≈Nine Report post Posted December 6, 2009 I'm planning on buying either of them in about a week. My question to you: What one should I buy and why? Pro's and con's please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Harry Report post Posted December 6, 2009 X Box - More people play online but rumours are the next one comes out in 2010 so it may be outdated. PS3 - Less people online but it's free. I only play rs so i don't know anymore lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Mitch Report post Posted December 6, 2009 (edited) Ps3 - I personaly have this, its good because its free and the setup is better and control's ect, Xbox - More people online cheaper too buy but have to pay £40 or $80 per year for online (I know 90% of xboxers are going to say xbox is better but i bet 50% have never played a ps3) Id buy it depending on how many people you know irl that have it so if you have like 10 friends with xbox and only 5 with ps3 just buy the xbox because i get bored when im not playing with mates on it lol :) Edited December 6, 2009 by Stib2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
4kyiyw4k Report post Posted December 6, 2009 360 - live is more popular than ps3's free service, larger pool of people to play w/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Jimi Report post Posted December 6, 2009 360 hands down. It's better online, PS3 is going to make a premium soon, so free online will eventually be phased out and PS3 will be exactly like X-Box where it's pay to play online. The new X-Box isn't coming out in 2010. Microsoft is trying to make it so that the console transforms with time and can be upgradable rather than spitting out a new console ASAP. As far as games go, 360 shits on PS3 and as far as processing ability the 360 is more powerful than the PS3, it's been proven over and over. Basically the only reason you'd buy a PS3 is if you want a bluray player and not a gaming device. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
The Man Report post Posted December 6, 2009 360 hands down. It's better online, PS3 is going to make a premium soon, so free online will eventually be phased out and PS3 will be exactly like X-Box where it's pay to play online. The new X-Box isn't coming out in 2010. Microsoft is trying to make it so that the console transforms with time and can be upgradable rather than spitting out a new console ASAP. As far as games go, 360 shits on PS3 and as far as processing ability the 360 is more powerful than the PS3, it's been proven over and over. Basically the only reason you'd buy a PS3 is if you want a bluray player and not a gaming device. Get a ps3 before bashing..and where are your sources for this new premium? You should cite it or else that statement is made up. Im also positive that it is a gaming device hence it can run games? Don't stoop to the "xbox POONS ps3 person." The only difference between the two is xbox has a few more games like Halo and Gears of War..Plus more people have it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Numbers` Report post Posted December 6, 2009 Ps3 - free online, and free wifi built in - not as many people online/isnt as well set up as 360 360 better for online but gotta pay each year or w/e and if you want wireless gotta buy an adapter +$100 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Idioteque69 Report post Posted December 6, 2009 I was able to buy a 50ft ethernet cable to hook my 360 up. Saved me about $80. I would have to say 360 is better. I have nothing to complain about mine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
PauL` Report post Posted December 6, 2009 Xbox360, I had one before, you have to pay for online but you get sky TV and alot of other features with it, worth the money. The PS3 is free live but you need a non lagg router or you just DC every second and less people have them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
The Man Report post Posted December 6, 2009 I am asking this question..How is xbox live better then ps3 online? Some say it has a better setup? For ps3 all you have to do is sign in and your ready to go. I'm stating that the online doesn't dc every second like people presume infact it doesn't dc at all unless you fuck up irl and trip over a cord or knock down your router. I am not doubting xbox live and whether it is good or not im just saying if you have never played ps3 online then don't go around saying what you have heard from other xbox users.. God I always hate these topics Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Andrew Report post Posted December 6, 2009 I am asking this question..How is xbox live better then ps3 online? Some say it has a better setup? For ps3 all you have to do is sign in and your ready to go. I'm stating that the online doesn't dc every second like people presume infact it doesn't dc at all unless you fuck up irl and trip over a cord or knock down your router. I am not doubting xbox live and whether it is good or not im just saying if you have never played ps3 online then don't go around saying what you have heard from other xbox users.. God I always hate these topics I know a bunch of people with PS3s and like half of them get common connecting problems to the online Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Spikey Report post Posted December 6, 2009 Personaly i'd say xbox but only because i have one and have never played a ps3. i've herd the ps3 isnt bad just more people have a xbox because it was orginally alot cheaper, and had halo (you could not beat halo 2 online). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Toastninja5 Report post Posted December 6, 2009 (edited) depends on what your irl friends have ive played both but ive never owned a ps3 and i just prefer xbox, all my friends seem to dc alot on ps3 then say how its better because its free? Edited December 6, 2009 by Toastninja5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Robin Report post Posted December 6, 2009 Xbox > ps3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Erik` Report post Posted December 6, 2009 Never dced on ps3 online in my live Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0