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Reign of Terror vs The Alliance

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Violent Danz

destroyed holy shit we feasted

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Crypt Kingg

was an absolute feast

20 kills atleast, around 10 deaths returned hard everytime.

10m loot total

was a great experience for my first war with rot!

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LMAO look at big T trying to do work...don't really think it's a great idea for them to make more enemies though (N)


Grats on the win.

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well done boys pissed off i missed it

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Edited by Rorolulie

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Can't believe you dominated all those clans lmao

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like 15 kills 20~ deaths, had fun, still made money so im happy.

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gratz ROT, had fun acing the VR there crashing


made loot.









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Lord Pain88

Earlier in the week I set up a a PK trip for this Sunday, I knew Brutality and Frozen Fury had week preps for this Sunday so we were expecting a fight. However during the week, VR managed to key-log a FA and word of our PK trip spread throughout the Alliance. Everyone prepared for what would be the biggest Sunday in P2P, one that would set the stage for the months to come. Our days of hard preparation resulted in our largest pull since the closure of Di.


Ancient Fury were on the world with Brutality in their sights, and to this Violent Resolution decided to threaten them.




We knew The Alliance would complain but we decided we'd go anyways.


Reign of Terror Starting: 330

The Alliance (VR+FF+Brut) Starting: 700~




We rushed them by Volcano North-east of New gate and the fight began, I think VR came in like 5 minutes late so in this time we managed to build a firm lead which we'd hold throughout round 1. We pushed their regroups around the wilderness for about 40 more minutes until The Alliance logged out. I wasn't sure if they were done but apparently "DF and AF" came to help us, so I quickly spoke to AF and DF leaders and asked them to leave the fight, to which they agreed. We quickly grouped up and hopped worlds.





Reign of Terror Ending: 360~ (Few Randomers on us)

The Alliance Ending: Hopped Worlds





We hopped to World 86 and quickly grouped up.


Reign of Terror Starting: 360

The Alliance Starting: 700~


We knew coming into this world that The Alliance would be a lot more prepared. The fight would remain on World 86 for the next 3 or so hours. We knew Brutality had lost a lot of numbers (they only pulled like 50 to begin with) so we put them in our sights, and we basically for an hour exchanged regroup hits, as all 3 clans regrouped separately it wasn't a easy task. Dinner time came along and many of our Members went AFK which caused a few minutes of tough fighting, once they came back we began putting the pressure back on until it was so easy that we split our TS into two piles. From here we knew the end was here, 2 piles of over 50 RoT each just dominating any Alliance clan that stood in their path. At about 8:15 Eastern Zero Fear1 made a special appearance on RoT TS and gave us all a little speech, at that point nothing could stop us. Surely enough shortly before 9 PM EST, The Alliance called it a day after about 5 hours of fighting.


Great job to all RoT there, peaked at 120 on Teamspeak. Thanks to The Alliance for the fight today, shame you couldn't back up everything you said during the week.





Reign of Terror Ending: 330 (Couple scattered)

The Alliance Ending: 0




Perfect example that Organization is a lot more important then Numbers. See you on The Battlefield.


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