and rdk sucks big black cock...

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Death Troll

you guys dont seem to understand...its not the ranks yall are trying to talk shit about.well besides(gorbulsky)...we have a diff group of ppl pking with us every day, we cant determine whos gunna run or stay and fight by looking at their names.every day is different. been days where we cleared rdk/brut/di/fof/rsd...then other days where they wrecked us. but are getting more and more famaliars into the clan. they are going to go official when they get all 200 rank spots filled, as ranks are the ones that stay and fight and dnt care about loosing 200k. and almost everysingle one of the ranks are 115+. all im saying is you really need to stop trying to insult every clan. its just a rivalry and u let it get the best of you. although di lies and rdk sucks big black cock...


I'm gunna say this and I'm sure everyone will agree, that welfarers are and will always be "free loot" lol.


and lol @ gorbulsky "Just tanked RoT"

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To me welfarers isnt a clan its just a clan chat full of pixel hungry idiots just after free 76ks and until the cc becomes closed and they actually have members and not just the different idiots every day running around, they will be free loot until then i will always rate useless "clan chat" who is when your bored u go and kill them for free 76ks.

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