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MW2 Glitches

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Well infinity ward isn't so bright and keeps producing glitches that aren't fixed quickly.


Which glitches do you know? list em


Current glitches:

Rust FFA private match


Fixed glitches:


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i haven't really noticed anything

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whats rust ffa private match?

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You should explain what the glitches are

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just rust, its basically a 16 man 3rd person ffa on rust (u can kill teamate) best ive gone on it is 206 and 35 ac-130 rapes lol

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sounds interesting.

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You should explain what the glitches are

This my bro wants to know

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You should explain what the glitches are


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Jerem Ias

I saw a couple of them on youtube, but since i dont play cod mw2, i dont care.

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Last night I was playing Ground War; Domination on Terminal and instead of the score going to 200; it went all the way to 750.


@ Andy

Rust FFA - You join into a ground war game and instead of playing a normal game, it switches to a Rust FFA private map.

Javelin glitch - You could basically cook a grenade, and swap from your grenade to your javelin launcher while cooking the grenade, and when you died the javelin would go off, which it has like a 30ft kill radius.

Edited by Jake

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The Man

My irl friend knows like 10 glitches but I don't give a shit because I don't need to glitch.

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I don't really play enough to care about glitching lol.

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id rather level without glitches tbh lol.

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I saw a couple of them on youtube, but since i dont play cod mw2, i dont care.

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The Rust Glitch is an 18 man FFA where you just camp spawn camps and get 100+kills per round easily if your good at it. No score limit and 10 minutes.


The Javelin glitch was after being killed your javelin rocket would explode and kill anyone close to your radius after death.


So far I've got like 1.6k kills with javelin, and 3k with Rust

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