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Reign of Terror VS Ancient Fury

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5-6 kills 3-4 deaths, Better then brut, look forward for future fights



Edited by NeedADentist

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was a bad fight for us at the start then we picked it up and raped them.



was loads on fun, Goodjob RoT.

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Pink Drag

af stands for absolutely fantastic.


Brutality cant beat AF not saying this because i hate brut because they spammed way better then brut.

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Good fight AF, it was fun. Your pretty good (except for Pether and Warrs, sorry).

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Hybrids g0d

gf rot, we did very well when the opts were even, I thought we actually were doing better at one point when the opts were even, but then alot of members came online for you and you quickly took us apart from then on, hope to see alot more fights from you in the future x







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nice guys,look like a feast.

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Congrats Rot, sounds like AF are performing well

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was fun lotta kills few deaths good job guys

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Glad to see you have some better competition than Brutality in p2p. Keep it up RoT

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Was impressed by AF. However, I was extremely annoyed at the fact that I logged on geared up in mage and then realized that i was on regular magicks. I decided it would take too long to switch magicks and regear so I stayed the whole fight on regulars which was so gay

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gf rot, we did very well when the opts were even, I thought we actually were doing better at one point when the opts were even, but then alot of members came online for you and you quickly took us apart from then on, hope to see alot more fights from you in the future x

You did well but to be honest once we reached your numbers your spam broke.

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Zero Fear1

I could have sworn AF died lol. Good job though like always.

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