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Jimmy|Justkool sets mode [+e] [*]runescript!*@*

14:24:03 [@Jimmy|Justkool] .rlb

14:24:03 [ø] ChanMode: Jimmy|Justkool sets mode [-b] *!*@Swift-E3339609.bot.rscript.org

14:24:07 [@Jimmy|Justkool] inv

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Guest Evan

1. Women comprise two-thirds of adult Medicaid beneficiaries.

2. Medicaid covers 4 in 10 births in the United States and two-thirds of all family planning services.

3. More than 17 millionâ??18 percent-- of nonelderly women are uninsured.

4. Childbirth and related conditions account for nearly 25 percent of all hospital stays.

5. More than half of all Medicare beneficiaries are women; of those over the age of 85, 70 percent are women.

6. Women are almost twice as likely as men to be covered as dependents in employer-sponsored plans, leaving them vulnerable if their spouse loses his job, they are divorced or they become widowed.



Prominent advocates for women's health say the lagging single-payer model would serve women best.



Now, most leading health care proposals would combine insurance coverage with employment in a way thatâ??s problematic for women. Women are already more likely to have under par health insurance because they are self â??employed, work part time, have low-paying, no-benefit jobs, or rely on their spouses for coverage. If their spouse changes jobs, the health care situation is detrimental for the wife. Single-payer legislation would cover reproductive services, including abortion. While I believe health care targeted for abortion procedures should be limited, such as only for rape victims and cases of that unpreventable nature, more concrete reproductive health care under the single-payer legislation will be an enormous triumph for womenâ??s health care.

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p min3r

Abraham Lincoln was the only U.S. president to hold a patent. It was for an invention to buoy boats over shallow rivers.

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