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Heat will take it in 5.


Bulls will either win Game 1 or 2 after that it's over.

The Heat can play both ends of the court well with amazing defense and the big 3 carry the team offensively.

The Bulls can only be good in one end because they do play well D they only have 1 main scorer who can maybe get 25+ every game while Boozer who is a big name has not yet had a breakout game unless you count the last game they had his breakout game.


are you kidding me? bosh rarely scores more than 20, and lebron + dwayne wade both have good games together about 50% of the time. on the bulls side of the spectrum, yes, d rose is the catalyst for all of our scoring, but he has a bad game maybe 1 out of 10. when hes on, so is the rest of the team. not to mention we have a huge rebounding advantage with boozer + noah, and our bench can easily go for a +50 differential vs the heats any given night.

no matter what way you look at it, there is no logical reason for the heat to win this series

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Heat will take it in 5.


Bulls will either win Game 1 or 2 after that it's over.

The Heat can play both ends of the court well with amazing defense and the big 3 carry the team offensively.

The Bulls can only be good in one end because they do play well D they only have 1 main scorer who can maybe get 25+ every game while Boozer who is a big name has not yet had a breakout game unless you count the last game they had his breakout game.


are you kidding me? bosh rarely scores more than 20, and lebron + dwayne wade both have good games together about 50% of the time. on the bulls side of the spectrum, yes, d rose is the catalyst for all of our scoring, but he has a bad game maybe 1 out of 10. when hes on, so is the rest of the team. not to mention we have a huge rebounding advantage with boozer + noah, and our bench can easily go for a +50 differential vs the heats any given night.

no matter what way you look at it, there is no logical reason for the heat to win this series

Only reason you won game 1 was because of rebouding but now with Haslem back we have that one guy who will fight for the ball and thats when he gets it and we run our fastbreaks no one can stop it.

Basically you have to outrebound by like 20+ for you to win any game seeing how thats what happened in game 1.

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kevin 0126

miami heat nig

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i bet they lose


edit: pussy

Edited by D2~

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How does my dick taste?

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I've become a Miami Heat fan :blush:

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and now the heat are shittin on the mavs :D

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That is illegal in basketball now. (Mj running into the lane)

Not the dunk itself, but now you can't cross the free-throw line extended/enter the 3 point arch until it hits the rim if you're not on one of the block initially. (at least in high school)

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Lord Ximar




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Watching basketball is boringg i'd rather play it

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