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MW2 Glitches

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i haven't really noticed anything


If you go 3rd person team tactical it almost always put you in a rust FFA private now. Pretty annoying if you want to play normal games but i'm fine with glitching. Prestige me up faster

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fill a game with all your friends get out a riot shield and p90 secondary, just have a partner and just fucking shoot the shield for points over and over

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fill a game with all your friends get out a riot shield and p90 secondary, just have a partner and just fucking shoot the shield for points over and over

Isn't a glitch, its called boosting, and you do it in Search and Destroy with the One Man Army class

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Isn't a glitch, its called boosting, and you do it in Search and Destroy with the One Man Army class


Boosting ftl, glitching ftw


I did 1.6k kills with a javelin didn't get caught. They are pretty slow at fixing bugs. Quite possibly worse than jagex

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Gonna try the 3rd person Im lvl 53 only l0l

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Gonna try the 3rd person Im lvl 53 only l0l


It will put you in a private match, use an LMG I use the MG4 and just straight up spray and pray lol

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I can't get put in a fuckin rust ffa private ive tried 20+ times

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I can't get put in a fuckin rust ffa private ive tried 20+ times


Lmao you got a host connection? Usually it will say merging lobby and throw me in one every like 2-3 games I try to go into. Try going with 2-3 people and it usually merges

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doesnt work for me lol

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The Javelin glitch is back, there is a new way of doing it as I just (As of 10 minutes ago) had it done to me. Not sure how to do the new way, if anyone finds out please let me know ;)

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ya there is a guide on youtube how to make your own glitch game. It's kind of cool how they do it. Also, you can do it more than just ffa u can have it as TDM with actual teams or even Search but it's pointless for search.

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My irl friend knows like 10 glitches but I don't give a shit because I don't need to glitch.

Yeah, pretty much this.

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