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RoT's first Barrager

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very nice, time to change your name to something retarded so no one can find you ;)


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Wow grats, how much did it end up costing you? Did you alch the whole way?


It cost me alot less up until 85. I got in touch with one of the top Smither's who was rushing 99. Nats were 300 each, so I was buying like 1k addy plates at a time off him for alch price - 300 (7380k). I basically sat there bored out of my mind, but got free mage exp. Anything he made I alched for cost - 300. After he got 99 and I was forced to only buy bows etc, prices were fluctuating and I'd lose anywhere from 75-150 per alch. Sadly people are shitheads and it's getting more and more expensive due to bow costs. I did do about 4k bursts mainly for some HP exp on the side and alching breaks.


Alching i'd say I spent about 10m total (115k alchs or so)

1m per 1k bursts


You would be incredibly lucky to get yew longs for 650 each (you not doing any fletching) + 250 for a nature rune. 900 - 768 = 132 loss an alch.


10m isn't really that bad for 94 mage, addy plates is smart I never thought of that, & yea alchs are so stupidly expensive now I've been searching for some other method but anything else just feels really time consuming.


Anyways, grats :) was smart to get it out of the way early


Back in the day i got 99 craft and basically free 99 mage by alching green d'hide bodys :P


OT: Grats deathfed, and thanks for the decent explanation about everything :]

Edited by Jimmy

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very nice, time to change your name to something retarded so no one can find you ;)



good effort m8

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damn. very nice. grats

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very nice, time to change your name to something retarded so no one can find you ;)



good effort m8


thanks, you too!

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Good job getting it

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Gz man, absolute beast.

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Damn gratz. 94 Mage is a bitch to get.

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aw shit son nice

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Very nicely done man

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