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Losing Weight for Wrestling

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Yeah the season will be starting real soon, and my goal is to lose ~6 pounds in around 1-2 week(s), because there are different categories, and I'm somewhat close to getting into another category (which would make opponents easier). Probably not a necessity to post this as I already know the basics, but if you have any other special tips on losing it in such a short period of time, please post them here.

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Three good healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and actively move for atleast an hour (jog, bike, etc.)

Oh and obviously hardly any snacks inbetween the meals.

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Three good healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and actively move for atleast an hour (jog, bike, etc.)

Oh and obviously hardly any snacks inbetween the meals.

I've actually researched it a bit and learned that it's better to have more meals a day, but just in smaller quantities. (ie having 6 meals a day, but eating half as much per meal)

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Three good healthy meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and actively move for atleast an hour (jog, bike, etc.)

Oh and obviously hardly any snacks inbetween the meals.

I've actually researched it a bit and learned that it's better to have more meals a day, but just in smaller quantities. (ie having 6 meals a day, but eating half as much per meal)


I'm not too sure about that then. Two years ago when I wanted to lose a bit of weight before the summer I ate three good meals a day and hardly any snacks, then jogged for 1 or 2 hours in the evening. Lost whatever I wanted to lose within 9 or so days.

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cum all over Yim Yim's mother's face

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might have lost any weight in the last 4 years.

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I'm pretty sure they would make you do alot of running before the match to make weight. So you may as well start eating good and going on regular runs.

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Zero Fear1



If you are trying to get rid of body fat that is the best solution. Also if your interested you can swim, its a good alternative if you can't run because of foot\knee problems.

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Eat right, cardio, and try to not drink any water/soda while eating a meal.

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Zero Fear1

Eat right, cardio, and try to not drink any water/soda while eating a meal.



You should never drink soda if you are trying to get in shape or lose weight. You should always drink lots of water though, I have no idea where you got the idea where you shouldn't.




Water is the number one most important thing to address when it comes to losing weight, because water actually increases your body's ability to metabolize fat. Here's how:


Your liver is the organ that deals with metabolizing fat, and your kidneys deal with straining the toxins out of the water you drink. However, if you do not have enough water in your system already, your kidneys will not be able to do their job. In this case, your body shifts some of the work over to your liver.


We all know what happens when we are working on a project and someone comes over and dumps their half-finished work on the pile; our project doesn't get the attention it needs. Same here. Your liver was dealing with fat, but now it has to do that AND deal with the extra filtering that the kidneys would normally do. So the efficiency of the liver is compromised, and it winds up leaving a lt of fat in your body that normally would have been burned away.



The idea that drinking too much water or a certain temperature of water will make you bloat is a myth. Your body bloats when it is dehydrated because it believes that you aren't going to give it enough water, so it will save what is already there. The ONLY way to deal with bloating is to drink more water. Bloating is a sure sign that you are dehydrated.


It may be inconvenient at first because you will have to pee more often, but the reason that you are running to the bathroom is actually great; your body is finally letting go of all the old, toxic water that its been holding onto. The water that you are drinking is usually not the first water that you excrete after being dehydrated. Now your body knows that you will be replacing the water, so it isn't panicking and storing it, it is letting go to make room for the fresh, clean water you are sending in. After a few days or a week, the bathroom trips will slow down and your body will get into a great rhythm, which includes reduced appetite, more luminous complexion, and better muscle tone, as well as a more efficient metabolism.

Edited by Zero Fear1

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Guest Desire

run alot, eat a bit less than usual but dont starve yourself, and do alot of legs and chest

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Cut off your hand

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