Bearcub Report post Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) As simple as it gets, post your opinion on the following clans, positive or negative you won't be judged. Di: Vr: EoS: Df: TT: Gen: Ph: Feel free to add any i might have missed. idc if u didnt read lol Edited June 28, 2013 by Bearcub Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
KC4 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Could probably be alot better if they had some decent callers Vr: shit Couldn't care about the rest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
EoMeri Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: will do better when kaochinx/geezer get ranked probs Vr: were inactive for few weeks but picking up activity EoS: bad leadership but really active Df: okay TT: idk if they alive they never do nething Gen: worst clan ive seen since tr died Ph: i like em but they dont have many members n arent rly relevant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Cody^ Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Claim wins when they lose and can only 1v3 us shit clan Vr: Also shit cant 1v1 anyone Eos: Active but horrible ranks Df: Suck even more then di they cant last 5 mins in f2p TT: Dead as fuck Gen: Bad PH: bad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Mfw Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Give us fights (jk not rly) but don't really stand a chance unless 3v1 Vr: LOL jokes EoS: Read above Df: Get used by VR/DI TT: ? Gen: Numbers but can't win fights Ph: ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Harry Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Have numbers and a constant stream of recruits but are literally awful at everything else. Vr: Bad, always have been always will be. Plus they don't even have decent callers any more who were the only reason they were able to compete. EoS: Some decent callers but small ML and very GMT based now Df: Make up for the fact that they all like cock by being pussys in and out of game TT: Low pulls/combats not really worth mentioning much Gen: Active which is good Ph: Also active which is good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Flemingo Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Overly inflated ego for a clan with no results Vr: Dont really have an opinion on them EoS: They seem to have more balls than DI/VR/DF even though they only pull 90 opts Df: Seems like they dont know what they're doing TT: Idk Gen: Idk Ph: Idk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
huntero0o Report post Posted June 28, 2013 DI: Gonna rise up and be better once they get on the feet Vr: Good clan overall but there ranks are a disgrace (in 2013 anyway) Df: Seem to be the new RSD TT: dead and gone Gen: Minions... PH: Open CC Fools/Cheer up: That Eorumimisdmim guy killed them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Scotty Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Lots of inner-clan drama. Have numbers but lack organization/member for member quality. Vr: Irrelevant since the release of 2007 EoS: Community has been torn between other games and RS for ages. Have the potential to do well in RS07 though. Df: They have a good community from what I can see. They're ok in F2P, but nothing to write home about. TT: - Gen: - Ph: - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
shots Report post Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) Di: Gaining some sort of structure in terms of callers now, still lack the organisation overall to do well in fights that are even numbers/ in their favour Vr: Been quiet the last month and a half (if not longer don't pay much attention to them), EoS: They have good members that know what they are doing (in f2p anyway), weak leadership holds them back and low numbers too. Df: Not sure what they think they can achieve by being the meat shields in their alliance since they are so weak, will only harm them. TT: Not a factor since they have like 25 people (?) Gen: Unorganised fools Ph: Unorganised bad retards Edited June 28, 2013 by Gun Sh0ts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Rob56 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Was once considered by many to have the highest standards for clanning, the remake is nothing but a second rate clan full of glory hunters/retards and their "standards" were thrown out of the window. Has never given us a run for our money 1v1 without teaming with other clans. Vr: Shit clan, terrible member quality, pretty much sums it up really. They have inflated egos yet are too pussy to fight us without having their allies holding their hands. EoS: Seems to be an ok clan but has some spastic ranks. Df: ^ TT: Are they even alive/do they pk? Haven't seen them. Gen: No opinion really, just a lower tier clan. Ph: ^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Villiska Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Damage Incorperated A lot of people joining, a lot of people leaving. They don't have dedicated members who are willing to fight until they get a win nor do their leadership care to force them to excel. They're going to constantly give 3 hour fights with the first hour being a challenge then the rest being a slaughter because their members have no chemistry between each other and it's a mass recruited pit of glory hunters. Echo of Silence Probably the best quality out of the lower number memberlist clans. They do what they want and they don't care what other clans think about them. I think they'd do a lot better if they set their goals towards one thing rather than just fight whatever is available, but for now they hold the title as the best mid sized clan for sure. Divine Forces Would do a hell of a lot better if their leadership grew a nutsack. They have a good community with a lot of member chemistry who are willing to actually stay for fights, but their leadership always ends up siding with the wrong people. Hopefully they stray away from VR before their members get upset about it and start their own solo campaign to fight clans. They'd be #2-3 if they stuck to themselves with a bright future ahead of them. The Titans Always going to like The Titans from past history of them being mates. They aren't really relevant in terms of competing for rank spots anymore, but they're still a friendly face to see in the wild killing off morons. I highly doubt they'll bring anything back and start competing again, but I can't see them closing any time soon since their community is so tight knit. Genesis Honestly don't know shit about this clan apart from they have some dick size fight with Pure Hatred. I have seen their pulls though and they'd make mid sized clanning a lot more interesting if they squashed their beef with PH and started to give EoS/Df/Vr some fights. Pure Hatred Looks like their Memberlist is getting smaller as the time goes on and they're becoming a bit less relevant compared to their rivals Genesis. If they just squashed the beef with them I think they'd do well in the mid sized clanning. Violent Resolution Honestly the only clan I have nothing really good to say about. They're extremely cocky for absolutely no reason because their pulls are awful in comparison to their memberlist size and they have done shit all so far in the clan world. I do look forward to whatever dick riding they have planned to do with DI so our fights get a bit more interesting, but in terms of Violent Resolution ever being at a competitive level again is way out of the question at this point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Aceman Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: The new RSD, cannot take a loss and will not admit anyone is better than them. Vr: Still just numbers and officials trying to boost morale by having themself on ts multiple times (check logs, done it before lol) EoS: Respect them more than I used to. They're picking up and doing reasonable Df: Much better off before True got leader. True is very rash and his own members complain about the abuse he gives on them. Apparently it's like how Lucas would rage suspend people TT: Biding their time? I hope to see them make an appearance in the top but it seems they may be progressing towards how Gladz and "The" are Gen: Won't break top 3 Ph: Meh, they won't break top 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
StarScream Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Garbage Vr: Super Garbage EoS: eh they ok Df: EH TT: Pretty good Gen: not bad Ph: They ight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
erik Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Di: Reminds me of the lithuanians in BH that would come out at like 3-4AM EST and would just die constantly for full bank every time. Needs to recruit more (because it's the only way they'll come near beating us).Vr: I don't care about them mainly because they're just dead/irrelevant.EoS: I don't care about them either. Ell01 is currently bringing their clan down with his bad calling. Once they kick them, they'll be better.Df: Just faggots.TT: Yeah dude tribot.orgGen: IDCPh: IDC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0