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Reign of Terror VS Ancient Fury

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We massed up a quick 15 people as we heard NR were going out on their first PK. Video link is at the bottom.

After we slayed the NRs we decided we wanted to keep pking. Out of nowhere come out the AFs running into GDS like madmen. At that point we knew it needed to be made mandatory so we held off the fort while the troops came pouring in teamspeak.


Reign of Terror starting:



Ancient Fury starting: 50~ in ventrilo



At first we were outnumbered by AF, giving us a bad start. Once we started gaining momentum we kept pushing AF towards the gates we knew we would come out on top. After 30mins-1hr of fighting we had nearly the same amount as AF. We kept fighting as we gained and gained. AF decided to call it off after 2hours of fighting.


Reign of Terror ending:(70 on audio)



Ancient Fury ending: 0 on the battlefield



Thank you AF for the good,clean fight. You performed well.




Edited by paco

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Good fight came like 30 mins before it was over, 1 death 4~ kills.

Edited by Mainmill

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af did extremly well lol. good fight guys better then brut.

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All around a day of feasting. Np VR for the ac

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Bs Emperor

Missed it.


Nice job ladddies

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The Rs Getto

was alot of fun i missed a bit of it because of school but was there for the feast =)

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Better then brutality ;\



Like 5-10 kills 2 deaths



Got there late

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had a federal thing to go to so i only made it for ending :(

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af did extremly well lol. good fight guys better then brut.

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gf af 17kills 6 deaths















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