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Building muscle

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To be honest you just need to keep a high protein diet up making sure that you have protein shakes before and after a gym work out and making sure you go to the gym regular don't do it half hearted where you go twice a week and you feel that you've done something make sure you maintain the work out for about 1 hour - 1 hour and a half.


As most people say No pain no gain, so if you don't feel your muscles ache after a workout then your doing it wrong, and if you feel the wrong muscles ache during a work out then your doing it wrong yet again. Make sure you don't strain yourself when at the gym i personally check my limites at times to see how much i can lift and push/pull, knowing your limit is a good way of indicate your progression when working out. Checking your limit once a week or twice a month is a good way of seeing how you've progressed during your time at the gym.


If you are aiming for muscle, do a lower quantity per rep but a higher weight, if you want defintion then do a higher quantity per rep but a lower weight. This simply means that if your limit is 63kg bench press then if you want to get muscle you will have do 56x7-10 and do 3 reps. If you wanted definition you would do 49x10-15 and do 5 reps.


A very useful website on some of the things you might want to do at the gym, simply on the part of the body you want to work out and it will give you a dozen different ways of getting those muscles.




Have fun.

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If the bar aint bendin, you pretendin...

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Take a protein shake with milk after your work out, Eat 5/6 times a day, Try to eat 3 steaks a week because its very high on protein.

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Zero Fear1

Take a protein shake with milk after your work out, Eat 5/6 times a day, Try to eat 3 steaks a week because its very high on protein.




Steaks? You do know those don't digest fast at all, right (many other healthier ways to get that protein, because that shit will sit in your stomach for too long)? If you eat like you preach you must be a big fucking boy.

Edited by Zero Fear1

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Take a protein shake with milk after your work out, Eat 5/6 times a day, Try to eat 3 steaks a week because its very high on protein.




Steaks? You do know those don't digest fast at all, right (many other healthier ways to get that protein, because that shit will sit in your stomach for too long)? If you eat like you preach you must be a big fucking boy.

I eat steak 4-5 times a week and I'm pretty jacked(hate to toot my own horn) but yea, steak has a ton of protein.

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Zero Fear1

Take a protein shake with milk after your work out, Eat 5/6 times a day, Try to eat 3 steaks a week because its very high on protein.




Steaks? You do know those don't digest fast at all, right (many other healthier ways to get that protein, because that shit will sit in your stomach for too long)? If you eat like you preach you must be a big fucking boy.

I eat steak 4-5 times a week and I'm pretty jacked(hate to toot my own horn) but yea, steak has a ton of protein.



Good for you man, still doesn't mean it digests very well, but whatever works broski.

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And taking Protein shakes isn't that important if you already have a high protein diet. I don't know why these amateurs act like its some kind of magical steroid that jacks you up right away.

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And taking Protein shakes isn't that important if you already have a high protein diet. I don't know why these amateurs act like its some kind of magical steroid that jacks you up right away.

Agreed, protein shakes don't even build muscle. They just rebuild the muscle that you lost from your workout, which allows you to work out again sooner.

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When bulking you want to eat 500 calories above your daily caloric intake. Heres a calculator that can help you http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/macronutcal.htm


Bulking: In order to gain muscle you need to eat 500 calories above your daily maintance level, this will enable you to gain about 1lb a week. You dont need to gain anymore than that a week as it will just be fat your gaining. (first couple months you will experience noob gains..this will slow down after a while).


I think for you figuring out what you're going to be doing as far as exercises go you're all good. So here are foods you'd want to be eating.




Whole wheat bread

Brown Rice







Red meat (high in that so dont eat it to often)



Those foods are ideal for muscle building, try eating around 5-6 meals throughout the day, try to keep the bulking clean aswell, you don't want to massgain unless you want to work even harder to cut off all the fat you gained while you bulked. As for supplements, 2 shakes of whey protein a day will be enough. Look for gold standard whey, thats a good one


Edit: Heres a beginners workout schedule





Bench press 3x10

Incline Bench press 3x10


Dips/Bench dips






Pull up

Barbell Row


Barbell curl







Leg press

Leg curls

Leg extentions

Shoulder press


That gives you a good starting workout routine, as you go, you do more research and ultimately do what works best for you and what gives you results

This is really good you should follow it.

If you want to make your muscles bulge I suggest you take creatine since it puts water in your muscles making look bigger.

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I hurd this is gr8 for muscle building



:wub: Lolerkitty

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Matrix 4312

For building muscle you want to work out for a day and then take a break for a day. When you build muscle your muscles are literally taring apart so you need to give them a day to heal. You can do cardio all you want.

That's not entirely true. If you set up your training regiment to do certain muscles one day, and the next do other weights that don't include those muscles, then your fine.

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For building muscle you want to work out for a day and then take a break for a day. When you build muscle your muscles are literally taring apart so you need to give them a day to heal. You can do cardio all you want.



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N 6 7

used to work out daily, gaining fat nowdays.

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p90x is crazy and i recommend everyone do it to get in crazy shape

Edited by ymcmb

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Eop Cronic

What does Talia think of this bud?

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