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Gf Ags

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Fucking idiot rofl deserved to lose it imo

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Not even idiots who started scaping 10 minutes ago are that stupid, he's not an 09, 010 or 01283 pker he is just completely fucking retarded.

<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 :o












NO, 04er

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Dang shit, why u looted at first, and second when u looted that shit i woulda teled instantly

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you a retard for trying 2 show off a ancient stat

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The Man

I can't fathom the words to describe how stupid you are. Are you that mentally challenged to try and trade a guy in the middle of combat to show him an ancient stat when its only 5m? You said you were an 04er in your last post so im guessing you knew that you can't have the trade screen up in the midst of being attacked. I mean jesus christ how can you be freaking out that much over 5m. You run around like a spaz on speed pills typing away trying to show off. Im glad you died and I hope you kill yourself because of your stupidy. Also giving your cc info out so people can join it is such a desperate plea to get your 5 mins of runescape fame. I hope it was worth.

Edited by The Man 5114

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LOL, I love the way he makes a 20 take about looting the ancient statue...Thanks for giving me a good laugh.

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PvP Joey

I honestly hope you get hit by a bus you spastic.




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Lord Ximar

Im laughing even harder at people raging about the vid than the actual vid lol.

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yes i forgot my glory was charged



stupid, no you didn't you clicked it early on in the vid to teleport

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Lol, first thing I would've done is instantly pick up the ancient stat then tele or LOG OUT, since it looked like you were there with only a small group of friends. :lol: Anyway thanks for the vid, was a fun watch.

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Let me just break it down for you.


1) You crave the attention you are getting from all this. You just want your name out there for some unknown reason, we can all see through you saying you don't care if people flame or not and other thing's. Shut up nobody cares mommy locked you in a closet and fed you dog biscuits.


2) Why did you fucking run around like someone was having a seizure while they were playing runescape... well if that 5m was enough to send you into cardiac arrest ill die to you for some stuff so it finally finishes you.


3) Did you shit yourself when you got the kill and just forgot how to log or even teleport once you realized you were fucked.


4) I have an AGS so why would I wish for one, maybe we should have a DM to see who's is better.. oh wait..


Just for laugh's did a midget with down syndrome and two fingers make your sig, I just love how the 'party hats' are all like deformed and shit.

Edited by Alfredsrad

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ouch dude you shoulda just grabbed the ancient and teled or logged..

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I canâ??t even begin to comprehend how mentally challenged you are.

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White Widow2

glad u lost!!!!!!!!!

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