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Sunday Out

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Yeah fighting began on World 137 with us getting rushed at old gate by Ancient Fury. Brutality were on the world (I think they were planning on fighting but decided to 2v1 us instead). We had quickly massed to hit HF so we didn't have many nor did anyone really expect to PK.


Reign of Terror Starting: 150~

Ancient Fury Starting: 120

Brutality Starting: 120


We began fighting them and soon enough they all ran to Spiders to regroup, from spiders they went back east to the west tree. At this point EoS showed up to crash, then KO, and then finally VR showed up for reasons unknown.


Knowing we are superior to all these clans, and have proven it for months (and in some of these clan's cases, years) we were motivated to tear them apart. We began spamming tall, returning quick, and piling quickly. We devised a tactic that had always worked for us in the past, which was to hold one spot, and rush after one clan, then go back to the spot and rush another clan. This tactic allowed us to kill fleeing members from all clans involved while suffering low losses ourselves.


We knew because of the fact we had forced clans that hated each other (and crash each other) to team up that they wouldn't last, and we were right. Soon our tactic began to show, and eventually the allianceâ??all togetherâ??began bailing. Some south of gap, some through MB, and in VR's case: to mossies (You'd think after 4 years of doing it they would of managed to not get picked off on the way).


We scouted the wilderness for any remaining belligerents but found nothing. We took ending and walked down.












Reign of Terror Ending: 225~ (75 on TS)

Brutality Ending: 0

Ancient Fury Ending: 0

Echo of Silence Ending: 0

Violent Resolution Ending: 0

Kill Orgy Ending: 0




Thanks to RP and FF for the AC.


Proud of all RoT there today, certainly the only clan that can stand up 5v1 and come out victorious. Apparently Brutality are taking out the age-old "morale victory" card on this one. (THH)

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Gj Boys Feasted

Edited by Barlow120

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Gf world.

Edited by Eazyy

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It's just not a challenge alliance v6.

Edited by Mossman

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Made 3m, gf dead clans

Edited by Bearcub

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GF world

Edited by Ancientt

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I C 3 B

Gf shit clans lol, was actually pretty easy.

Edited by I C 3 B

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il ftw i

Cya shit clans

was fun making it rain on u niggies

Edited by Matt~

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Good fight, thanks for free 76ks :bananahitit:

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