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Game Over VR - Violently Exposed

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wow, rest in peace bitches

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Dark Nite666

VR just making themself look stupider day by day.

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would never of guessed yu was a spy lol

There's even higher members in VR who are tired and willing to give out information because of how upset they are that the members who actually made vr mean nothing and are just numbers to the likes of Koa and his crew of zombies that are supposed to be at his beck and call.


If I was you Kao (since I know you and know you read these forums) your friends aren't as secretive and close to you as you would like to think they are. So yeah it looks like the members are finally seeing through your brick wall of ignorance and no longer give two shits about you and your own personal agenda. They would rather just idle in their ts to mock you and your "crew".


How many times did you say you were going to quit now Kao because you weren't having fun? 3 was it (in the last month)? then again who really cares; since we both know its far too many times for someone who is supposed to be loyal and there for the clan and was the head of crashing everyone and everything in site just because you managed to pull 100 in game a few times.

Edited by Justin~

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sad ddoser!

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The Rs Getto




sad ddoser!

me and jimmy HATE DDOSERS SO SAD!

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The Man

Rofl fucking Cera needing those ips badly.

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cya fucking later VR WE ALL KNOW that your about to hit THE BREAKING POINT Ill give them about a month till they close.

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Was a good run. 10-10.

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sad ddoser!

me and jimmy HATE DDOSERS SO SAD!




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i had no idea you were spying as you were such an idiot in VR.



but goodjob on it.

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